Hoquiam River RV Park

Hoquiam, WA

October 25-28, 2007



Noah's Ark

NOTE: If you have additional information or corrections for any of these pictures or captions, please send information to the club webmaster (click here). Be sure to include a complete description of the page, the picture, and the caption or the suggested correction to be made. Also, please send any additional pictures that you might have for this outing.


Smitty brought apples all the way from Brewster, WA. Larry N, Richard "Smitty" S, Ivy S, Bob G,

Shirley G, Terry R


Welcome To Noah's Ark


Mr & Mrs Noah (Jerry & Michele K) welcome all

the animals to "The Ark" (otherwise known as the

club room) on Saturday afternoon


Here's the menagerie that showed up on board The Ark!
Front row: Michele K, Jerry K, Judie R, Joe R, Bonnie T
Back row: Shirley G, Frank G, Bob G, Dianne G,

Terry D, Judy D, Jan S, Dale A, Pauline A, Chris S,

David S, John T, Carolyn T, Chuck T


Star of the animal show were "The Slowsky" Turtles (Bob & Shirley G)


Wherever you go, the bugs are soon to follow.
These Lady Bugs (Chuck & Carolyn T)
were right there to "bug us"!


Another pair of Lady Bugs were soon
on board (Frank & Dianne G)!

The cats were soon to follow as these Leopards complete with tails came aboard (Dale & Pauline A)!


More cats were quick to follow (Joe & Judie R)!


Here's an odd pair as a cat and a rabbit came
 on board (Terry & Judy D)!


This pair of Penguins also came aboard

(David & Chris S)!


A lone Penguin joined the group (Jan S)!


Last but not least were these Yellow
Chicks (John & Bonnie T)!

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