A few tips to help you catch more fish.

Carry matches
Perfection loop
Practice casting
Zip-lock bag
35 mm film canister
Carry matches

Carry a small candle and waterproof matches wrapped in in a waterproof container in an inside pocket of your vest. You never know when you will need to build a fire to dry out. If you get wet, hypothermia can set in quickly.

Tie-Fast Knot Tyer

Use a Tie-Fast knot tyer to connect leader sections together to taper your leader. It ties a knot that will not slip. There is less bulk than a blood knot and it is stronger. You can also use this tool to tie your leader to your fly line with a nail knot.

Perfection loop

Use a perfection loop to attach a fly to your leader. This allows your fly to swing free for livelier action.

Practice casting

Practice casting at home on the lawn. When you go fishing you can concintrate on fishing and not casting.

Zip-lock bag

Carry a zip-lock bag in your vest or coat pocket to put used leaders and old fishing line in. The whole mess can then be properly disposed of at the end of the day. Don't forget a trash bag for the bigger stuff you pick up during the day.

35 mm film canister

Get your fishing buddies who smoke to carry a 35mm canister for there cigerette butts. They smoke then put them in canister. This way we won't see there cigerette butts swirling in the eddys.

Submitted by "flyman" on 6/26/2000

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