The beachfront popularly known as STATIONS have gotten more congested over the years. There are more stores, more restaurants and hotels, and more vendors. Except for pathways there is hardly any space left between the structures along the beachfront. If you are looking for a place to eat you may have to walk the entire length of the beach because the restaurants are interspersed with other merchants.

The white sand at your feet is perhaps the allure of walking along the sandy corridor no matter how long it would take to find whatever it is that you are looking for. The water lapping just a few paces away is also quite inviting to make someone go barefoot. It would be so easy to switch walking between the dry sand along the corridor and the slushy wet sand at the water’s edge.

There is going to be a huge contrast to the master-planned Boracay Newcoast where districts are grouped according to their categories. There is the Shophouse District, the Boutique Hotel District, Mixed-use clusters and retail strip with restaurants, cafés, beach clubs and bars.

Where to go? the master-planned Boracay Newcoast or the controlled chaos at the STATIONS? There is no need to choose because the adventurous will always have the option to explore ‘old’ Boracay if ever they get tired with the ‘new’ Boracay.

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