Changing the sounds in FA Part 1

XFI311AB is the 1st main screen
XFI310CA is the 2nd main screen
XFI310CB is the 3rd main screen
XFI107B is Load Ordnance, Number 1
XFI204CA is Load Ordnance, Number 2
XFI310CB is the Load Ordnance, Number 3
To modify these, simply go to import new sounds, select import other sound, and import. Now, after it's imported, go to the item.dat of the Project you're using, and modify the name of whatever you imported to whatever you want to replace, because it never works without some item.dat editing. If you don't understand, I can give you a walkthrough, my ICQ is 122578989. Also, for in-flight background music whenever you press Ctrl+V, it's VALK001.11k. For a LIB of that, go to the LIB section, and download Corneria or Dangerzone. PS, if you find anything else, like 4th main screen or whatever, tell me.

Red Bear