
Potatoes white in jackets brown
Larkspur nodding heads of blue
Trees clothed in leaves of green
That turn to colors of every hue.

Yellow corn in husks of green
Cows milk all gleaming white
Cherries red around a seed
Apples dyed in colors bright.

Dust from fields and mills
Floating idly into the sky
To bring brilliant sunset’s glow
To brighten the day’s lullaby.

Desert flower’s’ brilliant hues
Light up the drabness around
In purple haze the prairie bathes
Just as the sun goes down.

No bloom ever grows so drab
That is pleases not one eye
Nor attracts some of those
Who chance to be passing by

No food appears so displeasing
That it is never at least tasted
Wherever flower or plant may grow
It’s beauty is not totally wasted

Only a lone bee may have passed
And seen a mere flicker of color
Yet it helped to brighten a day
That else would have been duller.

The Architect of all that lives
Created for both use and beauty
Appreciation of His great skill
Perhaps is both joy and duty

No human born is so misshapen
Except somewhere within that shell
A speck of goodness or of beauty
May be found therein to dwell.

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