Amiga Programs

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It's been awhile since anything new has appeared on this page. No, I haven't abandoned the Amiga (yet); I've just been helping out with DiskMaster II.


(Shift-click to download.)
Version Short Description
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CatScan 1.1 A .ct creation utility. 2.0+ 02/05/99
ClipRead/Write 1.3 Two CLI programs to read from, or write to, any clipboard unit. 2.0+ 03/28/99
FSplit 1.0a Break large file into smaller pieces. 2.0+ 09/13/96
HideWBTitle 1.4 Hides the Workbench screen's titlebar. 2.0+ 03/31/99
I-95 0.1 A TermiteTCP-like GUI for Miami. 2.0+ 04/09/99
Icon Programs 2.0 A collection of icon/tooltype-related CLI utilities. 3.0+/2.0+ 09/12/97
NoWBStartup 1.2 Boot without running programs in the SYS:WBStartup drawer. 2.0+ 06/05/95
OHAC 1.5 Oh Heck, Another Calendar! 2.0+ 12/17/99
PSFlipper 1.0 Send the public screen of your choice to the front or back. 2.0+ 09/11/99
PCalc 1.16 CLI-based programmer's calculator. 2.0+ 05/24/96
ProcIdx 1.0 Lists procedure names and line numbers in E source. 2.0+ 02/05/96
Source Code
1.0a GUI for editing protection bits. 2.0+ 12/17/99
RndBG 2.2 Load random or specific pictures for window, screen, and/or Workbench backdrops. 3.0+ 12/30/00
TestWindow 1.0b A window which reports its position and size. 2.0+ 09/23/96
The Tag Thing 0.8 A sort of tagline inserter. 2.0+ 03/05/98
TTManager 3.5c Manipulate tooltypes to your heart's content. 2.0+ 08/19/99

ARexx | ARexx Macros


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