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I am an ordained minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, having been called to preach/witness the Gospel in my early teens. I then finished high school, college and seminary.

My wife Barbara and I were married in 1965 at her childhood church. The Eskdale Baptist Church of West Virginia was my first pastoral ministry in 1964, followed by about ten pastorates before my last pastoral ministry again at Eskdale Baptist Church.

I began an internet ministry about eight years ago: "HOWARD WATSON CHRISTIAN STUDY PAGE" on ATT. Barbara and I are blessed with a daughter, Stephanie and two grandsons.


This is a new division for declaring the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ, which concerns the HOPE that we have in Him.

Look to Titus 2 verses eleven to fifteen, where is found direction for each believer to LIVE and to WORK ZEALOUSLY and CONSTANTLY, in our place in the Church/Body of Christ as we live and witness in the world.

We are expecting and waiting for (prosdekomenoi Gk. meaning to expect, to wait for, eagerly) OUR HOPE, found in THE PROMISES OF Christ Jesus, AT HIS GLORIOUS RETURN.

Our works and words in and for Him will show our earnest pure zeal to serve God our heavenly Father, as we look for His glorious return.

Hope ("elpis" Gk. "savaer" and "qawa" Heb. meaning to hope strongly, to wait trustingly, expectingly) is trusting in the Word of the Lord in our life work and our Godly witnessing words. Our faith in God's grace towards us, through His love in Jesus' dying and giving His blood at Calvary to redeem us from our sins, builds our hope in Christ our Lord.

Jesus loves me and you and gives us hope for our future with Him by His promises. These great and precious promises pave our path from now on earth to the glories of eternity with Him in our new bodies and home in our Father's house.

Every Christian is an heir in Jesus Christ as a child of our heavenly Father. Our lives are free and unbound, from guilt of sin, for peace and righteousness in the fruitfulness of the Holy Spirit (24/7).

Our sound and healthy way of living serves to give compassionate light in a world darkened by false teachings, crushing pressures and death.

Hope does not make us ashamed, or disappointed, disgraced and frustrated. In Romans 5 the Apostle Paul tells us to live, in spite of trials, afflictions, hardships, or suffering, in the power of the love ("agape" Gk. from "agapao" meaning to love, value, esteem in generous kindly concern) poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

In verse five Paul writes that we in HOPE shall not be made ASHAME ("kataiskunei" Gk. to be ashamed and disappointed). God is faithful and will bring us through trials and sufferings in Christ's victory BY our HOPE IN HIM, whatever may happen in this DARK VAIN and ungodly world.

I believe that the Christian meaning of hope is based upon the Word and promises of God. Our sound belief comes with hope which ties things present and past to the future. What Christ has done to give Christian hope is grounded on the events of calvary's cross and the resurrection's empty cave.

Hebrews eleven one defines faith as tied with things hoped for...("elpizomenon" pres. passive tense). I see how firmly the Lord has set the stage for each Christian's current experiences. We are knowing Him personally in our heart and life.

Every Christian, in trusting and firm obedience to our Lord's commandments to love God our Father and our neighbor, gets taught and caught by the power of the Holy Spirit to work righteously in daily life for a future of faith and hope in His promises.

John fourteen and Acts one provide the great rock of our hope in Christ for the future. Jesus told His disciples of His death, but also of His return to be with them in great victory and their home in the Father's house.


The Apostle Paul identifies himself as an apostle of Christ Jesus and an elder (presbeuo) in bonds/chains/imprisonment (desmios) for the ministry of the Gospel to the Gentiles (ethne). See 1:1, 3:1. 6:20. He prays for these believers, for their understanding of the greatness of God's grace found in Jesus Christ. He is concerned about their growth in Christian character/walk in the Lord and for their unified work in the Body of Christ the Church (ekklesia) of which Jesus Christ is the head. See 1:22,23. These Christians are part of the total body of Christ. They are sons/children of God through adoption grace. See 1:5.

This is God's preset plan (proorisas) for believers. This plan was made before the earthly birth of believers, 1:4 ("kataboles" cast down/preset/setforth) and the beginning of the world (kosmou). Glory, honor and praise to our Heavenly Father for this amazing grace of redemption in Christ from our trespasses and sins through the blood of Jesus Christ and our being destined to purity in and as the earthly body of Christ, 1:6-14. Our sealing (esphragisthete Gk. to set a mark upon, verb, indicative, aorist, passive, 2nd person plural complete in/for us) of guarantee (arrabon Gk. meaning a pledge) is done by/in the Holy Spirit, 1:13,14. When we place our trust/faith in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit will guide and empower with instruction into the fruitfulness of Christ/God.

Although believing Gentiles were dead in sin, doing the carnal works of fleshly nature and under the wrath of God, they now are made alive in Christ by the grace of God, through their faith in Him, 2:1-9. This all is the doing of God and His will for us to be new creations (ktisthentes) who live new lives of good works, 2:10.


We are taught here that the Church/Body of Christ is made up of sinners, who are saved by grace. See verses four through ten. First, we are found to be sinners who have sinned (nekrous tois paraptomasin Gk. meaning dead in trespasses and sins "hamartiais.") Paul, a circumcised Jew counts himself (hemeisas) a sinner in verses one through ten. By grace (chiriti) which is a freely given gift (doron) from God, through the blood of Jesus Christ, we are saved and being saved (sesosmenoi), verses five through eight.

This means God is showing his great merciful grace by giving new life from Christ to the believer through the ages (aiosin) forever.

The fact is: the Gentiles (ethne) in flesh (sarki) are joined with Jewish believers in Christ in a unity and oneness of peace (eirene). "He is our (hemon) peace "eirene"..." the wall of separation between the Jews and the Gentiles is made idle/powerless (phragmou lusas) through the body (somati) of Christ Jesus on the cross (staurou). We now have access together in one Spirit to the Father. See verses eleven through eighteen. He has made us into one new creation in peace, see verse sixteen.

Believers, both Gentiles and Jews are joined as one (heni) in peace (eirene) and oneness/unity as the temple of God. We are built (epoikodomethentes epi to themelio) upon the foundation of the Apostles and the Prophets, Jesus Christ being the head ("akrogoniaiou" cornerstone) for a Holy Temple (naon) for the Father's dwelling Spirit upon the earth. First, this is a growing (auxei) temple fitted together in every part, while each believer is a vital individual part, joined together as in a great structure/building, note verses nineteen through twenty-two. And the Church/Body of Christ is a present and eternal body, highly esteemed of God our Father. Look back to 1:20ff.


Paul continues to write of the oneness of unity in the Body of Christ, the Church. The Gentiles (ethnon "non-Jews") were outside of the nation of Israel, the covenants of the Old Testament, without hope and God in the world. The Gentiles had much religion, gods/idols and priests, but were in darkness, and separated from Jehovah God by sin. In Christ Jesus' blood and death all sinners Gentile and Jew find redemption and oneness in the new life and walk in Christ.

Paul was given special revelation of the mystery of the total salvation plan for all people both Jew and Gentile, in one body for Christ's witness in heaven and on earth.

The unsearchable riches of God's grace is revealed in Jesus Christ. The just authority of God's wrath in judgement of the world's sinfulness and rebellion is found in the totally atoning death of Christ Jesus on the cross. See 1:9, 3:3.

The Body of Christ, the Church, is full of wisdom, glory and the power of God. See 3:10-21. Remember it is Christ Jesus' blood and death which is for all sinful people. And it is the great power of God which was working in raising Jesus from the dead. Jesus is alive and we live by our faith in Him. With Jesus Christ victoriously seated in heaven and the Holy Spirit living in the Church, Body of Christ, each believer/Christian is quickened, made alive, to live a new life. In the inner person and then in the outer daily life of a Christian, holy love from God works marvelously/and enabling for humble fulness and glory to God. So, our prayers are greatly inspired by/upon the loving power of Father God through Christ Jesus. See verses 14- 21.


In this section the Apostle exhorts and admonishes the believers, as he(PAUL) was one who was committed and bonded as a slave/servant to and in the Lord, to walk worthily in their calling. So the believers are to live humbly, and patiently, while sharing their Christian union and unity in pure love and truth. Their love (agape) gives unity in their one Lord, God, and Spirit as equal members/partners in the Body of Christ the Church. Thus in peace and unity of truth the believers (Gentiles and Jews) work together in harmony and grow in personal Godliness while showing forth the glory of God and Christ Jesus in the Church. Each BORN AGAIN/BELIEVING ONE, under the leadership of gifted, Holy Spirit endowed/gifted persons including apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers of the flock/assembly, IS PERSONALLY GRACED FOR SERVICE in the Body of Christ. Verse fourteen reads: "TO EQUIP (katartismon, Gk. to prepare, to complete, to knit together) THE SAINTS (hagion Gk. separated, pure, dedicate) FOR THE WORK OF MINISTRY (diakonias Gk. service, attend, assist, relieve) TO BUILD UP THE BODY (somatos Gk. as in a human body but here the working body of united gifted believers) OF CHRIST.

In the Body of Christ each believer is to imitate God as learned from the earthly life of Jesus Christ. See verses nineteen and then in chapter five, verse one. The holy life is one of walking away from the former life of lying, stealing, high anger and clamouring, coarse talk, bitterness, and basic evil living under and in Satanic corruption. Put off this behavior and put on the new person of God as directed of the Holy Spirit in righteousness, holiness/purity and truth. Giving in to fleshly lustful carnalities is the way of darkness and Satan. That old life grieves the Holy Spirit who has sealed us for the full final redemption in Christ. See verses seventeen through thirty-one. On the way of life in Christ, we are bound to be kind, forgiving and gracious to others as God in Christ has been gracious to us.


Beginning with his exhortation to be imitators of God (mimetai Gk., strive to resemble, follow) as loved children, Paul continues his call for godly living in love (agape) as Christ has loved us, in freely giving Himself as an offering to God in His love for us.

In verses three through twenty-one Paul emphasizes the points of difference between the former lives of corruption and sin including: fornication (porneia Gk. sexual whoredoms, lewdness, adultery, uncleanness) coveteousness (pleonexia Gk. meaning grasping, overreaching, extortion, defrauding for gain, avariciousness) and our living as the Saints of God. Saintly talk/conversation is to be with blessing and thanksgiving rather than boastful foolishness and coarseness.

Ungodly carnal base living is not Saintly and does not lead to a gracious sharing of the kingdom of Christ and God.

Christians/Saints must work-out/look-out their individual way of living in full wisdom and understanding of the consequences of living in the fulness of the Spirit. Our hearts shall be full of praises and thanksgivings in the name of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ and our heavenly Father/God. We sing of Him as our main theme-song. See verses nineteen through twenty-one.

Submission (hupotassomenoi Gk.: to subordinate, arrange under) is our basic mode of relationship in our Christian fellowship and in our family relationship,; i.e., Christian brother with brother and wife to husband.

The husband is the spiritual head in a marriage, even as Christ Jesus is head of the Church/Body. As He loves the Church, His bride in her development/preparation, so the husband is to love (agape Gk. full love orginating in God) his wife. See verses twenty-two through thirty-three. In this way the husband is worthy of the reverence (phobetai Gk. meaning fear, reverence, affright, respect, deference) of his beloved wife and she lives in submission and full honoring of her husband, even as he submits to the will and fear of God and Christ Jesus in their family/home.


Obedience (hupakouete Gk. from hupakone meaning to hearken, obedience, submission) is key in the relationship of children to their parents and of servants/slaves to their masters (kuriois Gk. lords) in their daily living/work activities. This submission/compliance/yielding is to be from the inner person (psuchies Gk. spirit-soul, the seat of the will and desire). Note verses one through nine.

Finally to all Saints (Jew, Gentile, bond, free, man, woman, child), Paul calls for and urges a full preparation for spiritual battle against the wiles of Satan, with prayer for one another in support and cooperation in our Lord Christ Jesus.

Our Standing is not in fear and cowardice but in total boldness of truth, righteousness, and faith, while using the Word of God to defeat Satan and his demons.

We must rest and stand on our trust in Jesus Christ to our Father/God.

Peace, faith, love, and grace from God is our great strength, while serving our Lord, here in the world, in a great and demanding spiritual battle. See verses ten through twenty-four.


This Book shows how Jesus Christ is fully the fulfillment of all prophecy and is therefore greater/better than anything which has been created for He is greater than the angels, Moses and the prophets, and all priests according to the order of God the Father after the example of Melchizedek.


God has spoken through Jesus Christ in those last days as the prophetic speaker and Son who is appointed heir of all Things.


"escatou" from "eschatos" meaning farthest, last, latest; "hemeron" plural from "hemera" meaning day, twenty-four hours, a point or period of time; "elalesen" 3rd person, sing., aor.1, ind. active from "laleo" meaning to make vocal utterance, to speak, preach, talk. I understand this to mean: "Jesus, the Son of God has come to actively preach the final Word of God the Father to His people and to the world.

This prophecy He finished and completed by His speaking and living. He is the Word who has come in body/flesh to give and to bring to pass that which has been prophesied by lesser prophets before me.

Another key word is: "kreitton" meaning better, superior, higher, more excellent. In verses four/five He is better/superior than the angels. He is "hweos" Son and is the Son/Heir.

Jesus is better, higher, as the first born, first with God as the Son/heir of God ("hweion" Son). Who with victory and cleansing for sin sits at the right hand with great glory ("Dexia" right position/hand) in the highest. Verse six and following, chapter one , says that the angels are to reverence Him in worship and to serve Him in His work with the cleansed ones (Church, Saints). Jesus Christ continues to prevail at the right hand of God the Father until His victory over His enemies is complete, see 1:13. Verse fourteen implies that the angels under Jesus Christ are ministering spirits ("leitourgika Pneumata" Gk.) sent in service to those who will be the heirs of salvation (believers in Jesus Christ as Savior/Lord).


Verses one through three warns and calls for a careful attentive,( "prosechien" Gk. meaning to hold on to, to give yourself to) hearing and obeying of the message of salvation in Jesus Christ; and not to be moved away from your commitment. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has personally come and preached this Gospel message of His kingdom and glory to a people in sin's distress and hopelessness. God the Father has stamped His endorsement by signs, wonders and numerous mighty miracles. All heaven, through the Holy Spirit of God, including the holy angels have served in faithful holy labor in support of the earthly ministry of God's Son whom the angels worship. See 1:6ff.

God has invested the best and most valued of heaven in/by Christ Jesus to provide our great salvation.

"How shall there be any other way to flee/escape the wrath to come, if this great salvation is not accepted in faith and trust in Jesus Christ."

Verses six through nine explains how Jesus became flesh as a man, lower than an angel in form and position, and, as Holy Father sent, He became our redeemer by His redeeming death, in which He tasted "geusetai" death in God's grace for every one. There after He was crowned with glory and honor. Though He lived upon the earth which He created, He was exalted from His death for/by sinners to the right hand of Father God as the redeemer of repentant sinners. All things are be subjected to His authority and dominion, and He to the Father.

Verses ten through eighteen brings us the full meaning of the work of Jesus Christ for the "brethren" Christian believers. By His death in suffering on the cross for our sins He pays the value of our being cleansed from our sins and for us to be made holy/sanctified. This is in full and perfect completion of the will of God the Father, who has sent Christ Jesus to suffer in our instead for the price of our redemption and holiness.

He is higher than angels in His perfect work for Abram's people of faith. Jesus is our high priest with God the Father who is satisfied to receive us by His mercy as sanctifed in purity and righteousness.

Since Jesus was perfected by His suffering and trials/temptations he is fully able to help each one of us in our trials/temptations.

Two key words in chapter two are: "Pathaema" Gk. from "pasko" meaning to suffer, endure evil. In verses eight and ten; Christ Jesus suffer death and completed His suffering on our behalf for our sins. So, He became the total satisfaction and atonement for sin. He was lifted up to the Father's glorious presence with victory over death and its power (Satan). Satan cannot keep the believer, who trusts in Jesus as the only one who can reconcile him/her to God, from the Father.

Another key word is: "apallaxae" from "apallasso" meaning to set free, deliver. In verse fifteen Jesus has freed us from the penalty of sin: death, which we no longer fear. We are no longer in bondage to sin and its death-end. Christ Jesus as our only eternal high priest enables us to overcome the temptations and trials of the flesh, world, and Satan. I believe this is two fold: HE delivered us from the penalty of sin (death eternal) and a daily walk in/under sin's dominion. HIS POWER ENABLES US TO BECOME A PERFECTED part/individual in HIS HOUSE(church) OF HIS MAKING.

The high priesthood of Christ is in fulfillment of the priesthood of Aaron's temporal priesthood to the people of God in the O. T.


The believers/brethren are together called saints and joint partakers of the heavenly temple/tabernacle, where Jesus is our high priest over His own house, "oikou", of which He is the builder.

Moses was a servant, "therapon" Gk. meaning an attendant, servant, minister, to the people of Israel in their deliverance from Egyptian bondage.

Jesus is the Son, ("'uios",)over, ("epi" meaning upon, over, of authority), His house ("oikos"), which we are. We must boast/testify of our being partakers of the house of Christ, in hope so that we may be built up, individually and together, in HIM. Christians need to keep this hope/trust steadfastly in our builder/Lord,as faithful obedient hearers of the Gospel/Word of God in Christ Jesus. We need to set our hearts and total being on serving Him.

All people everywhere need to hear this Gospel so that they may become part of the body/house of Jesus Christ, that they may hope and rest in Jesus Christ, who has completed the plan for salvation for whoever puts his/her faith and trust in HIM, as the builder of his/her life, today and forever.


A key word in this chapter is the Greek word "katapausin" from "katapauo" meaning to cause to cease, restrain, a place of final rest, place of abode, dwelling. Hebrews first introduced this word in chapter 3:11. Those who refused to trust and obey Jehovah were not allowed to go with Joshua into the promised land. Those who murmured and became stiffnecked in disbelief missed the rest of the land of Canaan. They died in their wanderings in the desert/wilderness. They had heard from Moses the sure Word of Jehovah but they balked to moving on in faith, when they were given the opportunity of rest in the land flowing with milk and honey. God's wrath and built up anger allowed them to die/perish in their unbelief. They had been given the manna, and the quail morning and evening but did not enter the Canaan land of rest with flowing milk and honey. See 4:1-11.

There is a rest of Christ for all who today will hear the Word of God/Christ and in faith receive the rest found in Jesus Christ for eternal living. In verse 12 the word of God is described as living, working, sharp to cut and to open/search the heart of the hearer. The person hearing realizes his personal sinfulness and accountability with God. The Word convicts the sinner of sin's judgement. No one can hide from the truthful judgment of God upon his life. All are naked, unhidden from the eyes of God. All have the same need for rest/trust in Jesus Christ, whom God the Father had ordained, before the creation of the world and mankind, to be our sin bearer and eternal high priest to bring us to God, as cleansed by His life giving blood on His cross for mankind's transgressions.

Again in verses 14-16 Jesus, is our high priest "archierea" with Father/God. We all. including Jewish believers who had the O.T. commandments, judgements, sacrifices, offerings, Levitical priesthood, which their fathers had practiced until Jesus Christ, who came to accomplish redemption in Himself, must come to Jesus as Savior/deliverer and rest in Him. Thusly, Jesus is the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world.

Today, again we are promised help in/by Jesus in our time of trial/test. Let us come boldly ( "parresias" Gk. from "parresia" freedom in speaking, freely, boldly, plainly, in confidence) to the throne of, not judgement, but grace "charitos" Gk. from "charis"= "chairo" meaning glad, full of joy, charm, beauty, free favor, generous gift.

God our Father and Jesus Christ gladly welcome our requests for care, strength and need. We will be helped in mercy and grace. We can rest in Jesus Christ for today and tomorrow. Remember the word of Jesus: "Come unto Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest" Mt. 11:28.

People do not have to live in their self-centered hell on earth, the lake of fire, and eternal hell separated from life and God. Come now, to the throne of grace. Those who reject the throne of grace in unbelief wll face the seat of their judgement without Christ whom they have rejected. Please hear the Word of God/Christ and come the throne of grace and rest in and upon Jesus Christ.


Read verses 1-10. Jesus Christ is our high priest "archiereus" Gk. before/with God/Jehovah as His Son whom the Father sent by human birth into the world, to live as a suffering servant. See Isaiah 42. Although He was not a priest of the Levitical/Aaron family of priests who were taken from the priesthood by physical death, Jesus Christ through death provided the perfect sacrifice before the Father for all our sins of commission and weaknesses/ignorance. With His perfect offering of Himself in His physical body, Jesus Christ is able to help us in our weaknesses and trials. He eternally fulfills our need of high priest with Father/God, in an unchanging office of high priest after the order of Melchisedek.

In verses 11-14 our chapter remarks about the necessity of redoing earlier learnings about the Levitical priests and Jesus Christ our new high priest which is based upon His better-all- sufficient atonement for sin and His qualifications to be our daily high priest with God the Father.

The people had become dull, "nothroi" Gk. meaning dull, sluggish, in their hearing and speaking about important facts of the ministry of Jesus Christ. They should at this time be able with good understanding to teach and lead others in understanding the priesthood of Jesus Christ: how it is better than the Levitical/Aaron priesthood which is past, and completely meets the redemptive needs of sinners. They are set on the milk of God's work and word instead of being mature and able to eat strong meat.

So many people, likewise, get stuck on themselves and their human works; they must go back to the first doctrines of Christ and salvation by faith through grace, not works of the flesh. We all need to live under the power of Christ for today's living in spiritual victories over sin, the flesh and the world. We should be fruitful and more fruitful as we progress with God and the building up of Christ Jesus in our inner life/awareness of His empowering Spirit and our outer life in the world of spiritual Christ honoring work.


My understanding of this chapter is: it is unreasonable/unthinkable for a person to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord(born again/from above) and fall away from their Christian experience into sin and unbelief; then later be saved/born again, a second time/experience. This person would have, in a sense, spiritually crucified Jesus and rejected their Christian experience. In short a person cannot be saved from their sin, then reject that experience for a period of time and then, afterwards again repent and be saved or born again a second time. God's salvation plan is a secure work of the Holy Spirit in the heart and life of the true believer.

It is necessary/reasonable for believers to progress in their Christian walk in faith, patience and love. Verses one to eight admonishes the individual to rest in the confidence of Christ's Word "Logon" from logos" which has its initial point of beginning and its completeness/perfection "teliotaeta" Gk. from "teleo" meaning to bring to an end, finish, complete, by the work and power of the Holy Spirit in the Christian'sdaily life.

It is unthinkable for the believer to fall ("parapesontas" falling away, committing apostasy), after full possession of the Christian experience in Christ's Word, and Work of the Holy Spirit ( with the hope of the resurrection), and then to turn/fall aside and recrucify Christ Jesus in disbelief. But yet, afterwards, this person return to belief/trust in Jesus Christ in a second renewal of life.

That would be impossible "adunaton" Gk. from "adunatos" meaning powerless, impossible. See verses four to six.

Beloved, ("agapaetoi" loved of God and Christ), better ("kreissova" Gk. higher, better) things are involved in salvation (our being involved in God's saving plan). God will not forget the Christian's labor and ministry of service in Christ. This fellowship of work in Christ has a completion point and end. We must show diligence and hope in believing/moving/progressing towards the end goal, promised in Christ Jesus.

Listen and do not ignore, in dullness, the promises of God, even as Abraham believed God's promises. Christians, God is faithful to Himself and to His children in everything according to His oath of promise.

God has promised and cannot lie. This truth of His promises to us in found in Jesus Christ, who, not only arose from the grave, but is now at the right-hand of God the Father.

Look to Jesus who is our anchor, firm and certain. He has gone behind the veil of our sin's separation/condemnation before God our Father, with His life-giving blood into the holy sanctuary of God's presence to act as our high priest and offers His perfect work of salvation for each Christian believer. He is our eternal high priest, like Melchizedek. See verses nine through twenty.


Overview of chapter seven: Jesus Christ, the Son of God the Father, has been anointed as the one high priest who is likened unto Melchizedek, the priest of the most high God, and is the priest of righteousness and peace. See Psalms 110. Jesus, although not of the family of Aaron and Aaron's father Levi, but of the tribe of Judah, is the final eternal priest for His people.

Verse eleven states that perfection with God was not found in the priesthood of Aaron's family. But, Jesus is the priest of eternal holy perfection and therefore there was necessary a change of priesthood from Aaron's family to Jesus as high priest. Verse twelve points out this change. The Gk. word for change is "metatithemenaes" from "metatithaemi" meaning a removal, to transfer, to change over.

Verses twelve through seventeen explain this change from the fleshly command/law government to the real life giving power of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. He only could offer/give the great sacrifice (BETTER "kreittonos" Gk. for better, higher nature, more excellent), of eternal hope and redemption, as the priest of righteousness and peace, like unto Melchizedek. This exceeds the temporal priestly work of the old covenant and Aaron's priestly family.

Verses 22 through 28 tell of Jesus bringing, not only better hope, but a better covenant of salvation based upon His offering of the perfect sacrifice, HIs undefiled self in His sinless life. God the Father therefore has exalted Jesus as high priest unto heaven. In heaven, He serves as our eternal high priest to bring us to heaven in His perfect salvation. This is by the oath/anouncement of Father/God that only Jesus is eternally perfect or satisfactory.

The basic truth is: only Jesus saves.


Jesus, the Christ, is the high priest for the people of God, " the faithful Israel." He is at the right, recognized authoritative, hand of Almighty God. Jesus has been lifted up in heavenly exaltation to where the true tabernacle stands.

This tabernacle was not made by the fleshly hands of man. It is the holy seat of the throne of majesty ("megalosunaes" Gk. from "megas" meaning great, wonderful, magnificent).

The earthly tent/tabernacle was patterned after this heavenly tabernacle as ordered of Jehovah/God to Moses. Israel, under the old covenant, which they failed to continuously honor and keep, was judged by Jehovah/God for their stiffnecked unbelief/disobedience. But, Instead of completely rejecting them, God in Christ Jesus gave a new, better covenant to them which would make them holy and consecrated to His service. This change of replacing the old covenant with the new and better covenant would make each believer, a personally cleansed of sin individual, who has a new standing, with a new heart tuned to God as one of God's people ( "Laon" Gk. from "laos" a people, a nation). See the prophesy of Jeremiah in Jer. chapter thirty-one.


Verses one through fourteen give a pointed comparison between the first temporal earthly tent/tabernacle "skaenaen" tent of meeting, where in the most holy place Jehovah met with the high priest, who represented the people's need for cleansing and remission of sins of ignorance and also his own sins, and the heavenly tabernacle of Jehovah's throne. The earthly tent of meeting was patterned after the heavenly. Sins were atoned ("kaphaer" Heb. to cover, to cover sin, to atone for an offence) covered by the blood of prescribed animal sacrifices brought by the people to the priests. See Leviticus chapters one through ten. Those animal sacrifices could not cleanse the conscience of sin but only served as a fleshly atonement. The awareness of sin was still present in the conscience. Only the sinless Jesus Christ could cleanse the conscious-heart of sin by His perfect sinless sacrifice. His blood is the sinless blood of the new and better covenant referred to in Jeremiah chapter thirty-one.

The present time referred to in verse nine is the time of Christ Jesus' entrance in the true heavenly tent/tabernacle of Jehovah/God with His own blood of redemption for all our sins, and that before God who accepts His sinless/undefiled and true sacrificial atonement on our behalf. Christ Jesus is the new high priest of the great "skaenaes" heavenly tabernacle not made with hands. See verses eleven through fourteen.

Jesus Christ is the mediator and testator of the new covenant for those ones who are called ("keklaemenoi" Gk. from "kaleo" meaning to call) to eternal inheritance. The blood of atonement is His own blood of the cross and His death for sin. Moses/Aaron (Aaron was designated high priest by Jehovah) in the first tabernacle/tent took the blood of animals, but Jesus took His own sinless undefiled blood of the eternal redemptive covenant into the heavenly tabernacle. See verses fifteen through twenty -two.

Verses twenty-three through twenty-eight clearly show that Christ Jesus' sinless life giving blood is the better "kreittosin" cleansing sacrifice. Only one time has Jesus made this greatly better sacrifice, ending the need for any further annual sacrifice like those of the old covenant. The "called" can now fully expect a complete salvation from sins past, present and future through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. In His great salvation he takes/makes us into His own likeness by His Spirit.

Hallelujah, glory, honor and praise to our Priest and Lord who reigns over His church for today and forever. This is sweet heavenly music not just to our ears but to and from our hearts.


The Old Covenant, with its law for/of service and covering of sins, was based upon heavenly realities, afterwhich the earthly was patterned. The old system of sacrifices for sin's guilt and atonement/covering was not able to take away sin, but was a shadow ("skian" Gk. from "skia" meaning shade or shadow) of the coming perfectly atoning work of Jesus Christ. Note verses one through fourteen.. He is the sacrificial lamb of God whose death upon the cross, with the pouring out of His sinless blood, atoned (covered) sins. Jesus fulfills the LAW'S JUST REQUIREMENTS. See Gen. 4:4, Isaiah 40, 53, Psa. 40, 110, Ro. 5. In Christ Jesus' personal sacrifice, the way for full remission of sins, forever, was finished. See verse 14.

The Holy Spirit, in verse fifteen and following, prophesied/testified in the O. T. scriptures, and placed in the hands of Israel, the prophecy of New Covenant redemption through Christ.

Therefore each believer today has a personal relationship, directly with Jehovah through the Lord and Savior. See verses 16 and following. Believers, now, under the New Covenant, go directly to Jehovah in the boldness of Christ's redemptive work for pure, holy, fellowship, and support for earthly tests, trials, perils, and tribulation, which come because of evil in the world of Satan and those deceived by him.

Since we are justified by faith ("dikaios" Gk. meaning righteous, just) our new life in Christ is based upon our hope in the work/sacrifice of Jesus Christ; His victorious resurrection, and His exalted position as our heavenly (with Jehovah) high priest. In/by our patient enduring faith in God and Christ we look beyond our present trials and persecution/troubles, of living, as Christians, in the world of sin and denial/rejection of Christ Jesus the real truth.

There is no reason to fail and draw back from faith in/to God/Christ Jesus. Our eternal life of abundance in Christ is an every day new experience. We may suffer for Christ, but, we know the deepest joy, peace and hope through continued faithfulness to our faithful Lord, whose victory extends to each faithful, trusting, newly living, heir of God and Christ. See verses 32 to 39.


Belief and trust, in the Word and the great and perfecting promises of Jehovah, bring life and security. This chapter gives the meaning and living testimonies of those who have in the past trusted God in continuing patience of faith. These saints waited upon the Lord and His promises to them. While trusting and obeying Jehovah, they looked toward the completion of God's plan for their future in His kingdom. On the believer's part there is the hearing and the commitment to Him to obey Him in daily living and honor of His loving care.

Verse one defines faith ("pistis" Gk. from the root word "peitho" as to persuade, to be convinced, to follow, to trust in the faithfulness). The promises in God's word and work are joined together to give the basis ("pragmaton" Gk. from the root word "prasso" to do, perform, act) for faith. This is the basis upon which daily continuing faith is built. Verses two through thirty-two give a historical account of the great past believers who trusted in God's promises and were blessed with fulfillment and powerful acts of God in their lives.

Abram heard and obeyed the call and promises of Jehovah. At God's Word he left his people and land to go to the land of promise. Sarah, Abram's aged wife, gave birth to Isaac the child/son of promise. In verse nine it says he dwelt in the land as a stranger, living in tents, yet, he looked for a secure permanent city, whose builder is God.

Verse seventeen, Abram was tested ("peirazomenos" Gk. from "peira" meaning a trial, proof). In this great opportunity of faith he obeyed Jehovah and yielded his only heir/son Isaac as an offering to God. Isaac was a miracle child of faith. Abram willingly followed God's direction. And, God provided another sacrifice, a ram in the thicket, just as Abram was about to offer Isaac. See Genesis 22.

This great picture of Jehovah God intervening upon Abram's obedience of faith, shows how Jesus Christ, God's only Son, was really given to die for us on Calvary. God's promises don't just involve you and your faith but they involve Him in all of His mercy and grace. Faith looks ahead while building upon the past and God's words of promise. Faith endures the pressures of time and life, even though a trial of death of the believer may become reality. The resurrection of the dead is the believer's backstop that stops and turns everything around. See verse 35 for the better ("kreittonos" Gk. from "kreisson" meaning more useful, superior, more excellent, of a higher nature) resurrection. See I Cor. 15.

Yet, all these witnesses of faith are waiting for the final fulfillment of God's future promise of life in the totally completed (perfect "teleiothosin" Gk. from "teleiao" meaning complete, fully realized) kingdom in Christ. See verses 39,40.


Verses one and two look back to the many witnesses noted in chapter eleven and their looking to their Messiah/Christ promised of Father/God Jehovah. Witness "martus" means to testify, and give solemn declaration of the truth. The promised Christ came as promised and Hebrews now looks back to the crucified Jesus Christ, His resurrection and His promises for His body/Church or kingdom in the future. Today, Christians have a cloud "nephos" mass of witnesses made up of O. T. and N.T. Saints who have lived and died without completion and fulfillment of all of the promises of Christ, including His return and the catching up and resurrection of His body/Church.

Verses two to twelve encourage the current Christians to run "trechiomen" with patience "hupomones" the struggle "agona" remaining before them. Patient endurance is a major quest for all believers in the promises of Christ and Father/God. The believer is to look ("aphorontes" Gk. from "aphorao" meaning to view with singular vision) to Jesus Christ. He is the author and finisher of our faith. See His great joy "hiaras" at the seat of glory in heaven, in spite of the shameful death of the cross. He overcame death, hell, sin and Satan.

As Christ Jesus our Lord overcame, in His earthly life, so we through Him are to overcome sin and all encumbrances ("ogkon" Gk. from "ogkos" meaning bulk, weight, burden) in our lives. Remember the Words of Jesus to those who followed Him in discipleship: "become as a little child, sell your possessions, let the dead bury the dead, leave your family, etc. and follow me."

In verses seven through thirteen the discipline of the Lord is shown to lead the believer into godliness, holiness and righteousness. We learn, "Holy Spirit taught/given," patience and endurance by the correction and discipline in our struggle and race toward our goal in heaven with Father/God and Christ Jesus. Like our loving earthly father so much more our Heavenly Father correctly disciplines us ("paideian" Gk. from "paideia" "pais" meaning to teach, educate, correct, instruct as a child in need of discipline).

In verses fourteen through twenty-eight many of the ways of Christian living including: pursuing peace with everybody and purity/holiness ("hagiasmon" Gk. from "'agios" meaning: separate from, dedicated, pure, righteous, holy), are stated in exhortations. We need to beware of bitterness and fleshly lusts and not fail like Esau who gave away, in his lusts and carnality, his birthright as the firstborn son of Isaac.

Our new covenant is a final eternal covenant which Jesus Christ has made. It is the basis for new life and judgement. Our Father in Heaven will judge His children and His judgement is in consuming fire. See verses eighteen through twenty-nine and I Cor. 3.


In verse one, Hebrews continues to exhort the Christians to live lives of brotherly love "philadelphia." The Apostle John emphasized agape/love among Christians in his epistles. See I, II, III John. The agape/love from/of God is our binding force which keeps us armed in the struggle with the world, the flesh and the devil. Our love will cause us to remember one another in our prayers, whether we are in trials, perils, and persecutions or imprisonment for the work of God in our town/nation/world.

Our Lord has placed some in leadership roles in His Church. We need to follow their lives as our examples of Godliness and holiness. Our marriages need to be honored as given of the Lord by His love for men, women, and the family unit. Fornication and debauchery are evils which believers must avoid. The love/friendship of money is not to be the believer's path/pursuit, we need to watch this; since wealth in the world may be sought greatly by Christians through differing means. It can become a snare of Satan as much as whoredoms or other lusts of the flesh.

In verses 7- 25 we are exhorted to remember that Christ Jesus is always the same and present in His Holy Spirit; and we need Him, every hour in every situation. We need to follow good God given leaders in prayerful support of their works. We need to test the doctrine/teaching of the many teachers, who declare themselves as teacher of special doctrine and new things. Remember: if it does not exalt Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, who is coming again; the teaching is useless, no matter how "degreed" the teacher, or how much revelation or vision he/she professes."

Verses 10-16 emphatically state: Jesus Christ is our only sufficient sacrifice who was offered as holy and undefiled to cover and atone for our sin. He alone can bring us to Father/God through His "eternal" covenant. See verse twenty: for eternal covenant "diathekes aioniou." The new covenant is an eternal covenant and we are secure in Christ Jesus; and this is through His sinless atoning life's blood in our stead. Now, let us praise God and Jesus Christ with our whole life, heart and voice. He has equipped us for time and eternity. Finally, let us pray for one another, and for all our true leaders in the Lord's work.

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Chapter one, begins the inspired writings of the Apostle Peter. who is written of elsewhere in the N. T. We know that he was one of the first disciples specifically called and therefore witnessed our Lord's ministry from its beginning through His resurrection and ascension to our Heavenly Father. As an Apostle "apostolos" Peter was called and then sent to announce the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world, first to the Jews who were scattered to places outside of Israel. They are called the "eklektos" (elect, select, pick out) who have for the time gone to other places as sojourners.

These saints are samples of all believers in all ages who are scattered all over the earth and witness to their changed lives through Jesus Christ.

This was not an accident of time but the foreknowledge ("prognosin" pre-know,pre-choice) of God, effectively called for the cleansing of believers who will be cleansed/washed by the life blood of Jesus Christ.

So Jesus Christ has brought gracious favor and abundant peace to His redeemed believers. See I Pet. 1:1-3.


In verse three, the resurrection of Jesus Christ by our Heavenly Father (theos) of our Lord (kuriou), master, leads us to new life, eternally, both now and in heaven.

There will be a new heaven and earth. See II Peter chapter three.

God by His great mercy has given to each believer a new birth (“anagennaesas” Gk. In aorist tense, which was done when we heard the gospel and believed in confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and savior)

Our new life is an unmerited gift of grace/mercy and we who are living and growing in this grace and knowledge must give praise and humble thanks to our wonderful God and Lord.

The Apostle Peter begins these words of knowledge with the word “blessed” (“eulogaetos”Gk.). God is worthy to be praised for His merciful work through Christ for each sinner’s salvation to new life, both now and forever.

Praise the Lord and our God who gives such great joy of riches through salvation in Jesus Christ.


Believers in Jesus Christ now experience trials of their faith-obedience to Christ Jesus. Our assured hope is in our Lord's great work of victory and promise/prophecy. Coming into the world, He gave His body and soul in death. And that: for our deliverance from sin and death into glorious freedom of abundant newness of life, by His resurrection and our coming resurrection.

This was and is true reality in the midst of heavy and various trials or persecutions, which come because of our following Jesus Christ in the world. Satan keeps our unbelieving neighbors of the world in spiritually blind darkness.

The amazingly Jehovah Christ rejecting people of the world even boast of their own created ignorance. They keep their mind's eyes closed to the abundant evidence of Elohim Jehovah's past and present creative and sustaining unfathomable presence and power as attested to by our natural world, our amazing Bible/Scriptures, and God's obvious activity in the Body of Christ around the earth. Yet, we believers are blessed with great joy and certain hope in Christ Jesus.

Things may look gray at times, yet, we have confident hope and abiding joy in our soul.

The complete/end ("telos")of our faith in Jesus Christ is the salvation of our souls ("psuchion"). See I Pet. one, verses five through nine.

People of Faith

Christians enjoy a new life of empowered living through the finished work of Jesus Christ. The salvation of our souls means the new holy life which is built upon personal faith in God, the Father and in Christ Jesus, who sends the Holy Spirit into our souls/being; so that, our willing cooperation of trust means a change from the old sinful life of falling short and constantly missing the mark of God's glorious holy presence within our (psychion) life. So then, we are directed into a mental understanding of keen soberness in our daily life.

God's Holy Spirit has joined with our obedient faith and commitment to living a life of pure love (agape) in holy truth. A sinner becomes a true saint while living a sojourner's existence on earth. We know new victory over a fleshly temporal and sinful life which does not give joy and peace but brings death and a final judgement without hope.

We Christians have and are receiving ("komizomenoi" which is present tense middle voice for receiving or obtaining) the end of Christ's redemptive work in the world according to the Holy Father's prehistorical plan.

We are set free from our old ungodly walk of life to a new life of graciousness and holiness in Christ. Our present new life is on going in earnest love ("agapaesate" Gk. God's redemptive love of grace to the world which the Holy Spirit pours into our saved hearts/lives) of our brethren ("piladelphian" Gk. a personal love). This is pure from the Holy Spirit and is without hypocrisy.

God's word ("rema" Gk. that which is spoken, a message) remains forever. Peter testifies that the gospel of Jesus Chist remains true forever.

Praise our Lord and God!!! Read verses nine through twenty-four.

I Peter Ch. 2

Peter expands on the factors of the regenerated life of the new born Christian in contrast to the old life of sin and rebellion against the perfect law of God, while pointing to the grace of God found in Christ Jesus’ sufferings and death on the cross of Calvary, where healing is found for our stripes of judgment for our sins.

By His stripes (molopsi Gk. whelp, bruise, wound) you are healed (iathaete Gk.) Review Isaiah 53-55.

Our finished healing is completed in Christ’s suffering, without any sin on His part (He was guileless and lived in holy love and graciousness, no fault was found in Him) but totally on our part (our sins). God transfers true healing from Christ Jesus to the confessed sinner. We were vile, bad, wicked, hatefully corrupt, false and slaves of sin, but God has changed us to new babies in Christ Jesus and has regenerated us to be virtuous light reflectors of His virtue and glory. Our ongoing sacrifice of our bodies/lives and lips is one of holiness in praise and great glory to the Lord and headstone of the growing Church/body/bride of Christ. Read/review chapter two.


In verses one through six Peter directs wives to live in subjection ("huotasomenai" present tense mid. voice meaning to subject one's self, willingly with/under a husband's lead) even when the husband is not obedient to the word ("logos") of Christ Jesus as their Savior and Lord, and, so, by a wife's godly and modest supportive lifestyle, without an outward physical glamourous dress style, lead a husband to faith in Jesus.


Throughout First Peter the total Church is subjected in the world to each level and area of community, work, or family. First, we are to obey and yield ourselves to the rule of God and Jesus Christ; we see this in 1:2,14,22 "...as obedient children ("hupakoaes" Gk. obedience). We individually must obey in truth and pure brotherly love.

In 2:13ff we (Christians) are to obey the laws of men/rulers/kings in doing the right and good thing rather than disobeying in doing evil unruly deeds/works. In 2:18, servants/slaves ("oiketai" Gk. household servants) are to be in subjection ("hupotassomeoi" Gk. to be in subjection) to their master ruler ("despotais" Gk. ruler who is in authority).

The husband of the wife is to dwell with his wife in understanding and recognition of her lesser strength of body and fellow heirship to the gracious gift of life in unhindered prayer together to the Lord God. See verse seven of chapter three.

In verses eight and following, the end ("telos" Gk.), and common life of Christians is to be of one mind ("homophrones" Gk. considering fellow believers with supportive loving compassion and humbliness of mind "tapeinophrones"). Each Christian needs to understand his/her place in the Body of Christ as a new creation with a love and zeal for doing the right good will of God.

This is a blessed gift, which is is shared with all other Christians.

The Lord is on the side of Christians doing good rather than evil, who respond in love to those who revile and abuse them. He sees this and hears their prayer. Evil doers face a just Lord.

In verses thirteen and following, counsel and assurance is given for Christians who suffer for being zealous for doing good ("agathou" Gk. from "agathos" meaning good, profitable, beneficent,upright, virtuous"), even though it is illogical for rulers to penalize people who practice good for others in the world. "And who is the one who will harm you if you become zealots for the good", verse thirteen through fifteen.

If a Christian suffers for doing the righteous thing, that Christian can be happily fearless in Christ Jesus when he/she sets/sanctifies ("hagiasate" Gk. from "hagios" meaning separate, delicated, regard as reverent and holy) his/her heart ("kardiais" Gk. from "kardia" meaning seat of feeling, impulse, affection, desire, the seat of the intellect, conscience) on Jesus Christ.


In verse fifteen and following Peter writes of Christian suffering from the world and Satan even as Christ has suffered in physical death and in evil rejection by sinners. Our good conscience towards God and others, in our relationships of blessing and caring for them, in truth, gives good standing and testimony of powerful faith in Jesus Christ. The Greek word for suffering is "paskein" from "pasko" meaning to suffer. Whenever a Christian yields to suffer insult and threats for Christ's sake, it shows humbleness and confidence in God's power over evil.

We believe in God's power to overcome evil with good through us. Verse eighteen says:..."for/because indeed Christ once concerning sins died ("apethanen" Gk. to die), in order that you, He might bring to God..."

In His sufferings He achieved victory and new life for spiritually dead and guilty sinners. He was raised in holy justification for cleansed sinners to freely come to God through faith in Jesus Christ, their risen Savior and new Lord with/for eternal blessing and joyous life.

Verse twenty-two pictures the risen/resurrected Christ Jesus, in victory over death and Satan, passing into heaven to be with God the Father while being given power/authority over angels, authorities and powers who are subjected ("hupotagenton" Gk. from "hupotasso" meaning to subject) to Him.


The Apostle Peter continues his words about suffering "pathontos" Gk. from "pasko" of each Christian in his/her life as a changed individual in Christ. The human being, born and living a carnal fleshly, selfish and self centered life, must undergo a taking away and throwing away of his/her old natural ways of living/walking through life.

This causes a suffering/withdrawal of giving up old sins (drunkenness, fornications, sorceries, covetousness/money craziness, etc.) and basic evil living without the powerful presence of God's Holy Spirit. But now, the new born believer is set on a new way by the Holy Spirit, who guides and takes him/her, to a totally new way of living, in graciousness and godly love "agape".

That old life is described in verses two and following. It was one of lust "epithumia" and passion; in unrestrained living, drunkedness and party/foolish/senseless gatherings with evil sinning people. This is godless idolatry.

A godless crowd probably won't like it, and think it strange/surprising/offensive when a new born believer changes course and ceases to join in "kamois" riot/carousals with them. We Christians have dropped out of a wasteful riotous manner of life and are living a new life in Christ which shows the likeness of Christ Jesus.

Further more, we will give an accounting to God and Christ who judge the living and the dead. Don't be blinded by the plesures of the world and the deception of Satan because the end "telos" is near. With this prophecy, we must exercise self control and personal judgment and not compromise with worldly living, but live soberly "nepho" with a sound balanced and moderate clear head. See verses one through seven.


Our new life is one of "agape" love fervently, which covers or hides a vast number of sins "hamartion." Love means we live graciously and generously together without grumbling, but happily as stewards/ministers of God's gift to us.

Life offers to a Christian continuing opportunities to show forth real charity freely and love. That is the somewhat silent witness of the Body of Christ/Christians to the world, when they (the world/society sees)see our witness and want to know the reason/logic and the cause "why." We Christians have learned the power of "turning the other cheek."

STRANGE TRIALS verses 12-19

Fiery trial, "purosei" Gk. from "purosis" meaning burning, fiery, to a Christian can be expected from Satan controlled people who may act out of fear, pride, jealousy or perverted pleasure. This, though meant for evil, will test our trust in God and Jesus Christ for whom we suffer, even as He suffered in the hands of abusers and persecutors/unbelievers in Him (as the Messiah/Son of God).

This glorifies Christ in great honor of Him. Our great joy is in suffering as Christ suffered at the hand of mockers in their unbelief. See how, the Spirit of glory and honor rests upon us.

Whenever a Christian suffers for being a Christian, let him/her thank God and glorify God in Jesus Christ.

A sure and righteous judgment "krima" shall be our end before God/Christ. Just keep on trusting and obeying, our eternal crown of peace and righteous awaits us as kings and priests of Christ's.


The elders "presbuteros" Gk. of churches need encouragement and admonishment in their role as leaders and examples. Peter directs pastors as shepherds, (shepherding "poimanate" Gk.) to lead the flock "poimnion" Gk. of believers. They (the flock of Christians in the churches) need caring leaders who lead as Jesus Christ would lead. A pastor/shepherd's role is one of freely serving their time and work among the churches without a desire for base gain "aischrokerdos" Gk.

When the chief shepherd (Jesus Christ) appears they will receive an unfading crown of glory.

Young men need to be subjected/submitted "hupotagaete" to the elders and to each other in humility "tapeinophrosunaen." When we humble ourselves under the great and powerful hand of God, He will exalt us in time. See verses one through six.


People often are anxious about something future, but a Christian should not worry because of the powerful hand of God, who is on our side when we follow Jesus Christ in our daily life. "All your cares ("merimnan" cares/fears) throw, "epiripsantes" Gk. to throw something upon something else), UPON HIM. It matters "melei" to Him, concerning you."

The Devil goes about the world threatening with a sound of danger and loss "as/like a lion's roar."

The Devil infers: "I am king" you must get in line."

Peter tells Christians to stand up to the Devil and any suffering of loss that may come.

God ("Theos" Gk. of all grace "charistos") will bring you through. In your firm, sober, watchful stand against the Devil, God will settle you, in your strengthened position in Christ. In our mighty ("kratos" Gk.) God, through Christ Jesus is eternal glory and dominion.

Peter closed this letter affirming his witness to the truth of the grace of God found in Christ.

Therefore, we must take a firm stand in our Lord and Savior in our day. Let us not waiver or be swayed by the forces of the Devil/Satan. We must not compromise the truth and way of Christ while living among an evil humanistic, godless, materialistic society. See verses seven through fourteen.


John was one of the first disciples called by Jesus Christ after His baptism. He was a fisherman along with his brother James. His Gospel emphasizes the deity of Jesus as the Word ("logos" Gk.) of God the Father. As the Word/logos Jesus, reveals the wisdom and power of God the Father. This was a key issue with his Jewish brethren, many of whom would not accept Jesus as Messiah, the Son of God who became flesh.

In verse one, chapter one, John writes that the "Logos" was in the beginning before creation. The Greek word for beginning is "archae" meaning first, original, beginning. His was a continuous, timeless existence before the creation of things and beings. The "logos" was "pros" Gk. meaning with/towards "Theos", Gk. meaning God. The Word had the nature of God.

Verse three tells us that all creation in time was through the eternal, continually existing Word/logos. Simply, Jesus is the one who acted in creation in and with the Father. All life "zoe" centers in Jesus Christ the Word. Jesus gave true living revelation of the powerful workings of God in His earthly life/ministry. He gives light to those in this world's darkness. He is complete, distinctive life and life giving, who gives the light of God the Father's presence and power in a world darkened by sin and death.

If you want knowledge of Almighty God then look to Jesus. He will reveal to you the fulness of God the Father's great love and mercy towards you, although you are a fallen sinner filled with fear and hate or guile. But, you must fully trust Him to cleanse you of all your sins. By your faith in Him you can become His new-born ("yennethe" Gk. passive voice from "gennao" Gk. meaning to be born or begotten), from above, child into the family of God, which is the Jew in heart, the Israel of God, the Church body of Christ. Read Jn. 3:3, also, see Ro. 2:22-29; 11:1-32; Gal. 6:15,16. You will be united with all believers from every tribe and earthly family regardless of your race or history, in the body of Christ with Him as Savior, Lord/head, and King.

Next we look at John the Baptist and his mission. The Gospels tell us of John the Baptist's lineage, prophetic fulfillment, his message of repentance and the kingdom, his relationship to Jesus Christ, and his death.

First, he was the son of a priest and his wife, both of the tribe of Aaron. Luke chapter one tells of the Angel of the Lord appearing to his father Zackarias, who had no children, and was advanced in age, to announce the gift of a child to him and his barren wife Elisabeth, and that his name should be John. This special child whose coming was prophesized by Isaiah in Isa. 40. "The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God."KJV Luke 1:76-80 says of John that he would be called of the most high; that John would, in childhood to adulthood, grow in strength of spirit. He was away in a less inhabited area or desert/wilderness ("eraemois" Gk. meaning lone, desert, waste, uninhabited) until his showing to Israel.

I believe during this extended period of time Jehovah God was preparing John, in patient waiting to begin preaching repentance to Israel and the coming Kingdom of Heaven or God. John's ministry gained strength and was becoming more and more widespread until Jesus came to him at the right hour of time, appointed of God the Father, to begin His work as the Messiah/king, humble Lamb slain for sin's penalty, from the beginning of mankind's fall in Adam.

John apparently never married and had no descendants. His whole life's purpose was to be the forerunner of Christ Jesus in the spirit of an Old Testament priest/prophet of Jehovah God. John one, verses six and seven, say that this man (John the Baptist) was sent from God to give witness concerning the Light ("photos" Gk. light giving life). John's function as a priest, chosen of the tribe of Aaron and the priestly order of Abia, was to announce the presence and offering of the Messiah/Lamb of God. The coming crucifixion/death of Jesus is learned from the first introduction of Jesus as the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world. See John 1:15-27. See THE WORD ("LOGOS") MADE FLESH Jn. 1:14.


After His baptism with the coming and remaining of the dove (Holy Spirit) upon Him, Jesus, the Lamb of God and Son of God, began inviting disciples to follow Him. See John 1:29 ff.

In the continuing presence of the Holy Spirit, who will guide Jesus throughout His earthly ministry, He will do the work of the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world, the eternal divine Son of God, the King of Israel and the Son of Man.

This passage of scripture tells us that the first two disciples of Jesus were directed towards Jesus by John the Baptist. Those two disciples, John the brother of James and Andrew the brother of Simon , followed Jesus after being told by John the Baptist of His sacrificial/redeemer status as the Lamb of God. They understood from this that Jesus is the Messiah/Christ of Israel. See verses 36 to 42.

Andrew went, found and brought Simon, a name apparently from Shimeon meaning a harkening, saying we have found the Messiah. The powerful prophetic presence of Jesus to these men caused them to go into action to bring others to Jesus. Peter must have been amazed by the wondrous presence of Jesus, as Jesus looked upon him and immediately gave to him his new name Peter ("Petros" Gk. meaning a stone). Jesus simply and directly called each disciple to follow ("akolouthei" Gk. meaning to follow and imitate) Him.

Christians become followers of Jesus in our time to finish the work of building the Church of God/body of Christ. We find others and tell them the good news (Gospel) of Jesus who was the suffering servant Lamb of God who by His death on the cross took away our sin debt and now makes us clean and holy in Him. Whenever He, Jesus Christ, is turned to, in faith, as the risen Lord of life, a believer becomes a child of God, being born from above, which is a miraculous work of the Holy Spirit.


John, chapter two, begins with the miracle of the changing the water to wine. Yes, I think that this was real wine, fermented wine, remember, the Apostle Paul told Timothy to drink a little wine for his stomach condition. The water of Paul's and Jesus' day needed to be clean from disease causing "bugs." That situation is not so today in the USA, our water is usually fine for drinking. Alcohol comsumption today in America and elsewhere in Western countries, is not necessary; our water can be readied for drinking without turning to intoxicating drinks for our fluids. Grape juice, etc. is good enough for me, or any other Christian. The alcohol business/industry should be held accountable for the sicknesses and deaths related to alcohol, as well as loss of time, broken lives, homes and accidents.

With this said, Jesus, His mother and his disciples attended a wedding party in Cana of Galilee. Mother Mary, pointed out that the party was out of wine, to Jesus. Jesus, in His prophetic manner, said to His mother: "What is that to me and you, woman,... my hour ("ora"Gk. meaning a season, a destined period, hour) is not yet come." Jesus uses the word "ora" in relationship to His mission upon the earth, timed for Him to reveal the heavenly Father's plan for Him in life and death. His hour would come when he was placed on the cross to die for sinners.

The water, turned to wine by Jesus, is symbolic of the blessed, sinless, pure, life blood in His body given for our sins. All who taste of the Salvation of Jesus Christ say it is good, satisfying, more than anything else partook of, in the world.


John 2:13-25 finds Jesus and His disciples going to Jerusalem for the Passover. There He agressively took charge of the event by setting the animals and doves free, while turning the tables of the moneychangers and running them off. He said to them that they were defiling the House of "MY Father/God" and making it a place of merchandise; probably the idea of filthy lucre. See verse sixteen. He also told them, when they question His authority to take this bold action, that the sign which would be given to them was the resurrection/restoration of the temple would occur in three days. Here the Greek word for destroy in the KJV is "Lusate" from "luo" meaning to break up, to demolish, to destroy, loosen, unbind, unfasten. Jesus meant the temple of His body which was given to death to deliver, not goats and doves, but sinners from eternal death

Their minds were boggled with that statement. "Why, the temple was forty-six years in building/construction under Herod, and in three days ('trisin hmerais eyero' Gk.) you will raise it?" After the resurrection of Jesus, on the third day, His disciples remembered this early reference to His bodily resurrection.


Jesus is still in Judea and gives His teaching on the new birth to the Pharisee Nicodemus who came at night. Obviously, being a ruler ("archion" Gk. meaning first one, ruler), he shows caution but is respectful calling Jesus rabbi, from the Hebrew meaning master. This is what Jesus' disciples called him. See Mark 9:3, 11:21, 14:45.

Being a master teacher, Jesus gives the first great lesson which must be learned by everyone who will enter into heaven as a child of God. Nicodemus' keen mental ability does not allow him to easily understand this great spiritual truth. He gets bogged down with the idea of the birth of a baby child and his being an adult.

Although being born from above ("gennethe anothen" Gk. from "gennao" to procreate, to beget, produce, and "anothen" from above, anew, again) is something real and vital it appears that people stumble upon its necessity as Nicodemus did.

Nicodemus has confessed that he believes that Jesus is a teacher ("didaskalos" from God "Theou").

Upon this confession Jesus gives the basic terms and foundation of eternal life.

It is a new richly abundant and ongoing life following the new birth from above. It is brought about by the Spirit of God; a birth of the Holy Spirit. It is based upon believing upon the only begotten Son of God ("monogenae" the only born in flesh Son of God).

Notice Jesus does not bring in water baptism; for water baptism is a sign of repentance and cleansing not the actual fact, but an outward symbolic picture of the inward change made by the work of the Holy Spirit. We Baptists liken its symbolic picture to being buried in sin's grave and raised up to newness of life in union/likeness to the death /burial and consequent resurrection of Jesus from His grave.

The Son (Jesus) has been sent into the world to bring about eternal life to those who believe upon Him (His divine/human personal being and saving work). Read Jn. 3:1-21.

Look to verses 22 to 36. Jesus continues His ministry with His disciples in Judea as they baptize and preach repentance for the kingdom of heaven is at hand; this is the same message which John the Baptist and his disciples were preaching.

John is to Jesus what the "best man" is to the bridegroom who has the bride and is being married. He rejoices in support of the event/marriage. John therefore says: "I am not the Christ, I am sent before that One." "He (Jesus) must increase but I must decrease/diminish." The word for increase is "auexanein" from "auexano" to grow or increase. The word for decrease is "elattousthai" from "elattao" meaning to make less or diminish.

Jesus is the Christ/Savior and John is the faithful witness. Jesus is from above (heaven) and is above all that is on the earth. Therefore, all people need to hear and see the witness/testimony of Jesus Christ. And that is from those who have heard His witnesses and are personally experiencing the saving grace of God.

God the Father loves the Son and all things are given into His hands. For Jesus is the redeemer who gives eternal life "zoen aionion" and consequent deliverance from the wrath of God, to those who receive Him by faith. God is angry because of disobedience and unbelief in the world of His creation.


In verses one through six, Jesus and His disciples left Judea to go to Galilee through Samaria. The Lord was now surpassing and gaining more disciples in baptism than John the Baptist. The Pharisees were obviously strongly in the picture and maybe getting more in Jesus' way of making disciples. The text tells us that Jesus' disciples were actually doing the baptizing.

Verses seven through forty-three: Jesus is at the well at Sycar which Jacob had purchased and had given to Joseph (Genesis 33:19). While His disciples went to buy food, He sat on the well and was met by a woman of Samaria. Being thirsty as well as hungry, He asked a drink be given or drawn for Him. The woman knowing Him to be Jewish and not a Samaritan, questions Him about, first, why He being a Jew asks her, a Samaritan, to give to Him a drink of water. He has shown that he is not controlled by racial types or religious prejudices but desires to help her with the gift of living water. "... if you know the gift of God and who it is that is speaking to you, you would ask of Him living water, ( the holy, pure water of eternal life giving power)." (hlw) This is water that fully satisfies one's inner spiritual thirst. I can just imagine the interest and inordinate sense which overtook this sinner woman of Samaria who has had five husbands and lives now with a man to whom she is not married. I imagine she thinks: "How could I meet such a person as this; he must be someone more than an unusual Jew. " ...Lord give to me this water which will quench all my thirst."

"Go call your husband and come back." But, there is one problem here, she is living with a man without marriage, and has had five husbands in the past. In her amazement she perceives Him to be more than just a kind unprejudiced Jewish man but one of prophetic knowledge and knows of her broken past and present. . Possibly she thinks: "this is impossible." So she changes the subject; the Jews worship in Jerusalem at the temple and the Samaritans worship at the near mountain in Samaria, which is Gerizim.

You worship wrongly in your traditions, we can understand Him to be saying, we Jews worship with true understanding because Salvation is of the Jews. Jews are right in worshipping at the temple in Jerusalem as they correctly received from the Scriptures. But the time "ora " Gk. hour, will be when true worship is not just in Jerusalem but that which is in spirit and truth..

Jesus will make this true worship, in Himself, a reality, for not just this sinner woman of Samaria, but, for all who hear His Word of Grace.


Of all the signficant things which we get/find in this chapter, the part on the Messiah/Christ, stands out. The sinner woman started the discussion about the coming of the Messiah and Jesus replied: "I am (ego eimi) that speaks to you." This is one of the "I am" passages where Jesus testifies of Himself, His person and His Messianic work/mission.

Then the disciples returned from their search for food, noticed His conversation with this unknown woman, but didn't comment. Being invited to eat, he replies that He has a main food to partake of, and that is to complete the work which has been given to Him of His Father. "I have food to eat which you do not know." A minister of God needs to be much concerned about the ministry of God's Word. His greatest satisfaction is in declaring the Gospel to anyone, if just one sinner woman. "LIft up your eyes the fields are white/ready for harvest."

Lastly, this chapter reveals the woman's response in returning to her village with the good news of meeting Jesus the Messiah. They gladly received Jesus "the Savior of the world" and Jesus remained there two days.

No time of ministry (regardless of where it is) that is lead of the Holy Spirit is wasted time, if only to one person who is down and out.


As a faithful male Jew, Jesus returned to Jerusalem for the Feasts of the Jews including the Feast of The Tabernacles (booths) commemorating the time of the flight of the Jews from Egypt and their wilderness dwellings before entering the promised land of Canaan.

This may be that feast. It was a time of the healing of a man who greatly desired healing from his thirty-eight years of being unable to walk. This one saw, listened and obeyed Jesus' command: " to rise up, take up his bed/cot and to walk."

He went into a sudden glad jumping, walking; and amazing to all who knew him, demonstration of the miraculous power of the Words of Jesus.

This miracle happened on the Jewish Sabbath. As Jesus had told him, the man was carrying his bed/cot and the "law abiding" Jews were offended.

Instead of rejoicing in the miraculous healing by Jesus on this disabled man, they were in a mood to persecute Jesus for commanding this healing on the Sabbath day.

The Sabbath day was truly a day given of God for our need of physical rest from our work/occupation. However God did not give this command to rest from our spiritual ministries and work. That is to go on until we are finished in the sowing and harvest of the seed/word of God in the souls of lost sinners, who need the healing/harvest ministries of Christ Jesus. This work is not simple physical labor on the earth which requires physical rest/breaks; then for a special time/day to look to God in fellowship with the Body of Christ the Church.

These Jews persecuted the healed man and Jesus in their lacking of spiritual understanding and hardness of spirit and heart. This persecution is indicated in verses nine through eighteen.

They found two faults in Jesus: he healed the lame man on the Sabbath and He called God (Theos Gk.) His Father (pater Gk.) in His work of healing, thusly making Himself equal with God the Father.

They (unbelieving men) decided to seek to kill (apokteinai Gk. from "apokteino" meaning to kill, destroy, annihilate) Jesus in their darkness of the understanding of Scriptural fulfillment and application. How could such keenly religious men be so blind to the work of God in their midst?

Yet, this kind of spiritual darkness has continued until this day among many religious people who reject Jesus Christ.


This long chapter is a strong statement of the work and ministry of Jesus Christ; the signs, miracles, prophecy, conflicts with Jewish religious leaders, and His continuing work with His disciples. Five Thousand men are feed, this led to Jesus teaching about His being the bread sent by the Father in/from heaven. He said that they must partake of Him, the bread from heaven.

He prophesied about the resurrection in the last day, verses thirty nine and following.

He strongly clearly stated: "I am the bread "artos" Gk. meaning food or bread. See verses thirty-three, forty- eight. He identified Judas as chosen to be a disciple, verses seventy and seventy-one; but was a "diabolos" Gk. from "diaballo" meaning to defame, inform against, slander, a treacherous informer, the devil. Peter called Jesus the holy, ("hagios" Gk. meaning: separate from common condition and use, pure, righteous, holy)one of God, before the other disciples, as Jesus had called Himself the bread from the Father, and that we must take Him into our lives as spiritual bread, who will change/regenerate/birth from above us by His spiritual presence with and within us. See verses fifty-three and following.

The crowd of people questioned the idea of eating/drinking His flesh and blood; note verse fifty-two and following.

They/many were there because of earthly desires for earthly/material things, whether food, position, or excitement and agitation about Jesus as the Messiah of the Jews/Israel. Many left and walked away, but the disciples (12) remained including Judas who would betray Him.

Sacrifice & Death

Jesus implies His death as a sacrifice in the order of sacrificing, perfectly suitable animals including goats, sheep/lambs, in the order of the O. T. offering and sacrificial system for trespass and sin by the people. See Leviticus chapters one through eight, Numbers nine, eighteen and nineteen. The animal was slain by the priest, cut up and portions were eaten by the priests and the sacrificers, as burnt, sin/guilt offerings, peace or freewill offerings. Only the blood of the animal was not drunk but poured out and some by the priest's finger was smeared on the sacred points of the altar.

To the religious/faithful Jew, his whole sacrificial history was fulfilled by Jesus offering His body and life blood in atonement for the sins of sinner. He was holy, as the Apostle Peter exclaimed; and therefore the perfect atoning sacrifice for the sins of sinners. Sadly many of the people in the crowd left Jesus there and went back. "How do we eat his flesh and drink His blood." Peter got it. Judas did not, but stuck around to betray Jesus and thusly to fulfill the words of prophecy.


The Feast of Tabernacles (tents) is a main time for Jewish men to go to Jerusalem to commemorate the period of Israel's dwelling in tents for forty years under Jehovah's protection and discipline before entering the promised land of Canaan. When his brother's pressed Him to go openly up and before all Jews to show Himself as the Messiah. John wrote that His brothers did not believe in Him. See verses one through nine. The key words of Jesus here are: "you go up to this feast for your time is always present but my time ("kairos"Gk. a marked/fitting season) of entrance as Messiah/King is not yet present$: elsewhere Jesus uses the word hour ("ora" Gk. for hour, a desinated period). See verses 6 for "Kairos" and 30 for "ora." He will do that later in chapter thirteen when He enter lowly before the believers riding upon donkey.

After HIs brothers had left for Jerusalem Jesus went and in the midst of the Feast He entered the temple and taught as seen in verses 10 through 52. As always in His teachings Jesus taught the essential truths about Himself and His relationship with the Father. He said: my teachings is not of myself but of the Father who sent me, vs. 16-24. His works proved His power as Lord of life and healing especially when He healed upon the Sabbath day.

The opposition to Jesus continued to grow with the Pharisees and priests. They attempted to arrest Jesus but failed

On the last day of the Feast Jesus boldly stood and shouted: if anyone thirsts let him come to Me and drink of my living water. That is the spiritual water of life which will be given to those believing upon Him: that water of life through the Holy Spirit would fall upon His disciples like a great empowering torrent on the day of Pentecost. See verses 37-39.

In verses 40-53 John writes of the continuing debate and discussions about who Jesus is among the Jews: some showing signs of faith including Nicodemus, other questioning. So they left and went home.

John Chapter Eight

Early in the morning Jesus returned from the mount of Olives to the Temple where He taught the Jews again. There some unbelieving Jews tested Him about the penalty of stoning for adultery with the woman taken in adultery, who was brought alone by the accusers to Jesus. Jesus wrote on the ground something which is not revealed by or possibly known by John. All the accusers left without anyone throwing a deadly stone. Jesus did not pronounce judgement upon the woman at that time for her adultery but sent her away with the words: "Go and sin no more."

He again identifies Himself as the Son of the Father who had sent Him into the world to be the light ("phos" Gk.). Verse 12: "I am the light of the world ("kosmos" Gk.). To follow Jesus is to have the light of life ("zoes" Gk. true life in its virtuous power and quality which is a gift of God the Father). The darkness of the world will vanish in its path. Sin is condemned as lawless, evil and of Satan's murderous lies. Those who are in darkness live as the children of Satan the Devil and a deceiver. Some heard His teaching Words "rema" Gk. and believed. Others questioned in unbelief Jesus' reference to His preexistence before father Abraham.

He, Jesus, clearly spoke of God as His Father who had send Him into the world with a special commandment for Him to fulfill. In verses 28-30 Jesus refers to His coming crucifixion. To those questioning these things, He identified them as the children/offspring of Satan. See verse 44.

Those who hear and keep the words of Jesus, who is glorified/honored by God the Father shall not see death forever. See verses 51-56. To this, the unbelieving Jews lifted up stones to stone Jesus, but He passed from them and left the temple. His time had not yet come for the hour of redemption through His cross. He goes on with His ministry of revealing, healing in His power and glory.


Here is a blind man from birth, blind not because of sin but for God's power through Jesus Christ to WORK and to be seen. Therefore Jesus gave this man the opportunity to become seeing with his eyes. All Jesus asked was for the blind man to do what he commanded: "go to the pool of Siloam.. (which means sent) and wash." The blind man got up and went even though he couldn't see and washed the clay/spital of Jesus' making and he came seeing. To be blind is to live in darkness.

But Jesus had said: "I am the light of the world." See verse five. Light banishes darkness and gives vision of the world about us.

Everyone was amazed by the miracle; but the religious leaders/Pharisees saw something wrong in the healing. It was done on the Sabbath and therefore violated the law as they interpreted it.

Healing a man on the Sabbath showed something amiss in the Pharisaic teaching or the Scripture. Then, they called the blind man's parents to question about their son's blindness and the giving of sight. The parents in fear of being rejected by their religious leaders/Pharisees, pointed to their healed son for the answers about how and who healed him (Jesus).

To the Pharisees he responded: how could a man who is a sinner and out of favor with Theos/Jehovah/Elohim give me sight? See verses 24-34.

After the Pharisees had cast him from their presence as though they considered his answers as insulting them, Jesus found him.

If others reject our testimony for Christ Jesus, Jesus will bless us and stand in greater revelation of His powerful presence with and to us. Jesus revealed Himself as the "Son of Man"(a Messianic phrase) who was sent of His Father and had healed this one's blindness.

"I believe Lord." With these words the healed/blind man worshipped Jesus: "prosekuvesen" Gk. from "proskuneo" to kiss, to do reverence, or homage to, to worship.

Jesus accepted this worship and adoration of thanksgiving. He came to give sight to those blind "tuphloi" Gk. blind. And those claiming sight, were spiritually blinded such as these unbelieving Pharisees. See verses 35-41. They remained in their sin. And, they continued to reject God's only begotten Son.


Jesus again uses His " am"("Igo eimi" Gk.) statements about His person and work. He is the personal door/gate of entrance into the special fold; note verse 9. His followers are special in that they know His voice/call and follow Him out of the fold, like sheep following their owner/shepherd. See verses 1-18.

I am ( Igo eimi Gk.) the good shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep, note verse 11 and 14. Jesus protects His fold of sheep/follower/believers with His life. No hired servant would stand against the attackers of the fold but would flee in the face of strong danger to the fold.

Jesus has a single fold of believers made up of Jewish believers and others. We Gentiles were on His mind as He looked beyond His cross. There is one fold and one Shepherd. See verse16. He always leads us safely into the pasture field. He leads and watches for and over our growth in safety.

God the Father had sent His Son into the world to gather His people and to die for them. Jesus came in total obedience and agreement. Note verses 17&18.

Some in the crowd of listeners rejected Jesus' claims and thought of Him as demonic in His words others reasoned HIs works were not those of a demonic person.

At the feast of Dedication in Jerusalem during winter some Jews who had knowledge of Jesus, His Words and works, came face to face with Jesus to question Him. As they gathered around HIm they asked: "if you are the Christ (kristos Gk.) tell us plainly and boldly" ("parresia" Gk. freedom of speaking, boldly before all)? See verses 22-42. Jesus pointed to His works in the name of the Father as His witness of divine authority and power. Remember the lame, the blind and others all healed miraculously. To His believing followers/sheep He gives eternal life ("zoen aioovion" Gk.) and they shall not perish forever. This is the will of the Son and the Father who gives them to His Son. See verses 27-30.

After they heard this, some in unbelief were ready to stone Jesus as they considered Him to be a blasphemer in making Himself as a man equal with God the Father. Standing His ground Jesus said: "in me the Father and I in the Father."

Seeing their hardness and hostility Jesus left Jerusalem and went out to the Jordan where John the Baptist had once baptized many followers, to point them to Jesus the Savior. Real believers and followers eagerly went to Jesus. They had heard John's declarations about Jesus and had seem the works of Jesus while hearing His teachings. Many believed upon Him. See verses 40 to 42.


Lazarus is raised in verse 43. There Jesus commands Lazarus to come out ("exo" Gk. meaning out, outside, away from a place). Although Lazarus had been physically dead for four days, he immediately obeyed and came out of the tomb in the presence of Mary, Martha, the disciples, and the mourning Jewish friends. Jesus had been teaching about the resurrection and illustrates the bodily resurrection which He would experience later after His crucifixion. He said to Martha: "I am the resurrection and the life ("zoe" Gk. fully spiritually and organically alive and life giving). Martha believed like the Pharisees in the future resurrection in the last day. That resurrection was to be in the future but Jesus spoke in the present time.

We need to understand that Jesus gives present life to all those receiving/believing in Him. Jesus gives eternal abundant life now and forever to all those receiving Him. This new life begins with the new birth from above subsequent to our physical birth. It is a work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of the repentant sinner. We turn from our sins to the Savior and ask Him into our heart and to be our new life. Jesus does more than heal; He gives life abundant from above/from God the Father of life. The birth from above is a miracle in the heart, body and life of each believer/convert to Jesus Christ.

This was a very significant public miracle which got the attention of the enemies of Christ Jesus who were blinded to the power of God in Jesus. The Jewish leaders became fearful of trouble with Rome and their own positions as respected leaders of the Jewish people over whom they exerted strong control. They decided to kill Jesus to prevent any sedition or rebellion against Roman control. Also, they didn't like the way Jesus was independent of their position and teachings. They saw Him leading the people away from their control and most likely Roman's if He was left unchecked. See verses 45 to 53.

Verses 55-57 give the timing of Jesus' triumphant/kingly entrance into Jerusalem: the passover ("pascha" Gk.) It is the hour for the redemption of sin by the lamb of God to take away the sin of the world.


The final Passover of Jesus; the lowly entry into Jerusalem with the multitude greeting His entrance with "Hosanna", "Blessed" ("eulogemenos"), "King" ("Basileus") of Israel begins this chapter. See verses one-fifteen. Verses two to eight detail Mary's washing the feet of Jesus with the costly ointment and Judas' objection of pious words about selling the ointment and giving to price to the poor. Jesus said you have the poor always with you, but me you do not have, always. Jesus makes us rich in the Heavenly Father's family through His death for us and the gift of eternal life.

The other disciples are fully aware of Jesus' works as the Holy Spirit works with them in remembrance of His works and words after he was crucified in shame but raised in glory. See verse sixteen. The fame of Jesus' work went to others including Greeks and visitors to Jerusalem. On the other hand, Pharisees became more opposed to Him and Lazarus whom Jesus had raised from the death/tomb. They think the whole world "kosmos" is gone after Him. See verses seventeen to twenty-five. Jesus keeps His mind's eyes upon His plans to give His life to the ground/tomb of death so that those who follow Him may have/keep it/life eternally "aioneion."

Jesus was a man of prayer and here He calls upon the Father in this greatly troubling/trying hour "oran." "Father glorify you name." And a voice from heaven "ouranou" came as the heavenly Father spoke: "I have glorified and again I will glorify "doxaso" again". Once again Father God speaks from heaven to and about His only begotten Son. People who heard the voice were startled and wondered: was it thunder or an angel speaking to Him? Together the Father and Son see the future of crucifixion and glorious resurrection with Satan being cast out in judgment with the world. See verses twenty-seven to thirty-six.

The condition of salvation and eternal life is belief in Jesus as the Christ of God. But again not all believe. Those who reject Jesus have eyes but can't see; then their hearts are further hardened. Some were silent believers but fearful of their leaders who stood firm against Jesus. Those who see and believe upon Jesus, at the same time see and believe upon the One who sent Him: the heavenly Father. Being sent by the heavenly Father into the world meant eternal life "zoe aionios" to all those believing upon Him. This is the whole purpose of His coming: life from the dead in God. See verses forty-four to fifty.


Jesus calls His disciples and goes to the Feast of the Passover in Jerusalem because His hour, ("ora") period of trial and crucifixion, was ready/present. He had finished His works which the Father had sent Him to complete of declaring the Kingdom of Heaven/God upon the earth to the Jewish people. And now His redemptive death for the sins of sinners was the important final goal/objective. Satan was to be cast out as the accuser of mankind.

Jesus loved ("agapesas") His own by His many acts of self giving in teaching and providing for their needs. They are twelve but one, Judas Iskariotou, was a secret servant of Satan. See verses 13:21-30.

Jesus washed the feet of the disciples including Peter over Peter's objection. This was a two fold work by Jesus upon His disciples. He cleanses their feet, literally (we all need cleansing from our defilements of sin and only Jesus can cleanse sinners of their sins, by His blood of Calvary's cross) but, also says: this humbling act was one they should do each for the other. As He acts in a servile manner so they need to serve one another. He tells them to love ("agapen") one another as a mutual sharing but also as a witness to all that they are His disciples. See verses four to seventeen and verses thirty-four and thirty-five.


Jesus always speaks of God (Theos Gk.) as His Father. Here in verse one and following, He answers Peter's question of chapter thirteen, verses thirty-six and following, saying: He was going to the Father's house (patros oikia Gk.) where there are many rooms (rooms many, monai pollai Gk.). Judea, of that time, was not to be His and their permanent dwelling place. Jesus and His disciples were on a journey of going to be with God the Father.

A troubled heart/mind needs to rely on Jesus and God by trusting everything into the Father's hand. Through the death of the cross Jesus was going to prepare a place of eternal abode for His disciples, and He would come again to receive/take them to be with Him. The way to the Father's house is a way made for His disciples by Jesus Himself; for He is the way (hodos Gk. meaning way, entrance, means); the truth (aletheia Gk. meaning real, unfeigned, certain), the life (zoe Gk. meaning the functions of life, vitality and existence).

Jesus Christ is the one and only way to God's house and life.

The Father and Jesus are One in existence and being. Since the disciples had been with Jesus over a period of time and had seen Him in all of His actions, teachings and works, they had been in the real presence of the Father through Jesus. See verses eight through fourteen. Jesus admonishes the disciples to believe this truth. When they see and believe the truth found in Jesus, all fear and trouble of heart must leave.

Verses fifteen through thirty reveal the coming of the comforter (parakleton Gk. meaning the one who comes alongside and helps us by giving remembrance, guidance in our relationship with God the Father , Jesus and one another in the world). When Jesus goes to be with the Father to prepare for HIs disciples' future abode, He will ask the Father to send the Holy Spirit into the world to minister to the children of God (all true believers). The Paraclete/Holy Spirit will lead believers into powerful witness of Jesus Christ. Loving Jesus Christ will be translated into pure agape/love from God. The Holy Spirit will work/empower each believer inwards and outwards to others.

Keys to opening the true believer's future in Christ, here in the world and in heaven, are HIs final finishing works and assent into the Father's house. He will prepare a place of abode and the coming of the Holy Spirit to the believers for comfort, peace and guidance.

Finally Jesus tells of the coming Satan, the world's ruler (kosmou arckon Gk.). Satan has no positive part in and through the Holy work of Jesus Christ. Christ's fulfillment of the Father's will is a plan for loving redemption of all who will believe in Jesus as their personal redeemer and savior. Jesus arises and leads His disciples to His suffering, by the hands of men, caught in Satan's fight to control the world and them, for their and our sins at Calvary.


Jesus continues to prepare His disciples for the immediate days ahead. "arise and let us go hence." (chapter fourteen and verse thirty-one). He repeats to them that He is in unity with the Father in His action which the ruler this world/age, Satan, fights and opposes. Jesus has come to bring redemption and release for the captives of Satan from Satan's control.

In verse one and following Jesus states: "I am ("ego eimi" Gk. indication of His personal being as present and continuing, as used by Him repeatedly in this Gospel to show His authority and powerful, purposeful coming presence in the world of their day)." He is the true vine. They (disciples) are the branches and the Father is the owner/husbandman/caregiver. The Apostle Paul refers to the Gentiles being grafted into the vine by God the Father in Romans 11. Here Jesus says the husbandman/Father looks for true fruitfulness by trimmings to show fruitfulness in all godliness and truth. Branches which are not fruitful are removed and set aside to be burned. The believer's increasing fruitfulness is utterly important with Christ and the Father. See verses one through ten.

The word ("logos" Gk. divinely revealed and powerful authoritative word) is the source of their relationship and cleansing in Christ Jesus. This is the ground of their cleansing from sin and their knowledge of the purity and holiness found in Christ. By abiding in Jesus and his word they are empowered to be fruitful in the world. Abiding ("meinate" Gk. from"meno" meaning to remain, to abide, to stay, to dwell) in Christ and His words ("hremata" Gk. from "hrema" meaning a word or message spoken) of promises, brings a true relationship with the Father through Christ Jesus . By abiding in Christ our prayers of asking are made to be wisely in accord with the will of God. See verses seven and eight.

Our fruitfulness glorifies God while identifying us as fruit bearing branches of His vine in this world The commandment of the Father through Christ Jesus is love ("agape" Gk. as holy pure love) found in God and Christ but given to us, then through us to one another. Love in God brings real joy to its fullest great expression in Christian service by even dying for the body of Christ. The Christian in love gives his/her body in God's service through and in yielding to Christ. See Romans 12. This glorifies Christ and God to the world. See verses nine through seventeen.

Thank the Lord that He has chosen ("exelexamen" Gk. from "eklego" meaning to pick out, chosen out, selected) us in Christ to be new members of His Body in the world although the world may hate us, even as it hated Christ Jesus. If the world does hate ("misei" Gk. meaning to hate, detest") us, our joy is more firm because it demonstrates that we are not of the world but that Christ has chosen us out of the world. Since the world persecuted the Lord, it is no surprise when the world persecutes His branches. When the world hates Christ Jesus it can't be because of His goodness and virtue, it must be based on inane hate. See verses eighteen through twenty-five.

In preparation for the coming events, betrayal, trial, crucifixion and separation from the disciples, Jesus promised the comforter ("parakletos" Gk. called to one's side, intercessor, comforter, advocate). The Holy Spirit is promised to come to the disciples and they will not be left alone; but the Holy Spirit, from the Father, will come to, in truth, witness of Christ Jesus,while bringing remembrance of His life from the beginning. See verses 26,27.


In this chapter Jesus continues His intensely unified identification with His Father and the Father's will/plan for His coming into the world. It is great joy to Jesus and later to His disciples, as He looks to finish the work which the Father has sent Him into the world to complete. In these chapters of this Gospel, Jesus knows that the final hour ("ora" Gk. hour, time, note verses 25, 32) has come, and they will finally be completely joyful. See 15:11, 16:20,22,24. Verse twenty-four uses ' joy' in its completest and fullest tense: "chara 'umon en peplaeromenae," "My full complete joy in you." Although the world, under the control of Satan, will rejoice at the crucifixion of Him the disciples' grief will be turned to great joy. This will happen upon the victory over the grave when the Father will bring Him back to them and they will see Him in His great glory. See verses 1-24. Two end results are promised: He will leave them for His Father's side where their prayers in His name will be brought (note verses twenty-three and twenty-four); and the "paraclete"/comforter (Holy Spirit) will come to be with them. See verses twenty-five through thirty-three.

Finally, there is great peace and victory in the midst and after, all of this grief, disbelief, sorrowful betrayal," suffering and death. This is His victory for His disciples, through the grace of God the Father, for their victory over the world, the devil and death. "I have overcome the world" "Igo nenikaeka ton kosmon." This is complete satisfying peace and victory.

We, who are called and have placed our faith in the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ, possess unspeakful joy and wondrous peace. Well, praise the Lord Jehovah! Note verse thirty-three.


Jesus is truly Lord and Master and He again manifests this reality in His relationships with His disciples and the Heavenly Father. Thus, He knows the Father, the Father's will, and the things happening both present and future. He prays in verse one again, concerning the hour/point of time: " the hour ("ora") is come, glorify you the son, in order that the son may glorify you. This great point in the life of Jesus Christ is a pivotal/central point in salvation history and the world of people. It is a time for physical death, and for sin to be conquered with victory over the Devil and the grave with eternal life in the Father.

Eternal life ("zoe aionios") comes in knowing the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent; see verse three. Only truly living persons can know Jehovah/God the only true God. Spiritually blind persons cannot know and see God unless God opens their eyes/hearts through the cross of Calvary. There Jesus died shamefully but substitutionally, without personal fault or sin. So, He condemns sin in revealing the great sin of unbelief and disobedience to true righteousness found only in God. The world and Satan were caught in the central sin of willfully turning from truth in Christ Jesus and Father/God.

Jesus was with the Father in glory ("dozae" Gk. glory, radiance, honor) before the world was formed and before He came into the world, see verse five. Jesus is the eternal creator, sustainer of the earth and all creation. See Colossians chapters one and two. Throughout this chapter the relationship of authority and oneness/unity between the Son and the Father are shown. In verse six Jesus said to the Father in his prayer: "I have made known your name ("Onama" Gk.) to the men you have given to me, out of the world... and your word ("logos" Gk. word, matter or thing, divine revelation) they have kept. This was a special reason for Jesus calling for His disciples to leave home to follow Him. They were special witnesses as one, for/of His power and life as God, the manifest Son, in oneness and unity with the Father.

Jesus would leave them to carry on His will and work in His world mission. See verses seven through nineteen. Jesus prayed for the Father to keep them from the evil one who is in the world and to sanctify (set apart, clean/pure, holy, totally) them in the word/logos of truth.

The way of Christ is the way of truth and righteousness. Jesus prayed, in this way not only for His disciples, but, for all who would turn to the Father in Him, by the ministry of His disciples down through the centuries of time, even to this very hour in which you and I live.

Our unity in Christ and God the Father brings glory to God by our love/agape for one another. The Body of Christ is a one people, called out by the one word/gospel who are filled with His one love. See verses twenty to twenty-six.


Here is the betrayal and trial of Jesus. Judas betrays Jesus. Peter denies Jesus. The Jews, led by their high priest judge Jesus and call upon Pilate for His crucifixion. In all of this Jesus and the Father are in basic control of what is allowed to happen with and to Jesus. In verses one through fourteen the servant officers, led by Judas, find Jesus and His disciples in a favorite garden ("kepos" Gk.) of flowers and herbs. Jesus met them and asked: who were they seeking. "Jesus of Nazareth, " they said. He responded: "I am." ("ego eimi.")

These are words, (used by Jesus on certain occasions to state His personal identity as the Son of God and the Christ), of divine revelation from the lips of Jesus. The cohort of servant/guards are amazed and fall back to the ground. When they asked the same question, and again Jesus replied: "I am." Jesus actively surrenders to their bonds and has them release the disciples, but, that was only after Peter had cut off the ear of one Malcus, which Jesus touched and healed.

Willingly bound by the officers, Jesus was led to the house of the Jewish high priest for His initial trial. Annas, the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the high priest, first questioned Him. However, Peter's first of three lies-denials came about when the disciple known to Caiaphas (John) sent a servant-girl doorkeeper to bring Peter inside.

Peter's weakness of fear for his own life overcame his faith and love of Jesus. Peter lost this opportunity to stand and witness for the good and wonderful life of Jesus before the high priest and his officers. Instead he stayed outside and tried to keep warm among unbelievers.

Annas first questioned Jesus about His disciples and His teachings. In essence Jesus responded: call those who were present in my open and public teachings. "They can tell the truth. " The only thing Jesus got was a slap from an officer in rebuke of His sharp and bold response to Annas. In turn Jesus rebuked the officer. "Why do you strike me?" What is the evil? Annas ended his questions and sent Jesus bound to the high priest, Caiaphas.

In verses twenty-eight through forty the Jews led Jesus to Pilate, staying outside the palace, so not to defile themselves before the Passover ("Pascha" Gk.) of the Jews. While they are keeping ceremonially clean from contact with Gentile defilement, they are corrupting themselves with innocent blood. "The king of the Jews," said Pilate after his agreement to turn Jesus over to the will of the people. They wanted Him crucified regardless of Pilate's findings of nothing worthy of death and no fault in Him. "What is truth?" Was the question of Pilate.

Jesus told Pilate that He had come (was born to be king), but His kingdom is not of this world.


Verse one and following gives the continuing hurried trial of Jesus before Passover by the Roman Gentile ruler Pilate and the Jews, under the direction of the high priest Caiaphas who said it be would better for one man to die than the Jewish nation. See John eleven verses forty-seven and following. I perceive In His worldly thinking, Caiaphas supposed that Jesus would become so popular and have great support among the common nation/Jews, and that they would make Him their leader/King/ruler and then try to overthrow the Roman government for which Pilate was a local governor. I think he (Caiaphas and the priests) saw Jesus as, not only a false Messiah/Christ, but as an opponent to the Jewish leadership of Priests and the Sanhedrin of the Sadducees and Pharisees.

At least three times Pilate told the Jewish leaders that he saw no fault in Jesus or guilt worthy of death/crucifixion. But the Jews insisted that Jesus be crucified, note verse thirty-eight, chapter eighteen and chapter nineteen, verses four through six. The Jews made three accusations against Jesus: that He was an evil doer ('kakon poion" Gk.), had made Himself to be a king, and the Son of God.

See chapter eighteen verses eighteen and following; chapter nineteen verses one through fifteen. To show the lack of earthly kingly respect for Jesus from the Romans, Pilate had Jesus scourged and in disgrace brought before the Jews who still insisted that Jesus be crucified.

In verses sixteen through twenty-seven, the living Son of God was taken by the Roman soldiers and put upon the cruel cross of crucifixion between two condemned men. Among sinners and for sinners Jesus was crucified. At the cross Pilate's inscription was written in Hebrew, Roman, and Greek: "Jesus the Nazarene the King of the Jews." The Jews rejected this title saying to Pilate: 'He said He was the king of the Jews."

What did the people think who stood there or passed by? Some were very skeptical and mocked or challenged Jesus to come down from the cross and save Himself. Others marveled as time passed and the sky darkened. Jesus spoke to individual people including John and His mother, whom He placed in John's care in verses twenty-five and twenty-six.

Through his Gospel John carefully ties the events in Jesus' ministry and life to Jesus' and Holy Scripture prophesy to the events including the crucifixion; i.e. "They will look upon the One who was pierced." See verse thirty-seven.

The grave final moment in Jesus' commission from the Father in heaven was when He bowed His head and said: "It is finished ("tetelstai" Gk. completely perfectly finished"). Salvation's penalty was paid as Jesus breathed out His Spirit into the hand of Father God. The sinless Son of God was going into death for the sins of the world's sinners.

Those who disbelieve the life and death of Jesus must refute these detailed happenings including the final things of the request for burial, its preparation and the grave site. Interestingly those taking this role are Joseph and Nicodemus, a Jewish ruler and a Pharisee who had been more secret followers of Jesus but now openingly take care of His burial. Things were all falling into place, near to the cross at Golgotha was a grave ready, which was new and empty until that hour. See verses thirty-eight through forty-one. The other Gospels, Matthew chapter twenty-seven, Mark fifteen, and Luke twenty-three along with their surrounding chapters, add details and record of this history of Jesus' ministry and events.


The condition of the disciples emotionally and mentally was no doubt one of dismay, fear and loneliness with Jesus dead and buried. An expectation of the resurrection of Jesus did not seem to be their main hope and answer to the evil of His crucifixion. Shocked and upset with their religious leaders who had brought about this sudden change from high hopes to emptiness and darkness, the disciples, without the betrayer Judas, mourned in numbness together or wandered about the country. In this chapter the victorious resurrection of Christ Jesus jolts the disciples into amazement and joy. Thomas, who probably was the last of the eleven to see the resurrected Christ, turned from disbelief into a changed man who cried out "my Lord and my God." See verse twenty-eight. Verses one to twenty-nine detail the following events. Three women(confirmed and narrated in the other Gospels) had gone to the tomb to place aromatic spices on the body of Jesus, early on the first day, Sunday. They found an open tomb and angels who told them that Jesus was not there but had risen. Specifically, Mary Magdalene saw the risen Lord, who would not allow her to joyfully touch or cling to Him but He told her to go and to tell His disciples that He had risen and would meet them in Galilee. The apostles John and Peter upon hearing her witness both ran to inspect the empty tomb. John ran the faster and waited at the tomb entrance for Peter to come and enter. What was found, were the grave clothes rolled together in one place and the head wrap in another place. John believed from this evidence that Jesus had risen.

Note two other important issues in this chapter: first is mention of the ascension ("anabaino pros"Gk. to go up to/unto, of Jesus to the Father (verse seventeen my Father and your Father/patra , my God/theon and your God/theon) and second: verses thirty and thirty-one where John writes of the many other signs in the life of Jesus and His post resurrection activities which are meant to give basis for the reader's belief and in believing possess eternal life in the name of Jesus.


Seven of the disciples including Peter join with Peter in a night's fishing on the Sea of Tiberias. John 6:1 identifies this as the Sea of Galilee. This was the old fishing hole of earlier days where Peter, Andrew, James and John learned the trade of fishing. Verses one through fourteen tell us of how Jesus met them there in the morning after a night of fishing with no catch. Standing on the shore Jesus called, and finding that they had no fish, told them to cast their net on the right side of their boat (boats). Doing so, their net filled full of one hundred and fifty-three fish without breaking as they brought the fish to shore. The Apostle John recognized Jesus saying: "It is the Lord." Without further word Peter pulled his garments together around him, jumped into the sea and swam to shore. When they all were gathered around, Jesus stood with a wood fire, fish and bread which He had prepared and they ate together upon His words come and dine "aristesate." They didn't need to ask Jesus who He was for they all knew.

Verse fourteen states this was the third manifestation of Jesus to His disciples after His resurrection. This appearance is powerful in that it continues to demonstrate His power, knowledge, and the love for His disciples.

Peter received special attention from Jesus as He asked Peter three times: do you love me with the commandment to feed my lambs and to shepherd my sheep. The Greek text uses the word "Agape" in the first two questions and the Greek word "phieis" in the third. To each question Peter answered: I love "philo." There is a difference in the two words. "Agape" means to love, to set store upon while "philos" means a friend, to like, to be fond of. In using the word "philo" in the third and final question, Jesus accepts Peter's answer but still wants him to "boske" feed, pasture my sheep. Jesus still trusts Peter to be leader of His fold of sheep.

Serving and leading the sheep, people of God, is a great and necessary work for every pastor. See verses fifteen to seventeen.

Further Jesus prophesied that Peter would live to be older and for his death to be at the hands of others. Yes, Peter would glorify God in death following Jesus' command: "follow me: ' moi akolouthei'." Peter had failed to glorify Jesus and God at the trial before the high priest. There he denied Jesus three times.

John also would live to be older with his life in the hands of Jesus. See verses eighteen through twenty-three.

In verses twenty-four and twenty-five John concludes his Gospel stating that his personal witness is one of truth "alethes."


First John chapter one, we are beginning our study at verse one. (KJV with Greek text complement). "That which was from the beginning (what was from {the} beginning 'arche': at creation as pre-existing, divine in character) which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life." John here testifies to his personal experience of hearing, seeing and touching. This is not hearsay or secondhand information but personal, vital and real.

Further, it is not his experience alone but of others also since he speaks in the plural of more than one (we). The use of the word "Word" is a translation from the Greek word "logos" and refers back to the Gospel of John 1:1 where we read "In the beginning was the Word "logos"...." Here John says the Word of life "zoas" meaning living or life giving.

The Apostle gives three truths about Jesus Christ. A. He exists before all things. B. He is the reason behind all intelligence and order in creation. C. He is the life giving source of all life. As Christians we are given these assuring words from John in order to rest our faith upon Jesus as our Lord and Savior. He is our only true source of life now and forevermore with God our Heavenly Father.

Yes, this is marvelous and amazingly real for each believer who has and is experiencing a new life of change from spiritual deadness to the fulness of Christ living within, by His Spirit. May God be praised!

Study 2 verse two chapter one: "For the life was manifested,and we have seen it and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father and was manifested unto us;..." John repeats again that he has personally seen the manifestation (the Greek text here has "ephanerothe" which means to have seen the life as clearly revealed to his own eyes and understanding) of the life of Jesus and again he gives personal witness and testimony of that life of the Son of the Father/God.

John could not give witness too often; nor can we. The word translated with is "pros" and indicates the place of relation as to, or towards, or unto the Father.

That life which John saw, was life eternal "aionion". This means everlasting and unending duration. How can John say this since Jesus was crucified and died on the cross of Calvary? The answer is found, not only in the divine character and evident relationship of Jesus with His Father/God, Jehovah, or his earthly ministry of loving service to the poor, lame, lost ,blind and dying; but also in John's keen memory of all those things which he saw as a called disciple of Jesus, having enjoyed a special relationship as the beloved disciple.

This eternal life which John witnessed was greater than death itself which Jesus had come to defeat in His own body on the cross and in the tomb. Jesus crushed death by His own life's blood, in His pure love and power under the authority of Father/Jehovah, for God raised Him from the grave and John must give witness to that great visual and personal manifestation of Jesus as he had fulfilled prophesy and came out of the tomb's (death) grip.

In His last testament Jesus told John and the other disciples to go and witness to the full truth of what they had seen and heard to everyone in every place (Matt. 28:18ff). John went and left this testament of his going. Am I going and are you going?

First John chapter one verse three: John the Baptist was the forerunner of Jesus Christ as prophesized by Isaiah in chapter 40:3: "A voice is calling, clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness: make smooth in the desert a highway for our God...."NAS This scripture is quoted in Luke 3:4-6 in reference to the ministry of John the Baptist, the earthly relative of Jesus through His mother Mary and the mother of John, Elizabeth.

The apostle John was one of the first young men to be called to discipleship by Jesus. He and his brother James, were also called the sons of Boanerges (sons of thunder)-- Mark 3. They were fishermen along with Peter and Andrew. The Apostle John was one of the inner circle of disciples called by Jesus as followers/learners. he left his fishing to learn of Jesus. Only John followed Jesus into the trial area where Jesus was pronounced guilty of making Himself to be the Son of God and worthy of crucifixion--Luke 22:66-77.

It is this John who scribed First John 1:3 "That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you...."KJV John was not alone in seeing miraculous works and hearing the wonderful words; others both had seen and had heard, so he uses the plural "we." John was writing and declaring for all of them, from the birth to the cross, the grave to the tomb, the resurrection and the ascension to the Father/God. First, what he had heard "heorakamen" from "horao" which is first person plural perfect tense. The perfect tense in the Greek language carries the meaning of completed action with its' continuing state and affect for present time. It has a certain distinction of timeless completeness in contrast to the aorist, present, and future tenses. It was true when it occurred and stands true today. The Greek word for have heard "akekaoamen" from "akouo" is also perfect tense with the same meaning. These disciples including John had witnessed the full measure of the message, the works and the person of Jesus Christ, the anointed Son of God with power of authority and dominion over disease, infirmity, the devils of Satan, and death. He forgave sin and released people from sin's chains of bondage. All of this was only part of what John and the others had witnessed, and as one of them, John writes this account.

To the believers in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord comes fellowship together in the oneness of Christ's spiritual body on earth, the Church "ecclesia", the called out individuals of Faith. John writes of the believer's fellowship "koinonian" (from the Greek "koinonia" and the root "koino" meaning common, belonging equally to several). This beautiful fellowship of blood bought/washed Saints was a common sharing and communion of all the hearers of the message/gospel of Christ in wholly committment of selves to the merciful and gracious God through the faith of Christ.

The believers along with the Apostle writer, John, were recipients of inner love, joy and peace which no man can buy; for man has not the price of purchase. Jesus paid it all in full with His sinless life's blood. God the Father sealed it with the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice to atone for mankind's sins.

John the Baptist had called Him the lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world: "The next day John (the Baptist) seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, 'Behold to Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world'."--John 1:20 KJV

My friends it is His blood which cleanseth me and all who will come to Him in repentance of sin and unbelief for cleansing and new freshness of life.

First John chapter one verse 4

Full joy is the blessing in the hearts and lives of all blood washed Christians. "Kaira" - joy is the experience of present, fully complete joy in Christ. Joy unspeakable, beyond human and earthly cause, can only come through Christ's great victory over death, hell and the grave at Calvary.

Verse five tells of the message of the gospel of light, "phose"; which banishes darkness in order that we can walk clearly within God's will at this present time. God is light in whom is no darkness or shadow of turning or change.

Verse six reminds us that we cannot walk (live, abide)in sinfulness and have fellowship with our God and Savior. To walk in the light of God is to walk (live) in the truth. Truth here is definitely the pure unblemished truth out of God and Christ Jesus which is in direct line with God's holiness.

Verse seven tells us again of our fellowship, "koinonian", of setting aside of our personal interests by joining in the common interests of other Christians in Christ's work. We all share the same God and Savior whose blood brings us together as one fellowship/body.

Verse eight: We were all sinners defiled by deadly sin but have been washed/cleansed from our sins by the life blood of Christ Jesus. The real truth is found in the fact of our personal sin without God and our unfaithfulness to truth and God's holy law.

Verse nine tells us to face the true fact of our personal disobedience and failures and to confess "homologomen," our sin. All the history of our life agrees to our personal sin and rebellion against truth and God, in our walking without God. This is the truth which the sinner must realize and admit before he/she can be changed to walk in the reality of God and the truth of God.

Verse ten tells us when we confess to God the truth of our personal sinfulness, He will definitely forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness and iniquity "adikias." If the ungodly person refuses to admit to his/her sin, then God becomes a liar and Christ's work on the cross is of no value.

First John chapter 2

Verses one and two speak of the Apostle John's love for the young Christians in faith: "My little children;" that they avoid sinning in their lives and that they rely upon their advocate(paraketos), our helper/intercessor, the Lord Jesus Christ, who cleanses them from sins of the past and the practice of sinning in their present lives.

His blood cleanses the child of faith because in His death on Calvary's cross, He gave His blood as the propitiation ("hilasmos," a satisfactory covering for our sin). Further, His life giving blood in the death of the cross is sufficient to bring redemption/forgiveness of the sins of the whole world of mankind. That includes everyone of all time, races, or status, who will, in faith, turn in faith's obedience to Christ Jesus as the Son of God who has come to be their Savior and Lord.

I have committed my life's sin to Christ Jesus for forgiveness and new life today in Him. Have you repented/turned to God in Christ Jesus and asked Him to save you and to give to you new life from above in the new birth of the Holy Spirit?


The children of God must show their relationship with God their Father by their godly lives. That they know God is evident by their daily conduct of righteousness and love. A true genuine, sincere faith relationship with God the Father is shown by a loving yielding to the will of the Father. Knowing the Father's unfailing love enables us to bridge the valleys, mountains and chasms of the cold world's hate and evil.

Verse five says that those who keep God's word in faith's obedience fulfill the meaning of His love in actions of blessing and merciful gracious love.

The Greek term used for word here is "logon" from "lego:" to say, to speak, to declare, to express. John used the same word in the Gospel of John, chapter one, concerning the word made flesh, which was Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus was, in His earthly life, the full expression of God, as the only begotten Son of God. So now, we believers who have been born from above are being changed into expressions of God's love to the world about us, by God's Holy Spirit's indwelling presence.

Oh, what a knowledge and blessing we have, to enjoy and live as Christ's witnesses here, now, this today.

VERSE SIX speaks of our abiding ("menein" present active from "meno" to dwell, stay, rest, settle) in Christ. This is continuing to remain in Christ/God and, therefore,in obedience to His will for our life. We must live/walk a life of fellowship with God and Christ by His Spirit's direction.

We show this obedience by not hating but loving our fellow Christians. We will pray for the blessings of our brethren. We will give aid to our brethren. We will admonish our brethren. We will forgive our brethren (note verses 7-11).

The one hating his brother is not living in the light of Christ but is living in darkness ("peripatei", present tense, active voice, indicative mood, to walk to conduct your life at this time in darkness). This is spiritual darkness as if blind and not seeing where he is going.

Without other persons (including Christians and unbelievers)our fellowship and spiritual works would not have opportunity for service and ministry in the love of God. We do need people even if they hate us.

Verse twelve reminds us that we were sinners without true fellowship with our loving God and Christ, but now we are growing/maturing saints who are being sanctified and set apart to God for His service. All this is because of our being forgiven ("apheontai", perfect passive indicative from "aphieni" to release, to forgive). God has completely forgiven and released us from the penalty of our sins in Christ's death on the cross in our stead. This verse is addressed to "my little children 'teknia'." This is a term of endearment. John loves his people whether they are young or old, new or old saints.

Verse thirteen addresses the group called the fathers "patres". These would be the older Christian men of faith and practice. They have personal knowledge of the one who is from the beginning. Probably these men had seen Jesus, had eaten with Him, and had received His teachings both before and after the cross and His resurrection. Jesus is also spoken of as the beginning in Revelation 1:8; 22:13. Jesus is before all things as the head of all creation with the Father and Holy Spirit. Verse thirteen also addresses the young men, as they have completely/perfectly overcome ("nenkekate", perfect, active, indicative), the evil/wicked one (the Devil/Satan), who guides people into wickedness from their evil hearts.

Verse fourteen repeats the call to the young children, the fathers and the young men. The children are cleansed/forgiven and now know the loving heavenly Father of mercy and grace; whereas the fathers also have the personal knowledge of the Father from the beginning of the ministries of Christ's discipleship. The young men are conquerors in the strength supplied by the word of God abiding in them. The word of God is our Sword by which we overpower the Devil/Satan as described by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 6.

I John 2:15-17

Our love ("agapate" present, active) is not to be for the world ("kosmos" the world system as guided by evil). The person who loves the world is without true consuming interest in God the creator of all things or in Christ the Lord. The world's attractions, wealth, pleasures, position/power, control his/her life and goals. The opposite is true of the one who loves "agape" the Lord God, who is the center of the Christian's life. We love Christ Jesus and, with our brothers and sisters in Christ, we look for His coming when we shall reign with Him in glory forever.

When a person's heart is set upon the world and its' lusts, his eyes see only the things which offer physical/fleshly or carnal satisfactions. He has a false sense of self- importance.

The physical body will age and lose its' prowess and zest for the world's great pleasures. But this aging and changing of the physical body does not affect the believer in Christ Jesus because of the central love "agape" for our eternal living God and His gift of abundant life in Christ Jesus. This abundant life is not dependent upon fleshly carnalities for its' spiritual well-being. So the lusts of the world will fail those who love "agape" the world. But those who love "agape" God and do His bidding will grow in abundance of life and there will always be a new morning.


John truly loves the dear children of faith because we are the children of God through Jesus Christ. We are one in Christ, equally part of the family of God whether Jew or Gentile, bond or free. He says it is the last hour("ora" one-twelfth part of a day, a specific point of time, a short time). This is linked to the antichrists or antichrist of which there are many. We might think John was mixed up on this time of the antichrists. But there are those who have opposed Jesus as the Christ from the beginning of the earthly ministry of Jesus as God's anointed Son.

This opposition to Jesus as the Messiah could only happen after the birth, ministry, death, resurrection and accension of Jesus to the Father. And in this last period of time Jesus is rejected by the antichrists, those who do not love Jehovah God in truth and spirit. Many world rulers have not accepted Jesus' forte of preaching the Gospel of spiritual peace from the heart of God, but do just the opposite and conquer and rule by the gun and military might in their own name. Individuals with this attitude will do as Judas and go their worldly earth- seeking ways.

In verse twenty John directs the truth seekers to follow the Holy Spirit sent in their hearts by the spiritual anointing to give them inward understanding and knowledge. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit causes us to confess Jesus as the Son of God who lived among men in all His great power. The antichrist denies the truth of the deity of Jesus as God's virgin-born Son. As the son of Mary (Man of flesh) He was the Spirit anointed/lead sinless Son of God.

Christians must abide ("meneto" from "meno" to remain, stay, dwell) and rest upon the firm foundation of faith in Jesus alone as their heaven sent Lord and Savior(verse 24). Our functioning as the blessed children of God is based upon our daily abiding in our committment to Jesus as SAVIOR AND LORD



This O.T. prophet and Haggai were called of Jehovah of Hosts to encourage Zerubbabal, descendant of David the King and Joshua of the priestly family, in the rebuilding of the temple by the remnant Jews, who returned from exile to Jerusalem and Judea.

This began to occur in the second year of the rule of Darius ruler of Persia. The seventy years of exile, had passed as prophesied by Jeremiah and remembered by the Jews in the countries where they had been carried/forced away.

Zecharia one, verses one through six stresses the reason, for the seventy years of exile of the Jews, was because of the unbelief and disobedience of their forefathers and the consequent anger ( verse two "quaszif" Heb. meaning breath short, to foam, to be wroth) of Jehovah of Hosts. It is clearly stated that this anger had been caused by the deep and great sin of the people who were their Israel/Jewish forefathers.

But, again these descendants of seventy years exile are told to turn ("Shuv" Heb.meaning turn about, to turn back, to return) and that He, Jehovah would turn to them. Their decision to turn to the Lord in their hearts needs to include their obedience in rebuilding the temple and godly reverential living towards Him in their nation and the people of the world. God will lead them on as His elect people in the world as a special channel of blessing and hope.

"The word of the Lord came to the prophet Zechariah..." Zechariah 1:7. Here is the first of eight night visions seen by the prophet.

Again, in the second year of Darius, Jehovah spoke to Zeckariah. In a night vision, he saw a man riding on a red horse and he takes a stand among the myrtle trees in a ravine, behind, following, are red, redish/brown and white horses. Their purpose of walking over the earth to examine the nations had found an at ease/rest ("shqaeta" Heb. meaning to have restful quiet state) state. Because of their (peoples, ruler's,nation's) idolatries, and evil practices, judgment will come upon these nations who had overcome with destruction and abuse of Israel/Judea.

I see this situation as showing that Jehovah's judgment of the sins and rebellion of Israel/Judea had been spent over the seventy year period and He would now move with compassion and pity upon the remnant of His people and will respond in His jealousy ("qana" inflamed, zeal for the state/condition of) over Jerusalem/Zion. Jehovah has returned in goodness to Jerusalem with compassion as His people will come to rebuild His temple in the choice again of Jerusalem/Zion. Reread chapter one.


By the grace and power of Jehovah of Host the remnant of Israel/Judea and Jerusalem are promised a wall of fire around the rebuilt city of Zion . “…Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns without walls… “

This chapter begins with the vision of the horns (nations/armies, rulers in power) which scattered (“zeru” Heb. From “ zarah” to disperse ) and the carpenters/craftsmen (“haraishmin” Heb. From “harish” meaning an engraver or artificer) who terrify (“haherid” Heb. From “harad” to quake, to tremble, to make afraid, to fray) the horns (rulers, nations) who had scattered the Jews/Judea.

Jehovah will raise up from His holy abode and call the remnant/Zion) to escape and slip away quickly. Return quickly as the pupil my eye my prize/spoil from the horn spoilers of Israel/Judea/Jerusalem, and I will dwell in the midst of Zion.

Jehovah’s gracious power for deliverance will bring songs of praise and worshipful thanksgiving/service/faith/obedience from His people. God‘s plan is to live among His redeemed faithful people in His holy temple.

Today, Jehovah by His powerful Holy Spirit dwells in His temple the Church (body of Christ). Read chapter two again.


Zechariah's fourth vision is of Joshua, the high priest for the returning remnant from exile in Babylon and other lands surrounding Israel/Judea. It begins in verse one with Joshua standing before the Angel of Jehovah and Satan the accuser also standing his right to accuse ("satan" Heb. meaning accuser, an adversary) Joshua.

Our merciful and redeeming Jehovah rebuked ("gar" Heb. meaning rebuke, reprove) Satan. The priesthood in Israel/Judea was in God's plan for His people.

God had chosen Jerusalem and had brought Joshua and the returning remnant through the fire of judgment and testing. Verse three says: "Is this not a brand snatched from the fire?"

Joshua's clothing/garment was filthy (symbolizing sin and iniquity) and therefore changed to a pure and clean festive glorious style garment and head mitre suitable for holy priestly service to his gracious and just Jehovah/God, for His people.

After Joshua was charged to walk in Jehovah/God's ways and to keep His charge (verses eight through ten), it was announced/promised of the future SERVANT BRANCH/sprout ("tsaemach" Heb. meaning to spring up, to branch, a shoot) (see Jer. 23:5, 33:15 etc for the Servant Branch) will come to serve JEHOVAH/God, in holiness to remove iniquity from the land in ONE DAY, as symbolized by ONE STONE of perfective comforting redemption.

Jesus Christ will come as a SERVANT/BRANCH/sprout from priestly/kingly lines of Aaron and David to redeem in a single day at Calvary, SO bringing total cleansing and redemption for sin and iniquity.

Our Lord Jesus saves and cleanses us from sin. He is our PRINCE OF PEACE who brings our peace and rest with the Father. We must walk with the Lord the lover of our soul.


The fifth vision, is one for more encouragement for continuing the rebuilding of the temple by the hand of the believing remnant under Zerubbabel. By the power of Jehovah's Spirit, not by the power and might of men of nations, it will be finished. Some had fought against the work. And rebuilding had been stopped and delayed for some years. See Ezra and Nehemiah.

Faithful Zechariah sees a picture of small things through the power of Jehovah, including Zerubbabel laying the final stone, under the power and authority of his all knowing God.

The angel brings before him a golden candlestick ("minorah" Heb. lampstand) with seven lamps after the seven branched candlestick of the tabernacle/temple. But this minorah has two olive trees on either side to supply new golden oil, steadily. The two sons of fresh oil are to keep the minorah burning.

I see Zerubbabel and Joshua as sons of(newly raised 'fresh oil' up) from the royal family of David and the priestly family of Aaron as being the anointed of the Spirit of God to constanly lead and summons the people to work in the light of Jehovah's word.

The project of first rebuilding the temple of Jehovah, centering His presence among the remnant in Jerusalem, points, prophetically, to time of the light of Jesus Christ to be the ever present light of the world. And, the Church/body of Christ continuing to give full and constant light of Jehovah's presence to the people of the earth in the wisdom of God.

The stone of seven eyes presents the evering seeing eyes of God. Jehovah's plan was to use the Temple to bring the remnant around Him, then through the light of Jesus Christ bring a new graciously Holy Spirit empowered people for lighting His presence in the world. When we lift Jesus Christ up by the light and life giving presence of the Holy Spirit, Jehovah's work gets done. Let's praise Him for He is gracious and more gracious. Reread chapter fo


Sin is and will be counted and judged by God. In verses one through four, sins of theft and false swearing in the name of Jehovah are counted on a scroll, twenty by ten cubits, which travels throughout all (over the face) the earth ("ha aretzh" Heb.)

Because of sin, a curse of destruction passes into the houses of sin. Remember that God judges all sin, wherever people sin including our land in which we live.

The next vision in verses six to eleven is of an ephah/basket/container with a lead cover, which when lifted up before him, Zechariah saw a woman sitting in the basket. "...and he (the angel) said this is wickedness ("ha rishah")..." He shut the woman inside the ephah with the lead cover. Then two other women with wings take and fly the ephah into Shiner/Babylon where a house is fixed for the ephah to remain.

When Jehovah judged His people by the hand of Babylon, who exiled them away, destroying the walls of Jerusalam and the temple, many women of Israel lost husbands, sons, homes and wealth in the battles against the army of Babylon. But, they in their trust in the Word of God, could hold hope that God would bring believers and those who obey Him back after seventy years.

That's where Zechariah and his fellow Jewish remnant have now come under the hand of Jehovah of Hosts.


The prophet Isaiah was both a speaking and and writing prophet. This written account of his ministry to the southern kingdom of Judah covers a period time of ministry of approximately fifty to sixty years, beginning with the end of the reign of Uzziah beginning around 750 B.C. Judah the southern Kingdom was still standing but would face the judgment of Jehovah God and exile because of rebellion against the rule of God in the nation.

Isaiah chapter one verse one: "The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah." The Hebrew word for vision (hazon) as used here may be a collective meaning covering the body of prophecies given to Isaiah to the people of Judah. It may be thought of as a night vision or dream or revelation for prophetic announcement. The name Isaiah means the salvation of Jehovah. These four kings, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, would reign from 811 B.C. until 698 B. C. when Hezekiah died after being given an additional fifteen years of life.

Verse two: "Hear, O heavens, and listen, O earth! For Jehovah has spoken: I have nursed and brought up sons, and they have rebelled against me." All heavenly beings and earthly beings give attention to this! God had raised up Israel the faith seed of Abraham in his old age and had cared for them in multipling their numbers and blessing them in their land; but they had forsaken Him for idols which were made by men's hands rather then following Jehovah as their only truly living God and Lord. We, today, are to love and to serve our heavenly Father in truth and faith in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior who gives to each of us new abundant life.

Verse three tells of the ox's (a brute beast) understanding who its caregiver is, and knows its owner; yet the people of Jehovah/God do not understand their need to trust in God for every blessing and provision. God is the only true creator/God and Savior of His people, and they needed to trust faithfully in Him for blessings and protection from evil powers. Evil was all around them, and they chose to follow the ways of Baal, a false god of fertility, as worshipped by some people. Baal was thought to give great harvests of grain, grapes, olives and other fruits of reproduction. There were numerous places dedicated to the worship of Baal. God through Isaiah reproved the people of Israel for this rebellion and idolatry.

Verse four pronounces a woe upon the sinful nation of corrupt evil doers who have backslid from their obedient trust in Jehovah/God, who had raised them up from a few to a great nation of people. "They have forsaken Jehovah and have rejected the Holy One of Israel; they have gone backward."

God has always had a plan for His people whom He has raised up to be lights of His power and presence in the world so as to draw others to Him for their salvation and redemption from sin and Satan's control. Whenever we fail to serve the Lord as His own people, He will allow to come upon us defeat and loss. The earth will withhold the rich blessings of His presence and power. We must always be faithful to our Lord and Savior in spite of whatever our neighbors in this world do without our mighty/loving God in their lives. We have a mission to our neighbors to show a faithful committment to His will and way through Jesus Christ our Lord.


God's chastening rod upon His people was heavy with the plague of sickness of the head and heart. Head and heart disease can be fatal when left to run its course. When we are out of touch with God and following the path of rebellion and unbelief, our whole health system will cave in. There is sleeplessness, fatigue, depression and various diseases.

For Judah there is no nursing comforter to heal or to medicate their wounds. Not only was Judah reeling with the plagues of disease, their land was given to their conquerors (strangers). Verse seven ..."your land is a desolation, your cities are burned...."

Verse 8: "The daughter of Zion is left...." Unfulfilled in the city of God (Jerusalem), the virgin daughter will not enjoy the blessing of joyous marriage and family with bountiful supply. Because of their great sin of rebellion and unbelief, the people of Judah will see physical and material judgment. Health will be lost and their land and cities will be burnt by strangers who come to conquer and destroy.


In these verses Isaiah continues to state Jehovah's case against His people of Judah. They have a form of worship with sacrifices and offerings which they practice as the outward religion of their fathers, but they have failed to honor God with their lives and works. So, they will be judged of Jehovah as an adulterous city: "O how the faithful city has become a harlot! She was full of justice,...-but now murderers!" verse 21.

But remember in verse 9 Isaiah wrote of Jehovah: "except Jehovah of hosts had left for us a survivor, a few, we would be as Sodom...." God in Lot's day had brought severe judgment and destruction upon that wicked city, and there was nothing left; only Lot, his wife and two daughters escaped the rain of fire; therefore, in fulfillment of His mercy the Lord God would find a remnant who were faithful and obedient whom He would bless.

Isaiah called the unfaithful/unjust to repentance in the name of the Lord. They should learn to do good to the disposed, the orphans and the widows. Hear the word of Jehovah: "Come now and let us reason together, says Jehovah: though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as snow...." For the truly obedient: the good of the land would be theirs, verses 18- 19.

On the other hand the disobedient who rejected the call to repentance would be devoured with the sword. God promises sure judgment upon the enemy who rejects His word; they will be destroyed, verses 28-31.

So, in this chapter we have seen the vision of Isaiah, the purpose of his ministry to call the people of Judah to repentance and change from wickedness and hypocrisy to justice and love of neighbor, especially the poor and humbled; with a true heart of loving obedience to Jehovah the Lord of Hosts. Yet, a remnant would survive to rebuild upon the ruins of Zion and to continue God's purpose of the redemption of His people, verse 27.

Chapter 2:1-4

Isaiah continues his narrative of his vision of God's dealing with Judah and Jerusalem, the land of the king and the city of God. The earthly kingdom of the House of Jacob is in default of God's plan for His chosen people by their failure to serve God in truth and righteousness. They had become idolators and corrupted in their living; therefore, they will be judged and chastened by the righteous judgment of God before they can fulfill God's purpose for them with His great glory shining through them.

That fulfillment is called "the last days" when the mountain of Jacob's house shall be established in the tops of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills. The people will see the glory of the Lord God and come to His mountain and house and will be taught of God out of Zion/Jerusalem. The nations will be judged in righteousness, and they will learn peace instead of war. They will change from attacking each other in war to working their fields in peace. This is the vision which Isaiah saw for the house of Jacob if and when they would totally obey God/Jehovah. In verse five the call to repentance and full walking in the light of Jehovah, in view of the blessed state of those who obey and faithfully follow God, is proclaimed.

Verses 6-22 state the condition of the people of God (house of Jacob) in their haughty pride and idolatry. They have forsaken Jehovah/God for the gods of others and have looked to soothsayers/fortunetellers from the Philistines. They have hoarded up gold and silver and all manner of possessions. They have made idols with their hands for worship. Verse ten sounds the call for repentance from this unbelief/idolatry by entering into the rocks/caves to hide in fear of God's judgment. The day of Jehovah shall be upon the haughty/lofty and those lifted up in pride( verses 11-17).

VERSES 18-21

Their idols shall fall into oblivion. Man made idols will be cast aside as of no value and spiritually "astigmatic." In their fear and shame they will hide from God's wrathful events as He arises to quake the earth. Verse 22 reminds the people not to trust in themselves or other men for their help or guidance. What value is man when compared to the living Jehovah?

Chapter 3:1-12

Jerusalem, spiritual Zion, along with Judah, is found guilty of rebellion against the true walk with Jehovah the Lord of Host and will be denied the simple blessing of bread and water. The leaders will be confounded and young boys will be their rulers. As the nation declined in spiritual zeal and faithfulness to Jehovah, many of the new kings were mere boys when they began their reign. The young will not respect the old. Truly the wisdom of the aged will fail. Verse eight accounts the stumbling fall of Judah and Jerusalem in their rebellion against Jehovah in word and actions.

Two woes ("oy" wailing, sorrow, grief) are pronounced against them (verses 9 and 11). Woe to the souls and to the wicked who will wail in the distress of their sin as Sodom fell under the hand of God for it's foolish pride in wickedness.

Yet, Jehovah God speaks of the people of Jerusalem and Judah as My people who are being lead astray by unrighteous and worldly rulers who make alliances with ungodly nations rather than faithfully trusting the Lord to bless and protect them.

Selfish and misguided leaders set the wrong example for their people who follow them. They will fall in their own shame even as Ahab and Jezebel who confused and divided the people of Israel in the false worship of Baal (Semitic word for Lord of the house, who is in power or possession, came to be worshipped as the god of a city or place).

It is rebellion and unbelief which brings judgment upon the people of Israel and Judah when the Lord allows their enemies to utterly defeat and enslave them as captives of wars in accounting their lands and possessions as the spoil of victory, including the furniture of the holy temple.

Christians today miss the blessings of God when we follow the schemes of man rather than the guidance of the Holy Spirit for our direction and purpose for living.

Chapter 3:13-26

In this section Jehovah speaks through Isaiah about His coming judgment as He pleads ("larav" to contend) His solemn judgment against His people. Jehovah stands to announce this judgment. He calls attention to their exploitation of the poor who labor in the vineyards. In verse 14: "... you have eaten up the vineyard; the spoil of the poor is in your houses..."

The daughters of Zion have exchanged modesty of dress and behavior into shameless parading of attire and sexual wantonness: verse 16 says they walk with an attention getting gait and with stretched out necks and wanton eyes. These are foolish women who are living worldly lives without fear and reverence.

Their shamefulness will be turned into baldness, nauseous odors and mourning when they learn of the death and defeat of their men and suiters.Verse 26 says:"..her gates shall lament and mourn..."

The people of Jerusalem and Judah like their sister nation Israel have left serving Jehovah and have turned to idols made by man's hands. Their kings, priests and other leaders have not walked in the path of Abraham, David and the true prophets. They are blinded by their own pride and unfaithfulness to God's rule in their hearts, lives and nation. "The wicked will return to Sheol, even all the nations who forget God" (Psalm 9:17, NAS).


Verse one finds the former dancing, prancing women of the nation in search for husbands when many men are not available because of Jehovah's judgment of defeat in battle and the consequent death toll. Seven women take hold on one man and ask marriage. They are willing to support themselves in hopes of taking away their reproach of not having children in marriage (Exodus 21:10). The great judgment day for rebellion against the keeping of their God's law has brought the land of Judah to reproach and humiliation. But at this point the merciful Lord God promises solace in the prophesy of verse 2. "In that day a branch ("zemach" that which springs up, shoot, a branch, the Messiah/Christ is a branch of Jehovah)..." will do a great work of beauty and glory (Psalm 80:15). As a day of judgment has come upon the rebellious masses of Judah, so also a day of redemption, glory and beauty will come upon the faithful remnant who truly love the Lord/God and look to their Messiah/redeemer.

Verses three and four speaks of those remaining in Zion/Jerusalem, the city of God's promised blessing, shall be called holy ("qadosh" to be pure, clean, free from defilement of vice or idolatry). The Lord shall wash away their sinful defilements in judgment and burning (verses three and four). Remember I John 1:9: "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." The sinless blood of Jesus washes us from our sins and gives to us a purity before God the Father in Christ Jesus (see Hebrews 9; Rev. 1:5; I Peter 1). The filth of sin had defiled the people of Israel and Judah, and they must be cleansed from their sins. Judgement was pronounced upon the sins of the people, and judgment was necessary with the burning of the works of sins (see I Cor. 3:13-15).

Verses five and six remind us of the ancient days during the pilgrimage through the desert to the promised land, when God guided and protected the people of Israel with a cloud by day and a fire by night. Jehovah was their guard and stay, a cover from the heat and the storm, a place of refuge and a hiding place. Our Lord God is now our protector and Savior God in Jesus Christ. Satan may try to destroy us, but our Lord will deliver us, while leading us to victory over Satan, sin and death.


In verses one through five, God/Jehovah's great love and care of His people Israel/Judah is a song of love and devotion to their wellbeing and comfort. Like as a carefully planted and cultivated vineyard, God raised up this people but they were unfruitful and void of godliness and justice. "...They brought forth wild grapes...."(verse 2). Therefore God will judge them and lay waste to the vineyard. They had proven themselves to be unfruitful. "... He waited for justice, but, lo, bloodshed; for righteousness...."(verse 7).

Verse nine begins a series of woes against the wickedness and evil ways of the people. Woe to greed, drunkenness and debauchery, to haughtiness and presumption against the kindness and grace of God by carelessly practicing sins. Woe to those who change the holy standards of God for worldly tradition and myth; they call good, evil and evil, good. Woeful wickedness and sinfulness abound in their self-righteous pride while they drink themslves into a drunken stupor. They sell righteousness in judgment for a bribe. They deliver the unrighteous by mocking righteous judgment.

Verses twenty-four to thirty explain the burning anger of the Lord on the unrighteousness of His people. Yet, Jehovah's hand is stretched out still (verse 25).

Distant nations will come to seize the prey of Israel like young lions devouring their catch. Darkness of judgment will cover the land. The people of Isaiah's day were given this warning of the powerful judgment of God/Jehovah on their unbelief and rebellion. God will use the Chaldeans, the Persians, the Assyrians and other peoples to attack and defeat His people for their denial of Him and His merciful grace. Although God is longsuffering in the face of disobedience, He will punish sin and rebellion. Verse 30 speaks of a particular time "in that day" when judgment will come.

CHAPTER SIX "Isaiah's Call"

Verse one gives the time and location of this great vision of the exalted Lord God of Israel. King Uzziah's death after fifty years of reign, brings the timing of Isaiah's calling. He saw the Lord on His throne with His train of glory filling the temple. The seraphs, heavenly creatures of great burning light with six wings each, stood above/about the throne. Apparently two wings were for hovering, as a covering, over the throne, two were for covering the feet in humility, and two for covering the face. They cried holy, holy, holy. This reminds us of the four creatures in Revelation, who, also, have six wings and cry holy, holy, holy about the throne of Almighty God or Jehovah of Hosts. See Rev. 4:8. Some have thought the three holies are in reference to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. This strong cry shook the doorposts. Not just heaven, but the whole earth, everywhere, was filled with glory of the Lord God. Yes, we all can see the glory of God in everything on this beautiful living earth. But, some atheists say they can't see His glory. Atheistic blindness is placed upon disobedient and unbelieving Israel in verses ten and following.

Isaiah's calling comes amidst this awesome vision in verses five to nine. "...woe to me, for I am a man of unclean lips," Isaiah responds. "I live among a people with unclean lips." From the forbidding smoke Isaiah declares: "woe is me." The Lord God had a solution for Isaiah's uncleanness. He was touched with a fiery coal from the throne's altar by one of the Seraphs. Note the two Hebrew words woe ("oy" a synonym to "hoy" used previously in chapter five, meaning a wailing, or howling) and unclean ("tame" meaning impure, polluted, filthy or unsuitable). Unclean sins were covered and iniquity was taken away at the work and will of Jehovah ("Yehovah") Lord ("Adonai") God.

Isaiah had to be cleaned up before he could be of use to the Lord. After the cleansing came the calling: "Whom shall I send and who will go for Us?" Us here includes the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit as well as the heavenly hosts who look for the cleansing of earth's unclean sinners. The message of God must be told even though people may reject it.

Isaiah's "here am I, send me" is the kind of no nonsense response needed from us when God calls. Regardless of the possibility of a negative respond from the hearers, the warning is right because God is right.

In verses ten to thirteen Isaiah is told what to expect: fat dull hearts, heavy ears, ultimate ruin to land and city, but a remnant or tenth will return from exile and the holy seed-stump will grow up. This is Messianic, in my view, pointing to the holy seed of conception in Mary's womb. Not one little point of God's Word fails!


Ahaz king of Judah has come under great pressure from Rezin, ruler of Syria and Pekah, ruler of Ephraim/Samaria. Isaiah the prophet is directed by Jehovah God to go to Ahaz and to prophesy the demise of the plan for Rezin and Pekah to replace Ahaz with Tabeel who most likely was not a descendent of King David and therefore not acceptable by God. God had promised that David's descendents were to be the royal seed from which the King/Messiah would come. See I Chronicles 17.

Isaiah was to take his son Shearjashub meaning "a remnant will return", an obvious reference to the return of a small number from their exile in Babylon and the areas where they had settled after being forced out of Judah. This occurred at the time of Ezra and Nehemiah with the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the temple.

In verse three and following, Isaiah, according to the word given to him by Jehovah, told Ahaz to be careful ("hashimer" from "shamaer", Heb. meaning to keep, watch, guard) and be quiet ("waehaeshiqit" from "shaqaet", Heb. meaning to rest, be quiet, be still). Be reminded that Moses told the people who were threatened by the Egyptian army to stand still and to see the salvation of the Lord (Exodus 14:13).

Ahaz in his lack of faith (unlike Gideon) did not accept the offer of a sign from Jehovah God; however, Isaiah gave a prophecy/message of the sign of the virgin's conception. See verse eleven and following.

The virgin ("haaelmah" meaning a mature marriageable aged unmarried woman) will conceive ("harah" to become pregnant). Matt. 1:21f applies this passage to the Virgin ("parthenos" Gk. meaning virgin, maid, chaste) Mary conceiving Jesus by the Holy Spirit's work upon her. The long range plan of Salvation was here reaffirmed as being a miracle work of God for the redemption of sinners through their faith in God's redeeming work in Christ Jesus the son of David, called Immanuel, meaning God with us. See Isaiah 8:8.

Chapter Eight

This chapter begins with: "And said the Lord to me." ("Yehovah" or "Jehovah" Heb. meaning Lord, redeemer/savior). Jehovah is the second term for God, which is first used in Gen. 2:4 with "Elohim." Jehovah Lord/God, creator of heaven and earth, all the living beings on the earth including Adam and Eve, promised to bruise ("yaishuphica" Heb. from "suph" meaning to break or smite into pieces), the lying/deceiving serpent's head.

Isaiah gives this prophecy from God, not from himself, in writing on a scroll ("gillayon" Heb.). The written word, with an ordinary pen, of prophecy is witnessed by two: Uriah the priest and Zechariah.

Samaria and Damascus will fall to Assyria before Isaiah's next son, Maher-shalal-has-baz, meaning spoil, plunder quickly or fast, could say the words: my father, my mother. This would happen within about two years.

These two threatening enemies would soon fall under the conquering forces of Assyria. Yet, Assyria will overflow in power to Judah and Jerusalem. The main problem with the people of Israel is they have rejected the gentle waters of Shiloh (a name for Jesus Gen. 49:10). They have not trusted in Jehovah, Lord God for deliverance and security from the enemies of the world about them. See verses three and following.

In verses eleven through twenty-two, we read how Isaiah writes in the certainty of Jehovah's calling which leads him to speak the prophetic truth about God's judgment upon the sins of Israel..."you shall not fear what they fear...the Lord of hosts...He shall be your fear ("yare" a sense of our own weakness with trembling in reverence). He shall become a sanctuary ("miqidosh" Heb. from "qodesh" a holy place of consecration.") Only Jehovah/Jesus Christ can cause the people of Israel to be sanctified, purified and set apart for dwelling in the holiness of God.. They should trust only in Jehovah/God for guidance and secure living. This world's wizards/guides and witches/fortunetellers don't know the mind and will of God.


This is one of the most quoted prophectic passages in the Old Testament. Here is an account of God's dealing in the setting of the Northern Kingdom along with Syria and the Philistines against the Southern Kingdom (Judah) . Zebulun, Nephtali, Manasseh, Ephraim, four areas which broke off from Judah and Benjamin under Jeroboam, had fallen into deeper darkness and would consequently be judged in final defeat and general exile of the northern ten tribes by Assyria. Centuries later what was left became the land of Galilee from which Jesus would work His greatest ministry. It had become a place of darkness or spiritual emptiness as stated in verses one through five.

Verse six promises the wonderful ("paelae" Heb. to separate, be distinguished, extra ordinary) birth of the Child/King to be almighty in power, eternal in His rule; who would counsel our hearts with the counsel of Father/God and give true everlasting peace. Instead of war among us He would bring peace in His eternal kingdom.

God calls the nations to repentance and complete trust in Him. "His hand is stretched out still." Manasseh and Ephraim against Judah is wrong and evil. The Kingdom of God is one of unity under His Son the Prince of Peace. See verses twelve through twenty-one.

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