Hello World! ( Remember K&R C? )
Food -- Betsy's Beans Gooood!
Physics Page Moved to suddenlink. Under construction (always).
Reading List Book read which I would suggest to others AND I am willing to let John Aschroft know I have read!!!!
Leeward Boat -- Rants, information and discussion not generally shared by club management.Leeward Boat
sound\Civil War Story - Gil Vick - Uncle Ike.mp3 WUNC Radio Interview
sound\Civil War Story - Gil Vick - Yankees are trouble.mp3 WUNC Radio Interview
Auto sketch Drawings Mostly for transfer between home, the lake, and my brothers.
Plans for the Table Plans for thte Stool
Steve Steve is in bad shape
Laura's School Web Changes at Peace College have make this link useless I think :-(
Leeward Boat -- Coming Up (old) Some old rants :-)