Dave for Emperor in 2000

Politics has become nasty, divisive, and unproductive. The major parties seem increasingly out of touch with reality, concerning themselves with their own continued place in office. Their issues are, by and large, not our issues. Leadership has fallen by the wayside.

So what can be done?

Elect Dave Emperor!

The United States hasn't had a mad emperor in 120 years, and so we think it's high time we had one again, in time for the new millenium.

Therefore, Dave is running for Emperor of the United States.

A Successful Precedent

This idea is not new. The United States had a mad emperor from 1859-1880, in the person of Norton I, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico. In some ways, he was quite successful.


So, was Norton I nuts? Probably, but was he really any more crazy than some of our politicians today? If nothing else, Norton I was benign, which is more than can be said for many politicians......

The Plan

Therefore, Dave plans to run for Emperor. You have to admit, it's a much cooler title than president. If there is enough public support, Dave will be proclaimed Emperor on January 9, 2000, 120 years to the day after the death of Norton I.

Further Reading

The San Francisco Museum's article on Norton I
zpub's Norton I page
San Francisco Tours' Norton I page

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