Ball Airport (79NC)
Louisburg, NC
Membership is open to anyone with an interest in soaring. All members must also be members of the Soaring Society of America(SSA).
Notice: Our Blanik L-13 is not in service at this time and we cannot provide rides nor instruction until further notice.
A one time initiation fee of $300 is required. Annual dues of $240 dollars are billed on a monthly basis. Dues for the SSA, $64,
are billed in April of each year.
Tows are priced at $16 plus $6 per 1000 feet of altittude. A 3000 foot tow is $34.
There is no rental fee for the L-13 or 1-23D.
Temporary memberships are available to members of the SSA to allow getting a tow in their own sailplane. Temporary
memberships are at the discretion of the board.