Faith Lutheran Church
1385 W. Walnut St,
Jacksonville, IL. 62650
(217) 245-8919
Faith Lutheran Church
1385 W. Walnut St,
Jacksonville, IL. 62650
(217) 245-8919
Faith Lutheran Church Happenings
Help Feed the Homeless
Faith provides a meal the 2nd Sunday of every month for the New Directions Warming Center here in Jacksonville. The Center houses 20 people nightly -- a person in need can arrive at the shelter by 7:00 pm (after checking in at the Jacksonville Police Dept.), get a warm meal, and sleep there before leaving at 7:00 am the next morning. The PO committee would like to ask for your help in signing up to help out. Faith's meal each month is sloppy joes, buns, salad, potatoes, drinks, and a dessert. It is also necessary to deliver the meal that your group provides. Please get a group together and help out. See the sign-up sheet for further details (on a table in the gathering area). If you have any questions or would like to donate money for this cause, please talk to Dustin Leifheit (491-0927). Thank you.
Easter Lilies
We will be taking orders for Easter Lilies and will purchase them all at the same time. The lilies may be given to celebrate the life of someone who is or was special to you. Please sign up on the sheet in the gathering area (or call the church office) to order a lily and to indicate whose life you would like to celebrate with your lily. There is a box for your check next to the sign up – please make checks for $10.00 payable to Faith Lutheran Church (noting Easter Lily on the memo line). After the 10:30 a.m. Easter service, please take your lily home to enjoy. The deadline for ordering is March 25. We can add to our order after that date, but the florist needs to have an idea well ahead of time of how many to order.
Adult Sunday School
April 1 & 15: Elizabeth Beranek will continue discussions on the DVD presentations by Dr. Henry Wendt on the Apostles Creed for a New Millennium.
April 22 & 29: Elaine Chapman will lead discussion on the DVD In Heaven's Name, Why on Earth? A New Testament Approach to Stewardship and Life Management.
Sunday Schedule
8:15 am Contemporary Service
9:15 am Sunday School
10:30 am Traditional Service
(A staffed nursery is available during both worship services and Sunday School for children 5 yrs. old and younger.)
Holy Week Schedule
Maundy Thursday (April 5)
7:00 pm Worship with Holy Communion
Good Friday (April 6)
7:00 p.m. Tenebrae Service
Easter Sunday (April 8)
8:15 a.m. Festival Easter Service
9:15 – 10:30 a.m. Easter Breakfast
served by the Youth
10:30 a.m. Festival Easter Service
both services with Holy Communion
(There are no Sunday School classes on Easter)
Our Newsletter
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Our Pipe Organ
Check out the story behind our pipe organ here!
View our Stewardship page here!