Dick Nelson is Professor Emeritus of Counseling and Development in the Department of Educational Studies at Purdue University. His teaching assignments included Introduction to School Counseling and the supervision of both the Practicum and the Internship in School Counseling. He also supervised EDPS 302: Adolescents, the Classroom, and the Teacher, and he co-authored the text for that course, Working with Adolescents: Building Effective Communication and Choice-Making Skills (Nelson, Dandeneau, and Schrader, 1994).

Dick has written extensively on Choice Awareness, a system that helps people of all ages gain two basic understandings: that they are making hundreds, even thousands, of choices daily, and that it may be possible for them to make choices that serve them better and help their relationships with others at the same time. The List of Publications presents Dick's eight books that are based on the Choice Awareness system.

Dick designed STOP-THINK-CHOOSE as a program especially to help young people build their choice-making skills. The program uses novels, discussion, and activities to help children understand that they are making choices all the time, and that they can improve their own lives by making more effective choices.

For more about Dick himself, click on the more-than-you-want-to-know link that follows the kernel of philosophy Dick wants to share with you and others:

What I say I choose to say; what I do I choose to do; what I am I choose to be.

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