Guided by a partnership with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Costa del Hamilo, Inc. is committed to the low-impact sustainable development of Hamilo Coast. The company strictly follows environmentally responsible construction practices in accordance with the highest international standards. So the raw natural beauty of Hamilo Coast can be enjoyed for generations.

A "true giant clam seeding" was held at Pico de Loro Cove with giant clams brought in from Bolinao, Pangasinan. One hundred Taklobos, as they are locally known, now inhabit their new home off the shore of Pico de Loro Cove. The clams are good for the waters of Hamilo Coast as they provide nurseries for a host of fish and invertebrate species that make up the marine life of Hamilo Coast's pristine waters.

WWF has been measuring the property’s ecological footprint - the amount of resources used in daily operations offset by the land’s capacity for regeneration. Doing this step, Hamilo Coast will be able to manage its impact on the ecological balance of the property so that guests can enjoy the natural splendour of Hamilo Coast without damaging it.

coral flower coral with fish nemo

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