Flauding Family Reunion
For those of you who missed it, the reunion was held on Saturday, June 21, 2003 at Zion Lutheran Church, 218 High St., Portland, Indiana.
A fun time was had by almost forty descendants and spouses that day. Lunch consisted of fried chicken, salad, potato salad, cole slaw, and rolls from the local Richards restaurant.
People attended from many parts of the USA. A guest list will be provided soon.
Photos from Doug Flauding
We want to include photos of the reunion on this page. If you have any that you'd like posted on this page, please e-mail medium-resolution photos to alan.bessey@att.net but keep them to a moderate size (50K to 200K would be good, since some of us still use a dial-up connection.) and include names in the e-mail.
If you have anything else that may be of interest to the Flauding clan, please e-mail the photos or info to alan.bessey@att.net for inclusion on this page.
from the pre-reunion page:
For ideas on lodging near Portland, click here
For maps of the Portland area and travel directions, click here
For a list of known descendants of Johannes Flauding, click here
For some old photos, click here
Other family links:
Pam Bessey's page
Mike Flauding's page