My Relationship with God

    I, John Nozum am one that tries to please the Lord, our God.  However, I am a SINNER, just like nearly everyone else that is old enough to know what sin is.  God knows the good that is in us, but He also knows the slime that is in us.  If you want to see how BAD I was when I was younger, please check out my terrible two's!  However, Jesus came to save us sinners!  Thank God that I was saved from my wicked ways!

    As for my church life, you can say that I was a "late bloomer."  While I was taken to church off and on during childhood, I was 18 years old before I started going to church regularly and sticking with it.  Yes, I was also 18 years old before I received my first Communion.

    While I am Roman Catholic, I do not believe in discriminating against other Christians, for we all have one Jesus Christ.  All this fighting between denominations and such is 100% pure bull crap and displeases the Lord, our God.  I also like  to get along with Jews, for they have the same Father as Christians.  I really like to bank on what we have in common, rather than arguing over differences.  I also try to get along with others, too.

    As for the sacraments that I received, here they are as follows:

Baptism -- February 28, 1967 (the day that I was born!)
First Formal Confession -- May 1985
Fist Communion -- May 1985 (day after my first formal confession)
Confirmation -- December 1986
Anointing of the Sick -- Many times throughout life

    Please don't forget that I have had some very trying times in my life.  There were MANY occasions where I thought about putting a plastic bag over my head--and tying or taping it around my neck!  My most powerful deterrent to suicide was the grave danger of going to Hell.  My second most powerful deterrent was knowing that it would absolutely devastate my mother and possibly land her up in the nut house.  Unfortunately, this is now NOT the case, since my mother has passed away in 2002.  Here are some things that tested me severely:

    - Severe and ongoing loneliness (dating from late 1988 to the present -- fortunately, not
        steadily--THANK GOD!)
    - Creeping noises and such in my right ear (1987-1989) -- due to an anaerobic
        infection caused by jaw surgery #2
    - MADDENING noises in my left ear, often sounding much like a scratched record
       (2008 to 2012)
    - Thumping in my right ear from 1994 to early 1996
    - Spells with frequent contagious forms of sickness
    - Very high failure in "getting on my life" -- I was never officially employed until 2001
        (age 34)!
    - Not being able to do much, even with  two college d\egrees
    - Having to go through demoralizing periods after graduating from college
    - So-called friends and relatives not being understanding, but instead, pushing me
       even closer to suicide, even begging me to go to counseling when I already had
       7-8 of them, but without much luck

    I also believe that there are many ways to worship God and to "walk with Him."  Some people choose to read the Bible a lot.  Others kneel down and pray a lot.  Others pray the Rosary. Others play hymns before the Lord.  Still, others go to church on a daily basis.  Most Christians do a combination of these and possibly others.  However, this is up to you and God.  I myself choose to play hymns before God (ideally on a daily basis) and say some prayers.  In recent years, I have read the Bible mainly as a reference tool.   While I am not to brag, God has blessed me with at least a fair background of the Bible.

    At any rate, I hope to see you, who are viewing this web site, in Heaven with me.  May God's peace be with you always!

Picture of Jesus Christ

This page was written by John Nozum
with the help of Jesus Christ.

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