What in the world is a SALAMI?



An AMOOGA Users Group


The Semi-Anonymous Lamebrained AMIgoids (SALAMI) is a users group promoting Amooga computers. We obtain, distillate and exchange useless, dull and boring information about the Amooga computer. We don't want your input. Our web site is located somewhere on the Internet.

The SALAMI Snooze is published once a year using the following stolen equipment and pirated software:

Permission is hereby given to reprint items from our newsletter, unless otherwise noted (especially when legally compromising).

SALAMI is not affiliated with Comma-Door Out-Of-Business Machines (RIP 1994), EAG, AT, AT&T, FT&T, IBN, ISN or Monstro-Giganto Software Company, Inc., though we would welcome any support any of them can give us.

Meeting location, valid April 1st through 3rd, 1997 only:

Club officers and mailing address:

Dave The, President
1814 Cinnamon Dr.
Richland, WA 99933

Jerry Reed, Vice-President
P.O. Box 1234
Pasco, WA, WA 99322

Rock Hudson, Embezeller
2104 Carpenter
Richland, WA 99352

Cutler Tollbooth, Librarian
1325 Briefs
Richland, WA 99325

Roger Wrong, Newsletter
203 NE Si St., Apt. C
El Segundo, CA 90324

Mailing address:
SALAMI Throw-it-togetherer
203 NE Si St., Apt. Z
El Segundo, CA 90324

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