The US Army Report of
The Battle on LZ Pat
On 9
August 1967, as part of
the 1st Cavalry Division's Operation Pershing, the 2d Battalion
of the 8th Cavalry, under the Command of Lieutenant Colonel
John B. Stannard commenced
a battalion air assault into the Song Re Valley, Quang Ngai
Province, 32 miles southwest of Quanq Ngai City, Republic of
Vietnam, for the purpose of conducting a reconnaissance in force.
The battalion command post (CP) and fire base had been
established at Landing Zone (LZ) Champs with Company A providing
base security for the Battalion CP and C Battery, 2d Battalion (105),
19th Artillery. The battalion had returned to the Pershing Area
of Operations on 3 August after a month's duty at Camp Radcliff,
the Division's base camp, and was placed under the operational
control of the 3rd Brigade.
The operation started at 7:37 a.m. with the air Assault of
Company B into LZ LOU to secure the forward fire base for C
Battery and the battalion CP. Following that maneuver, Company A was to be air
assaulted further into the valley at 9:45 a.m. to LZ PAT.
However, this time was adjusted to 9:35 a.m. since
C Battery had completed its move ahead of schedule and was ready
to fire preparatory fires in support of the assault into LZ PAT.
The Song Re Valley can best be described as a picturesque valley
with numerous hillocks in the valley floor, fertile fields of
rice, and well-fed livestock. Aerial reconnaissance resulted in
several ground to air firings directed at the helicopters.
Although the valley appeared prosperous, only a few inhabitants
were observed. This situation led intelligence experts to suspect
that military-age personnel were either hiding in the hills as
Viet Cong or being used as laborers by the Viet Cong force in
constructing fortified positions.
The ridgeline on which LZ PAT was situated is 2300 meters
southwest of abandoned airstrip at Ta Ma and is dominated by Hill 450 to the northwest and Hill 625 to the west-southwest. Hill 450 has a crown
about 100 meters long running generally northeast to southwest.
Using the southeast corner as a starting point, the trace of the
ridgeline, that was to be LZ PAT, runs to the southeast as a
lower elevation by about 50 feet. There is a slight dip coming
off Hill 450 rising to a slight knob on the northern edge of the
LZ. Proceeding downhill, there is another slight depression
rising to a second knoll, followed by another slight depression,
a third, somewhat smaller rise, and then the ridge drops off to
the valley below. The eastern slope of the LZ was burned-off arid
almost clear of vegetation. The vegetation on the crest of the
ridgeline consisted of short grass about 12 inches tall with
occasional clumps of grass about 18 inches in height. This
covering extended about 25 meters down the western slope. At this
level, the slope inclined rather steeply and was covered with
grass about waist high, scrub brush and small trees. further down
the western slope and into the valley below and going up to Hill
625, the ground was covered with a heavy canopy of trees and
Moving from the northwest corner of Hill 450, the ridgeline
traverses west and consists of a slight dip, followed by a
sizeable knoll and a rather large dip covered by a thick growth
of tree's. The ridge then rises gradually to Hill 625 in a
southwesterly direction. This places Hill 625 about 1200 meters
to the west-southwest of LZ PAT.
The weather that morning was favorable to airmobile operations,
with clear skies, 7 miles visibility, and a expected high
temperature of 89 degrees. The prevailing wind's, under the
influence of the Southwest Monsoon, were from the southwest at 15
knots with gusts up to 25 knots. The direction of the winds being
such, the final short approach of the incoming flight was from
the northeast to the southwest into LZ PAT. The significance of
the wind direction would not be appreciated until the end of the
Company A
commanded by Captain Raymond K. Bluhm, Jr. was given the mission of air
Assaulting into and securing LZ PAT, clearing Hill 450 and the
ridgeline to the northwest, reconnoitering to the northeast and
north of Hill 450 and moving down to the valley floor by 5 p.m.
and establishing a blocking position across the Son Re Valley to
prevent movement either north or south. Capt.
Bluhm organized his company to be air-lifted in four flights of
six UH-1D (Huey) Helicopters, each lift ship carrying five combat
loaded troopers. The company is authorized six officers and 162
enlisted men. Since the lift capability for that morning was a
total of 120 troopers, the company deployed with four company
officers, an artillery forward observer (F0) and 115 enlisted men.
company plan called for the first platoon to move in on the first
flight of six ships along
with the company command group, and secure the left half or
southern portion of the LZ. The second platoon, to be placed on
the ground by the second flight of ships, was to secure the right
or northern half of the LZ. The weapons platoon, coming in on the
third flight was to set up its mortars and two machine guns and
provide fire support for the third platoon, the last element to
come in, on their move to secure Hill 450 and the area north and
east of the Hill.
troopers normally carry a reserve of two C-ration meals in their
combat packs, but since this was to be a reconnaissance of some
duration, each man had drawn an additional meal. In addition to
their meals, the combat load consisted to two canteens of water,
poncho, poncho liner, air mattress, one machete per two men, one
entrenching tool per three men and individual weapons. Each
rifleman carried at a minimum, 220 rounds of ammunition, in some
cases up to 600 rounds, and a minimum of four fragmentation
grenades. Additionally, the NCOs and squad leaders carried a
minimum of two smoke grenades. The M79 grenadiers carried a
minimum of forty, 40mm high explosive rounds per weapon. M-60
machine gun crew's carried a minimum of 1000 rounds per gun. The
weapons platoon took one 81mm mortar with 21 rounds.
Additionally, the first and second platoons each had with t them
a 90mm recoilless rifle. A total of five high explosives and five
anti-personnel rounds were taken into the LZ. The ammunition for
the crew served weapons were tied to pack boards and carried by
various individuals throughout the 24 lift ships.
of the enemy situation available to Capt. Bluhm and the men of
Company A was rather limited and very sketchy, in that this was
the first time US elements were to enter the Song Re Valley in
any force.
Due to strong guerilla
activity, the local Popular Forces advised by Special Forces
teams, were unable to gain any hard intelligence. The company was
informed that somewhere north and south of LZ PAT, elements of 2
Enemy battalions were suspected to be present, but no definite
intelligence as to the location of the enemy in and around the
selected LZ. The ridgeline which was to be LZ PAT was selected
because it was the only high ground large enough and clear enough
of obstructions to allow six lift ships to land, and because it
was in an area which would give the assaulting company the
advantage of reconnoitering from high ground down to the valley
floor below.
At 9:36 a.m. following five minutes of
preparatory fires totaling 150 rounds on and around the LZ from
105mm howitzers,
the first
of six ships touched down abreast of each other on the ridgeline. The
six ships were to land the first platoon, led by Lieutenant Richard A. Hostikka, along w with the company command group, moved
left to secure the southern half or the LZ. The second flight
bearing the second platoon, led by Lieutenant Robert L. Wilkinson, touched down about 30 seconds later and moved
out to secure the right half of the LZ. As soon as the second
flight of six ships lifted off, the weapons platoon was on the
ground followed by the last flight of ships carrying the third
During the time of an Air Assault, Two Gunships armed with 2.75
inch aerial rockets, and 7.6Smm machine guns, accompany the
flight on each side and fire suppressive fires on the sides of
the LZ, then orbit about on the left and right, providing
protection for the lift ships during the time they are most
vulnerable to ground Lire. With the noise of the suppressive
fires and momentary confusion as troops exited the lift ships, it
was difficult to determine if hostile fire was being received on
the LZ during the first few minutes of the air assault.
As the final flight of ships came in sporadic hostile fire could
be distinguished and the last ship started to lift off before all
the men had exited. Platoon Sergeant Frank M. Theberge, the last man on the third
platoon ship, had to jump about eight feet, and being loaded
down, broke his right ankle as he hit the ground. The first enemy position that was spotted was a
large caliber anti-aircraft weapon that was located on the slopes
of Hill 625. The position could be readily identified by muzzle
flashes as the weapon was fired. Then all hell broke loose.
At the same time as the Air Assault, Major William Harvey, Troop Commander of C Troop, 1st Squadron, 9th
Cavalry was piloting his command helicopter just north of Hill
450. Accompanied by his chase ship, piloted by Captain Robert A. Thompson, he was in general support of the 3rd Brigade
and was providing aerial surveillance on the periphery of the LZ.
An artillery forward observer was a crew member in Thompson's
aircraft in the event suppressive fires were needed to isolate
the area where the insertion (Air Assault) was taking place, the
observer would be able to direct the fires. Suddenly, Major Harvey's
aircraft, flying at an altitude of 100 feet, received intensive
large caliber automatic weapons fire taking numerous hits. At
that very instant, he looked back and saw his chase ship, flying
at 500 feet, hit so severely that it started to burn, went out of
control and crashed, exploding on impact. Harvey' s aircraft was
shot down and crashed. Luckily, the crew escaped with minor
bruises. Thompson and his crew were not as fortunate and all
perished in the fiery crash.
Within 15 minutes from the start of the air assault, Company A
was totally committed, and was faced with a pitched battle for
the next four hours. The
enemy situation, reconstructed from information gained from the
interrogation of a captured North Vietnamese Army Sergeant,
captured documents, survey of the battle area and interrogation
of a Mantagnard VC detainee, disclosed an awesome situation, which was to make LZ PAT an
extremely "hot" LZ.
The 107th
Air Defense (AD) Battalion, North Vietnamese Army, had
infiltrated into South Vietnam in January 1967 after traveling
through Laos and had arrived in Quang Ngai Province in April. In
June the Battalion arrived in the Song Re Valley and one of the
four companies of the Battalion, the 3rd Company, had occupied
gun positions in the saddle between Hill 625 and Hill 450. The
107th AD Battalion is composed of a Headquarters Company and 3
firing Company's, each normally equipped with nine 12.7mm (.50
caliber) Chicom Anti-Aircraft Guns. However in their infiltration
to the South each Company had bought only 3 Anti-Aircraft Weapons.
Upon their arrival each firing company was assigned a Montagnard
Rifle Company from the 120th Montagnard VC Battalion to provide
security and Delaying actions in the event the Weapons had to be
From this, it can reasonably be assumed that the hill mass over
looking LZ PAT was occupied by approximately 80 men of the 3rd
Company, 107 th. AD Battalion with three anti-aircraft weapons
and approximately 80 men of a Mantagnard rifle company. In
addition, captured documents in a well-constructed bunker on Hill
625 disclosed the presence of a Heavy Weapons Company of the 120
th. Montagnard Battalion in the same hill mass. This company is
approximately 80 men strong and is normally equipped with 1 2.7mm.
guns, 82mm mortars and 57mm. recoilless rifles. Further
intelligence indicated that most of the elements of the two
battalions were within a 5-kilometer area of LZ PAT.
The enemy had built bunkers on the southwest slope of Hill 450
and along the ridgeline running west to Hill 625 which enabled
them to place grazing fire along the entire western slope, along
the crest, and almost all of the eastern slope of the ridgeline
which was to be LZ PAT. The only cover afforded Company A was provided
on the southeastern side by the northern and middle knolls on the
LZ. Additionally, enemy Antiaircraft weapons were
able to place plunging fire from Hill 625 and the surrounding
slopes into the western slope of the LZ and in the dip between
the LZ and Hill 450. The ridgeline was rimmed with 12 foxholes at
the level where the knee high grass started. 4 well-concealed
bunkers, almost flush with the ground, were situated on the crest.
Upon this
treacherous piece of terrain, Company A Air Assaulted with 120
men at 9:36 a.m.
As soon as the third platoon had hit the ground, the cry for
"Medic's was heard above the noise of the Gunships firing
suppressive fires. Specialist
Five Andrew Conrad,
an Aid man attached to the second platoon rushed to give aid to a
fallen comrade and was struck in the forehead by an enemy bullet
and was killed instantly.
Sergeant Gerald Donovan,
platoon sergeant for the second platoon, hit the LZ on the
extreme right, nearest Hill 450. On board his ship were four
other troopers, his radio operator and one of the two machine gun
crews of his platoon. While moving away from the lift ship to
secure their portion of the perimeter, Donovan spotted muzzle
flashes from automatic weapons on the slopes of Hill 450 and
instructed his gunner to place fire on the positions. Specialist Four Michael
Hotchkiss, gunner standing
upright, sprayed the hill, firing his M-60 machine gun. Realizing
that the fire was ineffective, Donovan moved the gun crew over to
the eastern side of the knoll to get into a better firing
position and one which provided a little cover.
Sergeant John Stipes, weapons platoon leader, hastily attempted to
place his 81 MM mortar into action, Because he and his crew were
receiving small arms fire, time wasn't available to place out
aiming stakes and to mount the mortar with its sight. Caught out
in the open, and firing at a very close range, the mortar tube
stuck up like a stove pipe and pinpointed their position to the
enemy. A few rounds were fired, using the direct lay method for
direction and calculated guesses for elevation, towards the
bunkers on Hill 450. Before the fire could be effectively
adjusted, the enemy began their mortar fire onto the ridgeline. The
first volley of six or seven rounds landed all along the LZ,
indicating that the enemy had the ridgeline pretty well "zeroed-in'.
One of the rounds hit 25 meters from the mortar position and
wounded two men while one round, a dud, fell five feet from
Donovan, between him and the machine gun crew. Two other rounds
landed on the southern half of the crest, one a dud on the
eastern slope within the first platoon area.
Meanwhile Lieutenant
Wilkinson had moved over
to the Western Slope, and his men reported receiving small arms
fire from the forward slope of Hill 625. Wilkinson requested
artillery fire, which was called in by the Artillery Forward
Observer (FO), Lieutenant
William Birdseye, and at approximately 9:48 a.m.
the first of the supporting fires came in. Artillery fire was
then shifted into the saddle between Hill 450 and Hill 625 to
neutralize enemy fire being received from that area. However, due to the heavy canopy of trees and
well-constructed bunkers, the artillery had very little effect.
About 10:15
a.m. Capt. Bluhm
spotted a scout ship (H-13) and asked the pilot to look to the
west of the LZ and see if he could spot any-thing. While the
pilot was acknowledging the request, the aircraft was hit by
ground fire, taking a round in the hydraulic system and had to
leave the area for an emergency landing. Within minutes, the 3rd
Brigade Commander's command and control helicopter was hit with a
12.7mm mound arid was no longer flyable.
The Third platoon, led by Lieutenant Joseph Petrovich, started receiving fire immediately after
exiting from the aircraft and were scattered over the length and
breadth of the LZ. Petrovich, accompanied by his radio operator, Private First Class Edward F.
Hynes, had hit the LZ
about mid point. He attempted to gather his platoon together,
since his task was to move out towards the north and secure Hill
450. However, with the enemy delivering intense and accurate fire
along the ridgeline, the men of the platoon were pinned down arid
immobile. Never the less, Theberge, with a broken ankle, crawled
up to the middle knoll, took charge of a machine gun crew that
belonged to the 2nd platoon, and started directing its fires
against positions on Hill 450. All the forces that Petrovich
could muster were three men.
Capt. Bluhm had radio contact with his platoon leaders and
platoon sergeants and could issue them orders. However, being
under fire and caught on both sides of the ridgeline, the
subordinate leaders were unable to get control of their units and
to move them as units. After sticking with the original plan for
about 15 minutes, Capt. Bluhm then decided to move his 2nd
platoon towards Hill 450 arid establish a firebase to ease off
some of the enemy fire.
Wilkinson, on the western slope, moved about from man to man,
some from his platoon, others from the third and weapons platoon,
directing them to return fire on suspected enemy positions.
Accompanying Wilkinson, was his radio operator, Private First Class Joel D.
with his radio strapped inside his combat pack. As soon as the
company had been taken under fire, the men had shed their packs.
However, the radio operators, having their radio secured in the
pack had to retain their packs. Stopping momentarily Fendley
settled himself low on the slope with his head up toward the
crest of the ridgeline. Suddenly he cried out, "Oh, my arm
". Wilkinson asked, are you going to be all right, to which
Fendley replied yes Wilkinson called back to Capt. Bluhm and told
him that his men on the western slope were receiving friendly
fires from the eastern slope. Capt. Bluhm said that's not
possible since the company was oriented towards Hill 450.
Wilkinson then realized that there might be some enemy in spider
holes within the LZ, and so informed his company commander.
Noticing that Fendley was bleeding rather badly Wilkinson cut the
heavy combat pack straps to relieve some of the pressure on
Fendley's arm and at the same time hollered for a Medic. Upon
closer examination the Medic discovered another bullet wound in
his chest next to the Heart. Fendley was bandaged as best as
could be done and although medical evacuation by helicopter (MEDEVAC)
was requested, evacuation was not possible. Noticing that Fendley was bleeding rather
badly, Wilkinson cut the heavy combat pack straps to relieve some
of the pressure on Fendley's arm and at the same time hollored
for a medic. Upon closerthemedicdbandaged as best alt Because of
the intense anti-aircraft and other automatic weapons fire, it
would have been certain destruction for the helicopter if an
attempt was made to land. The resulting wrecking would then have
created an obstacle on the LZ making further landings hazardous.
Wilkinson felt that the fire came from within the LZ because of
the angle of entry of the bullet and the closeness of the two
shots. Fendley
died quietly a short while later.
Hotchkiss and his gun crew continued to place fire into
the bunkers and pretty much held their own. How ever, when they
stopped to reload, the enemy gun would start up again. During one
of these exchanges Private
First Class Theodore Lysak, assistant gunner, was hit in the forearm. Donovan,
knowing that MEDEVAC was not possible at this time, told Lysak to
get back over the side of the ridge and patch himself the best he
could. Private
First Class Mark A. Ybarra,
ammunition bearer, took over the job as assistant gunner. After
putting on his combat dressing, Lysak returned to his buddies and
started feeding the gun.
Company A was fighting a rifleman's war on LZ PAT, a Forward Air
Controller (FAC) performing a visual reconnaissance mission from
his 0-1, Bird Dog. Aircraft was contacted by Major Olson, Operations Officer for the
Battalion, orbiting above the LZ in the Lt. Coloner Stannard's
command and control Helicopter. Equipped with UHF,VHF, and FM
Radios the FAC can establish contact with the ground commander as
well as the Air Force Aircraft he controls. His task when working
with troops is to contact the commander to determine the target
for the incoming high performance aircraft to adjust their
bombing and strafing runs and finally when possible to relay
damage assessment to the aircraft when the strike had been
Bird Dog, aircraft was contacted by Major Olson,,operations
officer for the battalion, orbiting above the LZ in the
Lieutenant Colonel Stannard' s command and control helicopter.
Equipped with UHF, VHF, and FM radios, the FAG can Olson, after
verifying the need of an air strike with Capt. Bluhm, requested
an immediate strike. Since the battalion was conducting a
reconnaissance mission, and definite targets were not selected,
preplanned air strikes had not been programmed. Three A 1E (Sky raiders ) made
their first pass, at 10:45 a.m. approximately 30 minutes from the
time of the request. On the first pass, one of the aircraft took
a hit from a 12.7mm round. The FAG also received ground fire.
Although company A was pinned down on the LZ and needed fire
support to ease the murderous fire being received from Hill 450,
for the time being they had to be on their own. First priority targets were the anti aircraft
gun positions on the hill mass over looking the LZ. By this time,
Company A's fire power was limited to shall arms and 40mm
Grenades. All of the available mortar rounds near the mortar
position had been extended and the five high explosive 90mm
rounds had been fired by the first platoon recoilless rifle crew.
The remaining anti personnel rounds could not be used because of
friendly personnel in front of the first position.
approximately 10:50 a.m.,
a continuous barrage for about five minutes was fired on Hill 450,
raising the moral of the troopers and allowing them to advance
slightly by leaps and bounds. However, as the fires lifted, the
men were stopped by automatic weapons fire from the three bunkers
on the southwestern slope of Hill 450. Although the 105mm
artillery rounds were on target, the well constructed bunkers
provided protection for the enemy located therein.
By this time, second platoon had suffered numerous casualties
rendering them ineffective as a maneuver force and so Capt. Bluhm
decided to commit the first platoon was generally in the southern
slopes and had received only a few casualties.
Hostikka started his men
moving along the western slopes of the ridge. after moving
forward about 50 meters, the first platoon's advance was stopped
by a burst of automatic weapons fire. Private First Class Joseph
assistant machine gunner cried out, "I'm hit! I'm not going
to make it." He died within moments struck by a bullet just
above his heart. Hostikka, crawling about trying to determine his
next move, was hit with a rifle bullet that went through the
front of his helmet, grazed his temple, continued out the back of
the helmet and struck a man behind him. Crawling back to his company commander who was
located on the southeastern slope, Hostikka reported, " They
have the western slope flat covered. We can't go up that way.
Every time someone moves, he gets hit." First platoon then
started to move around towards the eastern slope.
It was sometime during this move, Specialist Four William Shotwell recalled, that a call was herd for 81mm mortar
ammunition. Sergeant
Robert J. Maxwell,
weapons platoon had exited the first platoon area from his lift
ship. Having carried two rounds in with him, he rushed towards
the mortar position, only to be hit in the stomach with a 1 2.7mm
round with such force that he was thrown back five feet. Although
he was evacuated by MEDEVAC ship which braved intense small arms
fire, Maxwell died In route to the medical clearing station.
The 21 rounds of 81mm mortar ammunition were carried by various
men in the weapons platoon in the six lift ships. The men on
hitting the LZ had dropped thrown packs all over the ridge,
seeking what ever cover they could find and returning the rifle
fire against suspected enemy positions Private First Class Prentice D.
ammunition bearer, had to scurry around the LZ rounding up the
mortar rounds. Very early in the firefight Leclair was shot in
the head and chest and killed, very likely by an enemy soldier
located within the LZ. Hotchkiss
and his crew were delivering the most effective fires against
enemy positions on Hill 450 and there fore became a prime target
for enemy mortar fire. Mortar rounds began falling in and around
the gun position. At
approximately 11:30 a.m. a mortar round hit Hotchkiss in the
middle of his back, killing him instantly. Lysak and Yberra were also wounded by shrapnel
and were ordered to move back down the eastern slope so that they
could be evacuated.
The mortar Fire damaged
the machine gun feed cover so that it could not be fire
automatically. Donovan was now alone with his rifle. Private First Class Gunter, his radiotelephone operator,
had been shot in the head and was thought to be dead. However, he
was alive, though very seriously wounded, and had to be evacuated.
Capt. Bluhm received several calls from his platoon
leaders, asking when the MEDEVAC was coming. The aircraft,
piloted by Captain
Norris C. Goodman had
attempted to land twice but had to be waved off due to intense
enemy fire.
At 11:50 a.m. after successive air strikes had neutralized or
damaged the anti-aircraft weapons on Hill 625 and the surrounding
ridges, the first of' three MEDEVAC ships was able to come in. On
his third attempt, Goodman guided by Private First Class James
Andrews, Capt. Bluhm's
radio operator, slid his ship up the eastern slope much like an
escalator ramp. Sergeant
John Crespi the medic on
board the aircraft jum ed off and assisted Andrews load the
wounded aboard. With seven men loaded, Crespi, electing to stay
with the other wounded men waved the ship off. Goodman returned
about 20 minutes later, hovering below the crest, pick-up Crespi
and six other wounded men. Although NEDEVAC is normally handled
as an administrative measure, it is not unusual in circumstances
such as this, for the MEDEVAC ships to brave enemy fire and
dismal odds when attempting to evacuate wounded men desperately
in need of medical attention beyond first aid A logistical
helicopter was brought in about 1:00 p.m. with an emergency re-supply
of ammunition and evacuated seven men.
Realizing that more fire had to be place on the positions on the.
slopes of Hill 450 to allow his men to maneuver forward, Capt.
Bluhm sought out the machine gun crews. Moving along the eastern
slope, Capt. Bluhm first came across Private First Class Arthur R.
Brakebill, a machine
gunner in the second platoon. Theberge, in the meantime, had
been directing Brakebifl's fire, and while exposing himself
repeatedly in order to determine the enemy locations was struck
by a bullet grazing the back of his neck and striking the rear of
his head. Specialist Four Hines covered the wound with a
combat dressing to stop the bleeding. Specialist Five Jeremiah White, senior medic attached to Company A, arrived
moments later and treated the unconscious Theberge.
By this time Petrovich had rounded up Specialist Arthur H Forsyth and his machine gun crew from the first platoon.
Although Petrovich was able to get within 150 meters of Hill 450
himself, he could not maneuver anyone else further than the
northern most knoll without taking more casualties. The last dip
between the knoll and the base of Hill 450 was covered with
intense cross fire from the bunkers on the hill and from
positions west of the hill. As Petrovich later related, "Either
I was lucky or because I'm smaller than the rest, I was able to
move about without getting wounded. ' Petrovich is barely five
feet tall and weighs all of 130 pounds.
company, being virtually pinned down as they exited the lift
ships, had by now suffered at least 20 men wounded and five
killed. Capt. Bluhm could not move his company back to
the safety on the southeastern slope since half of the men were
on the western slope and would have to cross over the crest of
the ridgeline. To drag their wounded men would mean exposing more
men and sustaining more casualties. To stay still was to take
more casualties. The only thing left for Capt. Bluhm to do was to
urge his men to move forward, hugging the ground, concealing
themselves as best as possible in the short grass and every bit
of depression in the ground and attempting to place rifle fire
into the enemy positions. By building up his base of fire, Capt.
Bluhm hoped to break loose a platoon size element to assault Hill
Capt. Bluhm had asked for some help, the decision to reinforce
was ruled out by Lieutenant Colonel Stannard. Even though Company A was in a real tough spot,
Capt. Bluhm had reported that there was no danger of the company
being overrun or kicked off the LZ. Because of the enemy fire,
bringing more troops on to LZ PAT was out of the question. Troops brought in the valley
below would take hours to get up to assist Company A. The men on LZ PAT had to hold
their own until such time as tactical air strikes could be
diverted to help them out.
Desiring to get more effective fire on the enemy bunkers, Capt.
Bluhm took the machine gun from Brakebill, gave the ammunition to
Petrovich, and told his platoon leader, 1'll race you to that
knoll up there. He then told Brakebill, "If I make it you
come on up, and dashed forward with Petrovich 30 meters across
the open area to northernmost knoll. Seeing his - Company
Commander make it safely, Brakebill ran forward and manned his
gun. Capt. Bluhm them moved over to join Donovan, the only able-bodied
man remaining from the original group that had exited nearest to
Hill 450.
air strikes consisting of Two F4C Phantoms and Thirty Five F100
Super Sabers had continued since 11:00 a.m. delivering 500 and
700 pound high explosive and Napalm bombs and firing 20mm cannons
on Hill 625 and in the saddle between the two hill.
approximately 1:15 p.m. the
FAC was finally able to direct his efforts towards the bunkers on
Hill 450. He dropped a smoke grenade on the hill and the rifleman
fired tracers at the bunkers to pinpoint the target. Birdseye,
now in radio contact with the FAC had moved forward to notify
Capt. Bluhm about the incoming air strike, and asked if he felt
it was safe enough for the troops on the ground. Before the
message could be transmitted to hold off the strike until troop
safety could be determined, a bomb scored a direct hit on one of
the three bunkers stopping the forward Progress of the company.
The blast, no more than 200 meters in front of Capt. Bluhm and
Donovan literally lifted both of them off the ground, and
showered them with rock and debris. A second pass followed soon
after with three bombs being dropped. Another bunker disappeared.
Although the men were rather close to the impact area, the
accuracy of the pilots on their bombing runs gave the men of the
company no concern for their own safety, just a feeling of
As soon as the air Strikes ceased, six or seven enemy soldiers
ran out of the third bunker arid moved over the hill to
northeast, helping their wounded comrades along. The fleeing
enemy was out of sight before the men were able to fire more than
a couple of bursts with their weapons.
When Petrovich received the word to assault the hill, he did it
with three other men, all that he had near the base of the hill.
The rest of the third platoon personnel. were either wounded or
scattered all over the LZ arid attached themselves to the other
platoons. Noticing only a small group making the initial attempt,
Capt. Bluhm ordered Brakebill to join the assault with his
machine gun, and Forsyth to provide covering fire if needed.
However, as a result of the accurate and devastating air strike,
the assaulting element received only occasional sniper fire as
they secured the hill. Petrovich was joined by one of his squads
soon thereafter.
With the task of securing Hill 450 well underway, Capt. Bluhm now
turned his attention to clearing the enemy from fortifications
within the LZ itself. Hostikka organized the remaining men for
the three platoons and started a methodical search of the ridge
line. The largest of the emplacements located in the middle of
the LZ contained five enemy with automatic weapons. This position
consisted of three holes with connecting tunnels and small rooms
off the main hole. During the initial landing, a grenade had been
dropped in one of the holes. However this had not neutralized the
position and the enemy had stayed there throughout the four hour
battle. Even after two more grenades were tossed in, the enemy
returned fire on the approaching men. Finally, after a total of
10 grenades had been tossed in, the men were able to pull out the
dead enemy soldiers. Further search of the LZ and the forward slopes
of Hill 450 resulted in two more enemy dead.
On Hill
450 one enemy body was found for a total body count of eight
enemy killed. Estimated enemy killed can reasonably be considered
higher in view of the total destruction of two of the three
bunkers that had been stopping Company A. Further with a Total of 42
sorties delivering 82,500 pounds of bombs, 28,000 pounds of
napalm and firing 22,600 rounds of 20mm cannon and 76 aerial
rockets on and around the two hill masses, neutralizing ant-aircraft
and mortar positions, it can be assumed that the enemy suffered
additional casualties. Additionally, C Battery had fired 932
rounds of 105mm shells, Aerial Rocket Artillery had expended 576
aerial rockets, and two armed CH-47 Chinook Gunships (GO-GO) had
delivered eight tons of ordnance on probable escape routes of the
enemy. An estimate of 20 additional enemy casualties was reported
in the battalion daily journal for this action.
The enemy weapons captured included one US BAR (Browning
Automatic Rifle), a machine gun and two rifles (Chinese C2mmnnist),
an assault weapon, and an automatic rifle of foreign make, a
French 75mm rifle and one US Carbine. 1000 rounds of rifle
ammunition of assorted caliber and 1 claymore mine (Chicom) were
also captured. Company C, continuing the reconnaissance mission
on the 12th of August, captured three 12.7mm anti-aircraft guns
abandoned along a trail and presumed to be part of the weapons
withdrawn from the battle area near LZ PAT.
losses for the day were Six Killed and Twenty wounded from
Company A, Four Killed and One wounded from C Troop, One Killed
from D Company, 229th Aviation Battalion (gunship door gunner),
Two Helicopters destroyed and Five Helicopters damaged. In
retrospect, the direction of the prevailing winds takes on much
more significance. If the wind had been from the northeast, the
final approach of the heavily laden lift ships would have been
right along the enemy anti-aircraft gun positions and the loss of
aircraft and personnel would probably hay been much greater. As
it was none of the 24 lift ships were damaged. Subsequent searches in the Song
Re Valley netted a Total of 73 enemy killed by body count.
Company A, 2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry successfully accomplished
its mission of locating the enemy in a here to fore unexplored
region and destroyed one of his fortified areas.