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A Bi-Cycling Dandy Excuse For
Getting Hibernated In January!

New Year's Day at 12:00 noon.

Here is a picture from the first ABCDEFGHIJ! Bike Ride:

photo of bike riders at ABC 1977 ride

Copyright Tom DeLombard 1977.

If you would like to see a full picture of the thirteen riders on the first ABCDEFGHIJ! ride, check out this picture!

Group picture at the start of the 33rd annual ABCDEFGHIJ! In 2009.

The group picture shows more than half of the riders just before they took off on the 33rd annual ABCDEFGHIJ! on January 1, 2009. You have to get there on time to get in the picture! The other picture is some riders I caught passing the Stop-N-Go store just when I got there.

There were about 50 riders for the ABCDEFGHIJ! on January 1, 2009 for a sunny and dry ride on a beautiful day. Most of the riders did the full 24 mile route with a few doing the 12 mile route. The temperature started in the mid-20's and stayed there for the afternoon. A bit chilly going south against the breeze, but it was nice coming back. A good time was had by all!

Click these pictures to get a larger version.
Copyright Richard DeLombard 2009.

photo of bike riders at ABC 2009 ride

photo of bike riders on the road at ABC 2009 ride

And here is a wonderful ABC 2009 multimedia slide show by Rob McGarr.
Medina Multimedia logo

Here is a group picture showing over half of the riders just before they took off on the 31st annual ABCDEFGHIJ! on January 1, 2007.

There were 105 riders for the ABCDEFGHIJ! on January 1, 2007 for a 24 mile cloudy and a bit of rain type of day. The temperature started in the mid-40's but dropped to around freezing by 3:00 pm when a light snow was seen gently falling - but after all riders were done. A good time was had by all!

photo of bike riders at abc 2007 ride

Click the picture to get a larger version.
Copyright Richard DeLombard 2007.

Here is a group picture showing around half of the riders just before they took off on the 30th annual ABCDEFGHIJ! on January 1, 2006

There were 120 riders for the ABCDEFGHIJ! on January 1, 2006 for a 24 mile cloudy but dry and not-so-cold day. The temperature got into the low-40's and the roads were dry. A good time was had by all!

Click the picture to get a larger version.
Copyright Richard DeLombard 2006.

Here is a group picture showing most of the riders just before they took off on the 29th annual ABCDEFGHIJ! on January 1, 2005

There were 131 riders for the ABCDEFGHIJ! on January 1, 2005 for a 24 mile sunny and warm day. The temperature got into the mid-40's and the roads were basically dry - except for flooding on Chippewa Lake Road due to the massive snow melt. A good time was had by all! Riders coming the furthest were from West Virginia and the Cincinnati area.

Click the picture to get a larger version.
Copyright Bob Iden 2005.

Here is a group picture of about half the riders just before they took off on ABCDEFGHIJ! 2004

Click the picture to get a larger version.
Copyright Richard DeLombard 2004.

Here is a group picture just before the riders took off on ABCDEFGHIJ! 2003

Copyright Richard DeLombard 2003.

Here are some pictures from ABCDEFGHIJ! 2002

Copyright Lou Vetter 2002.

Copyright Lou Vetter 2002.

Copyright Lou Vetter 2002.

Copyright Lou Vetter 2002.

Copyright Lou Vetter 2002.

Here is a picture of many of the 150 ABCDEFGHIJ! riders for New Year's Day 2000:

Copyright Richard DeLombard.

Here is a capsule history of ABCDEFGHIJ! from 1977 to the present. This lists the year, city, number of riders, and the day's temperature.


This is a free ride of 24, 12 or 3 miles on New Year's Day. A map is provided, but NO other services are provided. NO sag wagon, NO snack stops, NO closed course, NO first aid cars, NO food. Get the idea? Then come prepared! The route does go through a couple of cities where food may be purchased if you need it. If you are a glutton for punishment, there is a MickyD's along the route. Personalized participation certificates are available at the end of the ride for 25 cents. Donations up to 50 cents are cheerfully accepted for this ride.

Optional personalized participation certificates will be available for 25 cents after the ride at the South Court Stop-N-Go. Your name will be inscribed by hand on the certificate as you watch.

Dress for the weather that day! Be prepared for sudden changes in the weather! Check the weather forecast for Akron.

Attendance is usually between 50 and 200 depending on the weather. You will be riding on public roads that day and there is no liability at all assumed by me, the Medina County Bicycle Club, its officers, nor any person assisting with this ride. Be prepared, ride safely, and enjoy the day.

This ride is sponsored by the Medina County Bicycle Club of Medina, Ohio and departs from the Medina Public Square at 12:00 noon.

For additional information, send a SASE to Medina County Bicycle Club, P.O. Box 844, Medina, Ohio 44256. You could also call Dick (not too late or early in the day please!) at 419-433-8353. Don't try to call me on New Year's morning because I won't be there! I will be out getting ready for the ride!


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This page was last updated on June 21, 2009
using an Apple Macintosh computer, MS Word, Fetch, and Safari.

Apple Computer