Set System Restore Point

NOTE: This is a fall-back in case there are negative results due to the PC Tune-up. The computer can be reverted back to a state before the PC Tune-up was performed.

By clicking Set System Restore Point you will accomplish the following:

  • Select Search from the charms bar by moving the mouse all the way to the upper-right of the screen.
  • Type System Protection in the search box.
  • Click Settings.
  • Click Create a Restore Point.
  • Click on their Primary Disk. Usually C:
  • Click Create. (If system restore is not active on the PC, turn it on with the customer’s permission. If they push-back on turning it on, try to convince them to allow us to have it on and functioning for a week, just as a fall-back in case there are negative results due to the PC Tune-up.)
  • Name the Restore Point appropriately such as "Before Tune-Up".
  • Click Create.