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Happy Holidays !
Casses Home for the Gracefully Aging
Christmas 2017

Went out in the night twice to look for meteors.
The Geminids.

It was pretty darn cold & windy. I was bundled up right - in my pajamas with several sweater layers, a heavy coat and fuzzy slippers (not for street use but way warm)

And so, I could endure for about 15 minutes at a time.

These nights I have almost 180 degrees of sky available to me now that the leaves are down.

I stood on the frozen deck on the clear path we had made when the snow fell.

There was still plenty of slippery crunchy snowice locked onto the un-cleared portion.

I turned off the colored LED strings that I keep all year on deck and it became pitch black but for the stars and a slight glow north where the town of Franklin rests.

I bent backwards slightly at the waist, set my hips in lock mode, tipped my head back a bit and danced slow circles. I figured this was the best way to see the most sky.

If I just looked in one direction I was sure the activity would go on behind me.

I saw nothing spectacular. Maybe a few streaks out of the corner of my eye.

The second time out, somehow it seemed even darker - and the stars.........

Looking up in awe, I stopped thinking. My mental mouth hung wide open. They were brilliant - the extraordinarily clear sky let star colors come through - reds, orange, blues, & whites sparkling in the pure absolute blackness.

They were as alive as I'd ever experienced them, slowly breathing with me on this night - as holy as any other.

I had been looking through them for meteors - for special events - and not seeing the incredible indescribable beauty of what constantly surrounds me.

No meteors was actually a gift! It gave me that lovely reassuring realization. I can't describe it well enough to give it to you. But I would if I could. We've all had the living experience of ambient holiness.

Probably easier to "get" this week leading up to our Christmas. The feeling builds. Coming at us constantly in imperceptible increments of joy.

Here once again - my annual reminder about that wonderful Wave of Light & Spirit that overtakes us yearly during the holi-day season. It's great! It's real!

Feel that wave build as you dedicate your energies to communications, music, fellowship, a few gifts, cards, lights, etc., and if it tends to overwhelm a bit - just let it. Relax, take that deep breath, drop the anxiety and smile to yourself - it's going to happen as sure as the sun shines - another Holiday season is about to crest - Joy to the World.

Happy Happy Holidays to All Y’all

PS. I get to read "The Parable of the Birds" at Chapel Sunday. I first heard it on Paul Harvey’s Radio show. Here is a link to a copy.

Also, here is a link to the on-line version of my holiday card stuffer.

Merry Merry

Big Love

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