Ball Airport (79NC)
Louisburg, NC
Harrier Soaring is a non-profit club of about 20 members with a common interest in soaring. Incorporated in April 2000,
we fly regularly every weekend and most holidays, year-round, at Ball Airport in Louisburg, NC.
Club equipment consists of a 160hp Cessna 150 tow plane, a Blanik L-13 2-place glider and a Schweizer 1-23D glider. Privately owned sailplanes on the
field are a Standard Cirrus, two Libelles, an LS-3A, a Schleicher KA 6, a Schweizer 1-26B and more.
Demonstration flights are available on days we fly but cannot be guaranteed due to weather or pilot/glider availability.
Notice: Our Blanik L-13 is not in service at this time and we cannot provide rides or instruction until further notice.
Contact: David Laitinen (919)847-9288 or John Styers (919)853-7091
E-Mail: harriersoaring@bellsouth.net