Speakeasy Speed Test


Windows NT Phonebook Settings for CTLnet

1. If your phonebook is empty, you will see this.  Click on "OK."


2. Enter CTLnet in the "Name of the phonebook entry" box, and then click "Next."



3. Check the top two boxes, and click "Next."


4. Enter a local dialup telephone number for your city, and then check "Use Telephony dialing properties".  Click "Next."


Auburn / Saint Joe 927-2700
Columbia City 244-2880 
Fort Wayne 442-0011
Garrett  357-4775
Huntington  359-3600
Markle 758-2422
North Manchester 982-8601
Wabash 569-1828






5. Click  "Finish."


6. Click on "More".


7. Click on "Edit entry and modem properties."


8.  Unless you have more than one modem, uncheck "Use another port if busy."  Click on "Configure."



9.  Set the "Initial speed (bps)" to 57600.  Make sure everything is checkmarked except for "Disable modem speaker."  Click on "OK."



10.  Click on the "Server" Tab.  Uncheck "IPX/SPX compatible" and "NetBEUI".  Also uncheck "Enable PPP LCP Extensions".  Click on "TCP/IP Settings."


18-ntc.jpg (34679 bytes)

11.  Enter for the "Primary DNS," and enter for the "Secondary DNS."  Click "Ok".



12. Click on the "Script" tab.  Make sure the dot is in "None."  Click on the "Security" tab.



13. Make sure the dot is in "Accept any authentication including clear text". Click "Ok."



14. You are now ready to connect to CTLnet.
Click on "Dial" to connect.



15. Enter your username & password.  Leave the "Domain" box empty.  Click "Ok."



( : ~The End~ : )



Best viewed with a IE 4.0 or better browser @ 800 x 600