Speakeasy Speed Test
Webtv Setup


1.  Select Setup.


2.  Select Dialing.


3.  Select Use your ISP.  If you do not have that option, call 1-800-GO-webtv to have that feature activated.

4.  Select Continue.


5.  Select Continue.


6.  Select Continue.


7.  Enter CTLnet in the first box.  Enter your CTLnet username in the 2nd box.  Enter your CTLnet password in your password box.  Enter a local CTLnet dialup access number from the list below in the 4th box.  Click Done.



Auburn / Saint Joe 927-2700
Columbia City 244-2880
Fort Wayne 442-0011
Garrett 357-4775
Huntington 359-3600
Markle 758-2422
North Manchester 982-8601
Wabash 569-1828






8.  Click Continue.


9.  That's it!


( : ~The End~ : )




Best viewed with a IE 4.0 or better browser @ 800 x 600