We could solve many of our own problems — and lots of the world's — if all of us would STOP, THINK, and then CHOOSE our words and actions.  Daily, and in numerous ways, all of us are inclined to deny responsibility for what we say and do, in large part because we don't fully and deeply understand that our words and actions are choices that we make.

When kids say things like, "He made me do it," "It wasn't my fault," "I couldn't help it," it drives grownups up the wall. But the truth is that young people tend to model the behavior of those around them. Adults, too, say such things as: "You leave me no other choice," "I was only following orders," "I was in a bad mood," "That's just the way I am." The language adults use may be more sophisticated, but they, too, often deny responsibility for their behaviors.

The purpose of STOP-THINK-CHOOSE is to help people become aware that they are making choices all the time both inside themselves and in interactions with others, and to show them how they might make choices that may better meet their needs and improve their interactions with others. Through this web page you can explore STOP-THINK-CHOOSE concepts and the Choice Awareness ideas behind them, and obtain books that are designed to help kids and adults in all walks of life to explore their choices and build choice-making skills.

CHOICE AWARENESS is the model on which the STOP-THINK-CHOOSE Program is based.

Use this link for an overview of an abbreviated list of concepts that are designed to help people of all ages explore how they have been making choices, and begin to learn how they might make choices that are more effective, both from their own point of view, and from the points of view of others.  See below for book titled:  Choice Awareness: A Counseling Theory.

CREST Choices are five basic choices we all have available to us in nearly every waking moment.

Use this link to explore in some detail CREST choices — Caring, Ruling, Enjoying, Sorrowing, and Thinking/Working — our five basic options. Each of these choices may be made in what we call OK or OD ways. OK CREST choices range widely and form the positive end of a continuum, including such welcome choices as hugs and compliments from friends and relatives, and such minimal maintenance choices as giving direct answers to informational questions. OD CREST choices also range widely, but are at the negative end of the continuum of choices; they can be as mildly negative, as not responding to a question, or they may involve active, hostile words or actions.  See below for book titled:  On the CREST:  Growing through Effective Choices.

LET'S TALK: Your E-mail Page is just what it sounds like — an e-mail page for your use.

You are invited to ask questions and respond to anything you see on this web page. We want this to grow and develop as a vehicle for communication about choices.

SEMINARS is a brief explanation of the options for scheduling seminars and workshops on Choice Awareness and the STOP-THINK-CHOOSE Program.

BOOKS. Six books in print explore the concepts of Choice Awareness and the STOP-THINK-CHOOSE Program.


The two books described below are novels that may be used as read-aloud books by parents/guardians or by teachers, counselors, or other group leaders, but children may also read them individually. A supplement for each chapter in each of the books develops a key STOP-THINK-CHOOSE idea through discussion and activities. These books include Take-Home Pages that contain activities parents/guardians and children can enjoy together while gaining together in choice-making skills.

In the Land of Choice tells of the adventures of twins, Tammy and Tommy, in a very special land.

Use this link for an introduction to the book, plus a sample chapter and its supplement. Tammy and Tommy meet a unique character named Choosy Chicken who guides them through the Land of Choice Zoo, the Village of Decision, and the CREST Mountains — in what may or may not be a dream. The twins meet many strange characters and have remarkable experiences along the way. Problems crop up whenever the twins make unwise choices, but matters improve whenever they STOP, THINK, and CHOOSE.  Think of this book and the following as offering fun and painless way of exploring choices.

The Magic of Choice also involves Tammy and Tommy, this time in very real-world adventures, involving the loss of a valuable keepsake.

This link provides an introduction to the book, and offers a sample chapter and its supplement. The twins share with their Uncle Fred and Aunt Liz what they learned about making choices during their experiences In the Land of Choice. In response their aunt and uncle give the twins special rings and tell them that whatever they really work on when they wear their rings will turn out well. When someone takes Tommy's ring while he is swimming, the twins try every strategy they can think of to get the ring back.  Eventually they decide it may help them solve the immediate problems if they STOP, THINK, and then CHOOSE.


The two books described below are novels that may be read by children individually, or used as read-aloud books by parents/guardians or by teachers, counselors, or other group leaders. A supplement for each chapter in each of the books develops a key STOP-THINK-CHOOSE idea through discussion and activities.

The Incident at Crystal Lake is a STOP-THINK-CHOOSE adventure story and mystery.

This link provides an introduction to the book, and offers a sample chapter and its supplement. When Mrs. Stephens, the counselor at Walton Middle School, forms a group of peer helpers and encourages them to go Beyond the Call to help their classmates, she gets more than she bargained for.  Jennifer Long, a sixth grader with a wonderful imagination, tells Kenneth Sugihara and Candace Walton that she is certain her older cousin is plotting the death of her aunt.  The two eighth graders try to find another explanation, to no avail. Against a backdrop of the beginning of school and Mrs. Stephens' training the peer helpers to assist their schoolmates, the three middle schoolers and Candace's friend Marvis attempt to thwart the plan.

Travis and Trish is a STOP-THINK-CHOOSE adventure story with an alcohol-abuse theme.

This link provides an introduction to the book, and offers a sample chapter and its supplement. Two eighth grade peer helpers, Ramon Ramirez and Marvis Warden, take on the task of assisting a brother and sister pair who have friendship problems.  Trish, the older sister, creates problems for herself by using wine to help her forget her troubles.  Travis's life is complicated by his father's disappointment that he isn't an athlete, but his story takes a positive turn when he seizes upon an idea for organizing special Friday night drug- and alcohol-free activities for Walton students. Woven in with the story is an exploration of the skill training Ramon and Marvis receive for talking with and helping others.

CHOICE AWARENESS: A Counseling Theory suggests how counselors, psychologists, and other professionals might incorporate the STOP-THINK-CHOOSE ideas and Choice Awareness concepts in their work with clients of all ages.

On the CREST: Growing through Effective Choices explores the concepts of Choice Awareness in a form that serves as a self-help guide, an aid in counseling, and a group process guide, offering help — "for the rest of us."

Ordering Information is available for all of the books listed above..

Stop Think Choose Homepage | List of Publications | Ordering Information

This page maintained by Dick Nelson; Last Updated February 1, 2011