Most kids most of the time make what can be called OK choices. But all kids make some choices that are seen as OD (in the sense of the words overdone or an overdose). Some kids seem to make OD choices far too much of the time, and some make horrendous choices now and then -- as several recent tragedies suggest.

You can help kids build character and develop fundamental patterns of choices that both you AND they appreciate better by exploring with them how they might STOP, THINK, and CHOOSE in more effective ways.

Why do kids need STOP-THINK-CHOOSE?

Most kids see themselves as powerless, believing that all the choices in their lives are made by adults. Certainly, questions like whether or not they will attend school, which school they will go to, what contact they will have with their relatives, and where their family lives are not up to them. Many kids take in those realities and dismiss the hundreds or thousands of opportunities they have every day to make positive interactive- and self-choices.

The STOP-THINK-CHOOSE program helps children understand how they make choices and improve their range of choices. The program is based on the concepts of Choice Awareness, a systematic way of viewing choices and seeing how people of all ages might make them more effectively. STOP-THINK-CHOOSE introduces five CREST Choices, Caring, Ruling, Enjoying, Sorrowing, and Thinking/Working, and promotes skill development in the use of those choices.

Currently, the STOP-THINK-CHOOSE program for kids consists of four novels, each containing a Choice Awareness supplement designed to promote better choosing in fundamental ways. The two novels for elementary school-aged children are entitled IN THE LAND OF CHOICE and THE MAGIC OF CHOICE. The two novels for middle schoolers are entitled THE INCIDENT AT CRYSTAL LAKE and TRAVIS AND TRISH.

All four of these novels and the activities and key concepts they present may be explored by parents, teachers, or counselors with children in groups, or with individual children. Alternatively, the middle school novels may be read and the choice-making skills explored by good readers on their own.

To get a deeper sense of what STOP-THINK-CHOOSE is all about, please review the List of Publications, peruse the Choice Awareness concepts, and explore the five CREST Choices. Then click on Ordering Information to obtain copies of THE LAND OF CHOICE, THE MAGIC OF CHOICE, THE INCIDENT AT CRYSTAL LAKE and/or TRAVIS AND TRISH so you can help kids grow in choice-making skills.

Note that two other titles in the List of Publications -- Choice Awareness: An innovative guidance process and Working with adolescents: Building effective communication and choice-making skills -- explore the concepts of Choice Awareness and offer suggestions for developing the key concepts with young people, while the other books in the List of Publications should help parents and others develop their own choice-making skills.

SEMINARS: Dick Nelson is available to conduct seminars for parents and school personnel on the STOP-THINK-CHOOSE Program and the fundamentals of Choice Awareness. You can make an e-mail contact via LET'S TALK, or write to him at STOP-THINK-CHOOSE, P. O. Box 2272, West Lafayette, IN 47806.

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Page maintained by Dick Nelson. Last updated September 8, 2010