Volcano Quest

A 3rd-5th Grade (Science) WebQuest

Designed by Kirk Pearson
(Back to Educational Units and Activities)

Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits



You saw a recent make-believe television program that showed natural disasters damaging much of the West Coast of the US. You have become a bit concerned since you've heard that a local volcano named Mount St. Helens could erupt again and no one at school seems to know what a volcano is or if this could really happen. It's time to get some facts!



The Task

The first thing you will do is some fact-finding to learn about what a volcano is, the different types, and other characteristics of volcanos and how they behave. You will then record this data on a data collection sheet.

Next, you will identify a volcano's major parts and features by labeling a volcano diagram.

Then you will combine your diagram with 3 of your favorite facts about volcanoes into an informational poster for our pod/hall.


The Process

1. Go to the Volcano Quest Data Collection Sheet and print out a copy. Then, using the sites shown on the sheet, write down responses for the questions given. Use the browser 'BACK' button to return to this page.

2. Go to the Volcano Parts Drawing and print out a copy. Then, read the instructions and definitions at the top of the page, study the Composite Volcano Drawing to learn more parts, and correctly label your printed copy. Use the browser 'BACK' button to return to this page.

You've learned a lot about volcanoes! Now it is time to put your poster together to share what you've learned with your fellow students. But first there is one last thing to do:

3. Using any of the Internet sites/links you've seen thus far, and/or the bonus links below, choose your 3 favorite facts which you've learned during this volcano quest. Write them neatly on a sheet of colored paper provided by the teacher. On a separate piece of paper explain why you chose the 3 facts you did (what made them your favorite things you learned about volcanoes).

4. Combine your diagram, 3 favorite facts listing, and why they were your favorite things about volcanoes on construction paper to make your informational poster.

Bonus Links

If there is time, here are other interesting sites on volcanoes that you might like to review for information to include on your poster:

Volcanic Eruptions - Descriptions and pictures of the different ways volcanoes can erupt or blast off.

Volcano Cameras - Lots of cameras showing lots of different volcanoes but most are not 'active' at this time.

Volcano Safety and You - Things to know about before, during, and after a volcano erupts.

Mount St. Helens - A slide show (click the underlined link below each 'GS' number to see that particular slide).

Cooking With Lava - No, you really wouldn't want to do it, but it has been done and it's better than eating food raw!.

Michigan Tech - Lots of links here to launch off from relating to volcanoes.

Yahooligan Video - An animation explaining volcanoes and a quiz if you think you're ready!


You will be evaluated on how carefully you completed the tasks in this project according to the following table. Care about your work and it will show.

Improvable Work


Acceptable Work


Good Work


Great Work


Your Score


Volcano Quest Data Collection Sheet




3 blanks empty, wrong, or sloppily completed



2 blanks empty, wrong, or sloppily completed


1 blank empty, wrong, or sloppily completed
All blanks neatly and correctly completed


Volcano Parts Diagram



2 or more blanks incorrect, sloppily written or colored 1 blank empty and sloppy writing or coloring Labeled correctly (but no extra parts added), colored, and neat Labeled correctly (+ at least one extra part added), neat, and attractively colored





3 or more items missing, incomplete, and sloppy appearance 2 items missing, incomplete, or sloppy appearance 1 item missing, incomplete or sloppy appearance All parts included, complete, and attractively placed


Congratulations! You have learned a lot about volcanoes including one in our area. And you are now aware of the types of volcanoes and many other interesting facts about them and have shared some of what you've learned with others through the poster you created.

There are lots of other resources to look through about volcanoes. In addition to the Bonus Links listed above, you could conduct a search of other volcano web sites, and dont' forget to check out what the library has to offer. So if you're interested in learning more about volcanoes, don't stop now, blast off!

Credits & References

My appreciation to all of the resources linked in this site for material used and/or useful in creating this Volcano Quest including but not limited to EnchantedLearning.com (drawings/diagrams), FreeBackgrounds.com (yep, you guessed it, the background for this page), and for images, AltaVista.com, AnimationLibrary.com, and Pasadenaisd.org

Loosely based on a template from The WebQuest Page
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