********This site is under construction ********
Hello and welcome to my web page. My name is Jack C.
Shutt and my amateur radio call sign is W9GT. As you will see in these pages I am an avid amateur radio and electronics
enthusiast , I have been a "ham" since 1959. I also have many other interests including old cars, 50-60's
nostalgia, building all kinds of things including radio and electronics projects, woodworking, and various home improvement
endeavors. I enjoy collecting and restoring antique radios and tube-type amateur radio equipment. Another interest
is trains....both the model variety and the real thing. I am a member of the Fort Wayne Railroad Historical Society
and enjoy seeing and just being around it's wonderful restored Berkshire locomotive Nickel Plate 765.
W9GT with the Collins 30K4 Transmitter |

This is me (K9UBF then) at the rig in 1960 |
I enjoy all modes , but I'm an avid fan of AM operation and I'm particularly fond of nostalgic/classic
radio. I first embarked on my amateur radio career in 1959 as KN9UBF. My first AM phone operation was in 1960
using a screen-modulated Knight T-50 transmitter and a Heathkit AR-3 receiver.
