Unneeded Services to Manual

By clicking Unneeded Services to Manual you will accomplish the following steps:

  • Click Start button
  • Click Run
  • Type services.msc (to sort by service type)
  • Click Start up Type
  • Double-Click on specific Service
  • Click Manual
  • Click Apply
  • Repeat as needed using the list of Services below

NOTE: Always remember to set the service to MANUAL, never disable it. This is so whenever Windows needs to start the service it can easily start and use it. If you set any of these services to DISABLED, Windows will not be able to start the service and this can cause System Errors.

Unnecessary Services List:

  • Distribute Link Tracking Client
  • Error Reporting Service (this will stop asking you to send/don’t send for error reports)
  • Fast User Switching
  • Indexing Service
  • Remote Registry
  • Secondary Logon
  • TCP/IP NetBios Helped

Reboot Customers PC with Log Me In Rescue to reconnect