Maverick's Default ABA Tips

First of all go to your desktop, then "My Computer" "Control Panel" "Keyboard" then set the "repeat delay" to "short" then move the bar up on "Repeat rate" to about 60-70%... This will make you chaff and flare much faster so watch out for how long you hold down the botton, because you will run out

Always try to get extra Chaff & Flares on your plane, most of the time it fits nice on the centerline

Always Dump some gas out of your plane... The most you want in a plane is about 75%

Never: load a gun pod, load a pave spike or pave knife, load any kind of guided A2G weapons, load a jammer, load fuel tanks

Only weapons you should ever take for A2A: AiM-120s, AiM-9X, AA-11Bs (my fav), AiM-54, AAM-L, EMP Pluse. Only weapons you should ever take for A2G: 7packs, 6packs, 3packs, RBK-500s, CBU-97Bs

If you get a bomber your only goning to need 10k fuel... If its a TU-26,160 take 20-30K fuel..... Since bomber cant load any A2A load AS-30Ls (B-52,B-1,B-2 take AT-2s) on one of your hard points if you can.... Lock on a plane you wanna kill and wait till you get a 31% lock (fire whenever with AT-2s) to fire..... 2 should do the job but fire 3-4 to be safe (fire all AT-2s)

MiG-17 good base defence??? if its all you got for that kinda job yes! just be sure to load 2 chaff flare pods where the fuel is, and keep your eyes out...

Stay Off the Radar as much as you can! Leave the jammers off too, 'till you hear RWR go crazy, or you have your enemy insight and he se you too.... Do light redar scans and use ir if you have it...

If you get a F-22 Jammers off Radar off... use IR!!! the plane is only stealth if you radar and jammers are off....

If you ever get an X-31 use if as a base finisher... Jammers off Radar off... use IR!!! and never climb above 200 ft 'till your bombs have been droped! once you
finish the base use the 31s speed hunt down the guy that lives there and kill him! Fly as high as you wish...

If you come across an A-6E intruder you think this pos will never make it there... Well thats right dont even try to get it there... Use the A-6E for defence thats right lol. see you can load 12 AIM-120s on that bird enough to take down 2-3 enemy planes...

If you happen to get a super retard, dont load it with bombs load it with 6 AIM-120s and 2 AIM-9Xs another good med-range defence bird

A M-2000 good tank buster holds 8 RBK-500s An E-2000 is about the same.. but alittle more Sab Grippen dont load any chaff, load a 7pack on the centerline and the rest RBKs or CBUs and just ues the chaff you got wise.

F-4B Phantom II. Awsome Bomber! Take mixed load RBK-500s, 7packs, 6packs, 3packs ect... Where the 2 fuel tanks are take 2 chaff flare pods, and they will never touch you!