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Interested in a program designed to help executives, employees, kids, women and men, seniors, or other particular groups grow in choice-making skills? Interested in empowering people of whatever age or station in life to make more effective, more responsible choices that they themselves like and appreciate? Review the comments below, peruse relevant links in our web page, then contact us and let us know what you have in mind: the type of audience you envision, your chief hopes for the program, and the design you are considering — a two hour presentation, a day-long workshop, or a seminar over five half-days, etc.

E-mail us —
or write to:

Dr. Richard C. Nelson
NELSON Communications
P. O. Box 2272
West Lafayette IN 47906.

Fees vary for nonprofit and profit-making enterprises.

Not long ago Dr. Nelson conducted a CHOICE AWARENESS/STOP THINK CHOOSE workshop for Purdue University library staff members. Participants were asked to assess presenter understanding, style, and preparation, the content of the workshop, and whether they would recommend the workshop to others. All assessment items were stated in positive terms.

Overall, participants gave the program and the presenter a 4.4 rating on a 5-point Likert scale; such a rating is considered very strong especially in view of the fact that participants had to attend several programs from among those offered. A few sample participant comments follow:

Participants were asked how they might apply the skills learned in the work setting.

Participant #1 responded: "State what you mean. Try to remain positive, as often as possible. Become an initiator."

Participant #2: "I can change me and not others!"

Participant #3 in a note to the organizer: "Thanks so much for giving us the opportunity to hear such a wonderful speaker/teacher! I completely enjoyed it and the time went far to (sic) fast."

Participant #4: "Facilitator has a great sense of humor which caused [the group] to be put at ease —> more interaction." (Arrow is presumed to signify — and led to)

The organizer made a personal comment: "I can honestly tell you it has had a positive effect on a relationship that I've been working on improving."

And the organizer summarized the feedback from the participants as "overwhelmingly satisfied."

YOUR people could benefit from a Choice Awareness workshop, since they, like most others, are not likely to have learned to make the kinds of choices that do you and them the most good. Use one of the avenues suggested above and make your contact today.

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Stop Think Choose for Executives, Employees, Kids, Women and Men, Seniors
This page is maintained by Dick Nelson; Last updated August 24, 2010