Saint Francis Xavier Church

The architectural design of the church is Gothic: thus the renovation and restoration of the church is in the Gothic style. All furnishings have been designed to follow this theme by the use of the Gothic style altar, crucifix, pews, pulpit, stained glass windows, and tabernacle. The church seats 275 people.

ENTRANCEWAY: As you approach the main doors of the church, you will notice the entrance plaza in the center of which stands a marble statue of Saint Francis Xavier, the patron of this church.

As you proceed through the main archway, a carved stature of the Blessed Virgin Mary greets all visitors. To your right is a room for coats; to your left is a stairway and/or elevator to the lower level of the building where there are classrooms, restrooms and a kitchen.

GATHERING SPACE. As you enter the Church through the glass doors, you will be in the “Gathering Space”. You immediately see the marble Baptismal Font designed by and constructed by Joseph Bast. a member of the Parish.

Above the Baptismal Font is a wood carving of the Holy Family. Near the Font are live trees and plants symbolizing the life which comes to us from the living waters of Baptism. Near the font is a large display case containing various pieces of precious art, artifacts from the original church and various items of worship.

To your left is seating as well as a reliquary containing part of the remains of St. Francis Xavier. The reliquary was originally the baptismal font used in the church. It has been renovated to house the relique and a statue of St. Francis Xavier, the patron of our parish.





To your right is the ambry containing the Holy Oils, used in the administration of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Anointing of the Sick. Above the ambry is a carved statue of the Risen Lord. In the center of the Gathering Space is the entrance into the church.

The Gathering Space is provided with speakers from the main body of the church for overflow at large ceremonies and to serve as a cry room for parishioners with very small children. The Gathering Space also serves as a chapel for calling-hours on the occasion of the death of a parishioner; and as an interment chapel for burials from other parishes.

NAVE: As you pass through the glass doors and enter the main body of the church, 16 stained glass windows grace the outside walls of the structure. These windows depict various saints related to the life of the Church. 36 new pews designed in the fashion of the original pews have been installed in the Church.

On the wall-space between the windows are the Stations of the Cross and the consecration candles. The Stations are over 80 years old, and still retain much of the original paint. In some of the Stations, tears can be seen in the eyes of those depicted in the particular scene.

Behind you above the glass doors separating the Gathering Space from the nave, are the organ speakers and organ pipes. On the rear wall of what was the original church is an original painting of the “Pantocrator”. The Pantocrator is an early image of the All Powerful Christ Enthroned in Heaven. The image of Christ is flanked by two angels who serve Him.

To your left in the nave is the Reconciliation Room. The Reconciliation Room is adorned with a beautiful Crucifix to remind of Jesus’ love for sinful humanity. On the wall near the Reconciliation Room is a wood carving of “Our Lady of Perpetual Help”. The carving was designed by the Demetz studio of Ortise, Italy. To your right is an area to be used by the Parish Music Ministry. This space has been designed for the organ, the keyboard and the choir.

Adorning the Sanctuary is a Spanish Crucifix carved in Maple wood.

The cararra marble altar has been restored to its original design as it was in the original church. Mosaics, designed in Italy, have been added to the front of the altar. The pulpit is made of cararra marble and mosaics imported from Italy. Directly behind the altar (located in the former entrance to the church) is a new altar and tabernacle. The tabernacle has been designed in the Gothic style and was commissioned in Spain.

Above the Tabernacle are two stained glass windows. The statues of Mary and Joseph from the original church adorn the Sanctuary.

STAINED GLASS WINDOWS: The windows, designed by Radiant Art Company, depict various saints canonized by the Church. The large window above the tabernacle depicts the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Saint Francis Xavier, the patron of this church, Saint Peter the first Bishop of Rome and Saint Paul the greatest preacher and missionary the Church has ever known.

Below the center window is a small window with a Eucharistic theme.


SAINTS OF AMERICA: On the right side of the Sanctuary, is a window dedicated to the Saints of America. Saint John Newman, the first bishop of Philadelphia who instituted 40 Hours Devotion; Saint Francis Cabrini – a noted sister who served the poor and sick immigrants to America; Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton – a convert who was instrumental in establishing the Catholic School System in America, and who established the Sisters of Charity; and Saint Katheri Tekuitha a noted Indian convert. Beside the window dedicated to American Saints is a window dedicated to modern Saints who had an impact on the life of the Church and on the priesthood.

MODERN SAINTS: Saint John Vianney, “the Cure of Ars” is the patron Saint of priests. Saint Pope Pius X was deeply devoted to the Eucharist. He reformed the Liturgy, encouraged frequent reception of Holy Communion, and lowered the age for the reception of First Communion to 7. Saint Padre Pio was canonized by Pope John Paul II in July of 2002. He was loved by people from all over the world, he suffered the “stigmata” and had the gift of bi-location ( he was seen on the battle fields of World War II and at the same time was seen in his monastery in Italy. Blessed Pope John XXIII convened the Second Vatican Council, which brought the Church into the 21st century.

ANCESTORS OF CHRIST: On the left side of the Sanctuary is a window dedicated to the ancestors of Christ. Mary and Joseph adorn the top section of the window. King David, one of three great kings of Israel and Moses, who led the Israelites out of Egypt, are honored on the lower half of the window.

FOUR EVANGELISTS: Beside the window dedicated to the Ancestors of Christ and near the pulpit is the window of the “Four Evangelists” - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

The windows along the sides of the church are the original windows of the church. A window has been added at each side of the new section.




The window on the left depicts two great saints of England – Saint Thomas More and Saint John Fisher. Both of these men remained faithful to the Church of Rome when all of England left the Church under King Henry VIII. Thomas More was the Lord Chancellor of England, and John Fisher was the only bishop of England who refused to compromise belief in the pope as the Vicar of Christ.






On the other side of the church near the choir area is a window depicting St. Cecelia - the patron Saint of music and Saint Maria Goretti – the patron Saint of youth.

COLUMBARIUM: On the outside wall of the “Gathering Space” facing the cemetery, are the columbarium. In each section there are 32 crypts. Engraved plaques will bear the names of the deceased who are inurned.

Page last edited: July 26, 2005

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