Adventures in the United States


Since childhood, we have traveled extensively around our native land, the United States of America. Together, we have been to all but four or five of the 50 states. Below is a collection of our photos from our travels.

Dawn at the Dallas-Fort Worth airport, February 1979

Coit Tower, San Francisco California, January 1986


















Half Dome, Yosemite Valley, December 1983



Bear Mountain Bridge on the Hudson River, just south of West Point Military Academy, Fall 1984.













Overlooking Drake's Bay, Point Reyes California, December 1985













Behind the White House, Washington DC, October 1984


















Archives Station, Washington DC, October 1984



Sunset on an Arizona highway, September 1988













Sunset over Portage Lake, Michigan, July 1976













The Big Sur coast, California, December 1985


















The breakwater of Frankfort harbor, Lake Michigan, July 1976



The Connecticut coast, near Branford, fall 1984













Sunset on the Big Sur coast, California, December 1983













Roche Harbor, San Juan Island, Washington, summer 1990














Moonrise over the Hearst Castle at San Simeon California, December 2007










The last rays of sunset lighting Mount Si, North Bend Washington, January 2008












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