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Casses Home for the Gracefully Aging
Late October, 2015

Well, now it really IS chill these days in Western NC. I see back in early September I was complaining about the loss of balminess.

Shame on me and thank goodness I was wrong.

It got Summery again for almost another month but now the frost is for sure on the windshield . (though the birdwater has yet to become solid).

No stopping it. What in me would if I could? A different beauty arises with the colors showing up. And the absence of leaves allows long vistas and I wonder why I carry a tiny dread of winter when it's not here yet?

Possibly a left over inner warning from our prehistoric days (winter can kill you....)

Anyhow, many leaves are down in my yard and the mountains are changing daily with creeping patches of color spreading like slow syrup down their sides.

Two mornings (nights) ago, deep in a dream where I was walking around a dark deserted city (myself?) somebody behind me took a flash photo. Then 10 minutes later - dreamtime (post obviously - scant seconds later)

BA-DA-BOOM!!! (beeg baadaaboom)

Large Thunder invaded my rest. It was just one mighty clap (must have been close by) and then the rain sound began. And so I was soon soothed back to Dream City.

I love the way thunder usually rolls around here. With the right point of impact, the sound can wind through valleys for quite a while, sending back variations in volume that must be the lay of the land channeling the rumbles thru.

I got up at 6a.m. and took a look outside. Well, that was short & sweet.

No rain - and a crystal clear dark, dark indigo sky with brilliant stars above and planets Venus & Mars rising in the East.

What a sight! I heard somebody inside me audibly say "wow" without me even thinking about it.

Straight up at 12:00 noon was Orion, my winter main show and off to the west a bit, Xibalba (Pleiades), where the ancient Mesoamericans knew we came from and will return to.

This is the same sky I love so very much at midnight Christmas Eve but now here at 6a.m. I therefore declare Christmas 6 celestial hours away! Get holiday ready.

We crank up with a few preparatory Harvest Holidays - All Hallows & Thanksgiving getting us ready for the biggie.

You know we warm-blooded creatures gotta celebrate during the short sun period or we get physically depressed. I wonder, is that echoed in the southern hemisphere? I guess maybe so - "Carnival" is in our spring so their fall. hmmmmmmm

Them that don't celebrate do it on purpose - in opposition to the tinsel aspect. I totally support their purity of vision but.... don't "scrooge out", my friends.

Maybe don't oppose the glitter but see it as the outer physical form of the essence of seasonal joy.

Yes, it could be regarded as "phony" because it is so far removed from the truth of Spirit & Love. But as far removed as it seems - it's just the other side of the coin - a physical representation on one side - pure love on the other.

Yes, it could be regarded as "phony" because it's just an agreement that we all do this at the same time. But the fact that we DO agree demonstrates so much potential to make real - it is staggering. We have the power to make real.

There is such a thing as proof - but when you think about it - it's just a way to agree.

All disciplines are based on axioms - certain statements that must be accepted as TRUE (agreed upon) in order to pursue the next question.

And every rigorous discipline has deep weird spots where things "don't work" though everything else pretty much works OK. (Sometimes we have to amend our "basic truths" to account for these weird spots.)

Axiomatic acceptance is the magic application of our personal power to make things real. We then base "proofs" on these.

We keep the ones that "work" and disregard the others. Sometimes ones that didn't used to work become viable.

Our individual power to agree and that group power from many agreements is how the big stuff works here in the land of Insane Magicians.

Some mental/spiritual systems bring us aware that what we think (with feeling) we manifest automatically (create out of "thin air"). Sounds like stage magic but I observe we cannot avoid creating what we think. So....

Be Carefully Happy or
Happily Careful
(Best advice - don't know if I can maintain it myself but I'll try when I remember)

Enjoy the Changes

Big Love to All!!

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