Don't Worry
About the Weather
George Giles
Two large hurricanes
have struck the United States in recent months producing large-scale evacuations,
casualties and property damage. It should not surprise readers of Lew Rockwell
that these events result inevitably in calls for significant intervention
from the authorities: local, state and federal. Much of this will be demands
for the government to do something, as always, at the taxpayer’s expense
to prevent, indemnify and recover from these catastrophes. There will be
many vociferous demands from the "experts" to finally do something about
global warming, the certain causative agent (in their opinion). All of
this is specious climate noise.
The climatological
record of useful accuracy only goes back 100 to 150 years. Prior to that
time, the data is spotty from inaccurate and imprecise sources. That is,
it is useless as a predictive tool.
The earth is
some 4.5 billion years old according to established and accepted scientific
doctrine (by most). For this analysis, we’ll neglect errors due to small
variations in the earth’s rotation rate, leap years and calendar corrections
by various Papal authorities. There are 54,750 days in 150 years, 365,000,000
in a million years, and finally 1,642,500,000,000 (this is a little more
than 1.6 trillion days, or 1642 billion) in 4.5 billion. It should be obvious
that the "weather record" is statistically insignificant and should not
be used in making predictions. The sampling period is too short.
The daily weather
report is fascinating, replete with beautiful graphics, and videos of natures’
splendor. It approximately tells me what is going to happen tomorrow: rain,
snow or sunshine. It’s a useful tool. Do I wear shorts, a coat, hat and
gloves? It does not tell one what to do for long-term planning, like investments,
congressional spending, or if they should finally build that beach condo
in hurricane alley.
The weather
report is full of records as well. Listeners are regaled with tales of
all time record highs, lows, and rainfall, drought, strength and frequency
of hurricanes. Given the statistical insignificance of the sampling period
of these records (54,750/1,642,500,000,000, which is a small number and
thus statistically improbable) the prudent observer should pay them no
mind as these are not records at all, but bad conjectures from incompetent
statisticians (math skills like these will not pass the actuarial
exam, which is the industry standard for statistical competence that
many companies rely upon).
The weather
is a complex dynamical system that mankind does not have the capability
to model accurately or make meaningful predictions from. I’ll give a brief
postscript as to why, so the mathematically disinterested can finish the
article without this tedious diversion.
For arguments
sake let’s say that the Almighty handed me an Excel spreadsheet of the
daily variance in high temperature for my home town, on a single given
day like New Years Eve, scaled from 0 to 1 for ease of reading, for the
last thousand years. Temperatures at 0.5 are "average" those below colder
those above hotter. It might look like the following chart:
Zoom in on
say the last 150 years and it would like:
What does this
mean? As weather observers we travel along this chart from the left to
right (moving from 150 years ago to the present day). The peaks and the
valleys represent lots of "all time" daily highs and lows in temperature
as we move through this sampling period. This is much like the weather
viewing the past from the perspective of today. However, this is meaningless
when the data set is looked at in total. It’s random noise in the signal.
Now the Almighty
did not provide this data, it was downloaded from an atmospheric turbulence
monitor that is used for generating random
numbers of very good statistical fidelity with respect to entropy (degree
of randomness).
The point here
is that an invalid statistical sampling interval cannot be used for deriving
conclusions because it introduces bias.
It is easy, as has been shown, to make good-looking data sets that are
meaningless, much like many other "official," and useless statistical charts
(aka chartjunk).
The weather
is behaving exactly as it should. All time records are not records at all,
just invalid conclusions drawn from poor samples. The danger is that scores
of climatologists, ecologists, bureaucrats, socialists, policy wonks and
lunatics want to use this kind of data to dramatically alter societal behavior.
They are certain that global warming is an imminent danger and that drastic
policy proscriptions are justified so these zealots can save mankind from
Al Gore (aka politician not currently in office) is stumping shamelessly
and vociferously with the media trumpets blaring and the talking heads
spouting about his commitment and "expertise" in conjunction with his "documentary."
Lots of shrill pontification about ice cores and tree rings, yet not a
lot of actual data. Undeterred "experts" provide a great deal of extrapolation,
which as all statisticians know, is dangerous territory. Al Gore is at
his best here: finding the dependent variable from a blizzard of independent
variables. This is mendacity in the extreme since he has not, to my knowledge,
ever been employed or trained as an applied mathematician, an atmospheric
physicist or a statistician.
These zealots
need to be treated as ignorant and dangerous. Ignorant, that is lacking
knowledge, because they do not understand these complex dynamical systems,
since no human beings currently can. Dangerous in that they want to use
the coercive power of the state to immediately bend public behavior to
their will. They have no hope of controlling nature, so they will settle
for controlling others, namely you and I.
This is just
a bunch of climate-induced noise designed for statist solutions to have
another excuse to wreak havoc on the public fisc. The legitimization of
such noise occurs when it is presented in a visually appealing and intriguing
format via the mass media which makes it an easy sell to an uninformed
populace. Unlike my random data, this noise provides full employment, and
state-backed empowerment for new legions of bureaucrats, laws, regulations
and taxes with a concomitant reduction in the hard-earned capital available.
real peril!
P.S. The "weather"
is a dynamic interaction between gravity, the rotation of the earth, solar
dynamics, thermodynamics, chemical kinetics and fluid flow which is governed
by the Navier-Stokes equation. All of this is a non-linear system of partial
differential equations that cannot be solved or even approximated with
current technology to any useful accuracy. Any purported solution of this
system is so infected with simplifications to make the equations tractable,
such that it perturbs the system sufficiently so that it no longer represents
what it is modeling, and thus is, is invalid and wrong.
A one million
dollar prize is available for a proof
relating to the Navier Stokes equation should any readers be inclined to
remediate this situation with their genius.
26, 2006