Pico de Loro Cove is 1 of the 13 amazing coves set amidst 31 kilometers of pristine Batangas coastline - the ideal spot for countless days of adventure, leisure, and relaxation. It is a paragon of pristine forest and aquatic resources, veritable proof of SM Land's commitment to nature preservation, renewable energy and solid waste management.

At Pico de Loro Cove, the coastline is proudly shared with egg-laying Olive Ridley sea turtles and other protected species. Thanks to Hamilo Coast's long-standing partnership with the WWF-Philippines, helping enhance nature while enjoying its bounty has become a priceless possibility at Pico de Loro Cove.

Following a long-term master plan, only 1,800 hectares will be developed into various communities, leaving the rest untouched to allow nature to continually flourish. Working together with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-Philippines), everything is designed to enhance and sustain the natural environment, preserving what's there for generations to come.

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