How I converted the music files in Libs FA_4B and FA_4D. 1. Use Libhack to extract files from Libs. 2. Open a project in the Toolkit. 3. Go to Sound --> Misc --> AAC.11K; Save into project 4. In Windows Explorer (or whatever they call it nowadays), pick the music file you wish to convert (i.e. AIR003.11K), rename it AAC.11K, then move AAC.11K into your project folder overwriting the AAC.11K created by the toolkit. 5. In the toolkit, Go to Sound --> Misc --> AAC.11K. 6. Click Hear Sound (the speaker icon). Start playing the file to verify it is the music file you wanted. 7. In the app used to open the sound file (i.e. Sound Recorder), click File and Save As to save your music file as a .WAV. Save as the original sound file name (i.e. AIR003.WAV).