Jonah Westfall

Birth: Oct 1877, West Virginia, USA
Death: BEF 1910

m. Dessie Julia Stalnaker

Walter McWhorter Westfall

Estal Westfall

Addie Westfall




Married Dessie Julia Stalnaker on 1898
Child 1: Walter McWhorter Westfall 22 Oct 1899 - 9 Dec 1972
Child 2: Estal Westfall <1905> -
Child 3: Addie Westfall 1907 -
Child 4: Westfall 1900/1909 - INFANT
Child 5: Westfall 1900/1909 - INFANT
Child 6: Westfall 1900/1909 -

Notes: May be the Robert Westfall, 27, living with his uncle George Miller, Crooked Run, Gilmer Co . He is listed as single; perhaps they divorced. His parents apparently John M. and Marger y Westfall. Dessie's 1910 Census lists her as widowed, 7 children, 5 living. Two are with h er; where were the others, then and in 1900? And where was she?

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