Wheeling Park High School Class of 1979

Losted Classmates' List

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Last update: June 18, 2019

Our fellow classmates that we do not know of their whereabouts.

     Each Reunion we find it more and more difficult in keeping up with current contact information. Please e-mail your updated information by clicking this link. Please give us your full name (maiden too), mailing address, phone number optional and preferred e-mail address.

This list will be updated, at least weekly, since we expect many "return to sending" envelopes.

================= =========== ===================
Abarca                        Jorge
Akins             Garrison    Connie
Arbogast          Clark       Deborah
Bagnell           Bartsch     Beth
Bales             Bales       Kimberlea
Barnes                        James S. (Jim)
Beck              Rinehart    Kelly
Bell                          Brent
Bennett           Welsh       Sheri
Blazier                       Beth Ann
Bledsoe                       Neal
Boury             Boury       Jacqueline
Bowers            Pissos      Karen
Braden                        Sherman
Burke             Wilhelm     Connie
Camilletti                    Mark
Carman            Smith       Pamela
Cassi             Murrin      Catherine
Copney                        David
Costello                      Timothy
Covert            McCauley    Debra
Craig                         Jacqueline
Creer                         John
Cresap                        David
Davis                         Edward
Davis             Harshman    Vickie
Devaul            Darby       Jill
DiClemente                    Lisa
Dietrich                      William
Dille                         Ronald A. (Ron)
DiProsperis                   Susan
Dodge             Dodge       Deborah
Dougherty         Murphy      Lisa
Dowler                        Darren
Dunn                          James W.
Dupke                         Steven
England           Danehart    Cynthia
Ennis                         Scott
Ennis                         Scott
Ewing                         James
Falk              Bowman      Sheri
Fazzolaria                    Jim
Ferrell                       Mike
Fischer                       Terry
Fleming                       Russell
Forney                        Connie
Forney                        Kimberly
Franklin-Shavrick Franklin    Sharon
Freitzer                      Raymond
Gongola           Roth        Margaret
Good                          Sean
Gordon                        Kristy
Gornik                        Greg
Gregory                       Ruth
Gribben                       Kirk
Griffin                       Charles
Griffin                       Larry
Groves                        William
Hagemann          Huff        Kimberly
Hamstead          Pavlic      Debra
Harvey            Hopkins     Mary
Heath             Terrill     Mary
Heath                         Richard
Hedenger          Connor      Lynn
Helfer                        Ross
Helmbright                    Sallie
Henery                        Brian
Hercules                      Sandra
Hindman           Weeks       Sheila
Hostutler                     Kimberly
Howell                        Shirley
Hurt                          Gary
Hutchinson                    Blanche
Innocenti                     Thomas
Jacobs                        Doug
Jalink                        Rico
Johnson                       David
Johnson                       Rebecca
Jones                         Diana
Jones                         Greg
Jurek                         Jay Marie
Kartman                       Robert
Katz                          Andrew
Keller                        Dewayne
King                          Karen
Kinney            Strawn      Beth
Kitzmiller                    Eugene
Knollinger                    Bernard
Koren                         Stephan
Krupica                       Erin
Lanoue                        Linda
Lee                           Teresa
Leo                           Michael
Levitt                        Ashley
Lindsey           Allen       Lynette
Lubic                         Geoffrey M. (Geoff)
Luzader           Parsons     Judith
Luzader                       Kip
MacFarland                    Robert
Martin            Miller      Lisa
Maynard                       Nanette
McKinley                      Randy
McKinney          Miller      Elizabeth
McMahon           Smith       Barbara
Merinar           Huntsman    Belinda
Mikels                        Ila
Miller                        Edward
Morris            Calvert     Donna
Mozingo                       David
Nickerson                     Machelle
Nickerson                     Richard
Norman                        Chris
Och                           Debra
Oliver            Adams       Rebecca
Pappas                        Nicolette
Parks                         La Van
Parsons                       Paul
Pertner           Stevenson   Sandra
Pervall                       Jerrome
Pete                          James
Pinamonti                     Brian
Pissos                        Frances
Pizzola                       John
Prascik                       Cheryle
Raleigh                       Narda
Reeves                        Linda
Reineke                       Robert
Repep                         Kevin
Reunert                       Phillip
Reynolds                      Leonard
Rice                          Mark
Richardson        Stewart     Janice
Robertson                     Deborah
Rose                          Richard
Rouse                         Clifford
Rushton                       William
Schirripa                     Michael
Sedilko                       Samuel
Shilling                      Karen
Sincavich                     Edward
Smith             Long        Robin
Spry                          Michael
Stead             McCauseland Terri
Swearingen        Kelly       Lynn
Swiger            Yeater      Jennifer
Swinney                       Patricia
Tankovits                     Denise
Temple            Cauthen     Terri
Ullom                         Sandra
Vargo                         Katherine
Venskoske                     Matt
Vetanze                       Ralph
Warner                        Danny
Warren            Hughes      Debra
Watkins                       David H.
Watkins                       Rebecca
Weaver            Bleifus     Linda
Wesley                        Mercyne
Wharton           Schafer     Kelly
Whitaker                      Harry
Wiethe                        David
Wildman           Schrader    Kimberly
Wiley             Lucious     Romaine
Williams                      Michael
Williamson        Board       Raquel
Wilson            Hewitt      Tammy
Young                         Carole

E-Mail to Doug.