First Grandchild
Anticipated little one
we wait with eager hearts.
First time grandparents
can't believe our luck.
Doug and Sue have
followed all the rules
to ensure a healthy start
for this little blessing
that will change their lives.
Excited friends have showered
them with tiny clothes,
teddy bears, stroller, car seat,
playpen, swing;
loaned a bassinet.
They show them off
with glowing eyes,
hug each other with delight;
counting days 'til baby's due
to make a grand debut.
We listen for the phone call,
wait with bated breath
for the ultimate Christmas present;
a treasure beyond price.
November 12, 1997
Dorothy J. Whitmire |
Katherine Grace
Welcome to our family
Katherine Grace.
Today we fell in love
with your beautiful little face.
Long slender fingers,
unblemished skin,
dark, silky, curly hair,
pink rosebud mouth
looking ready to sing.
Peacefully sleeping
in our welcoming arms
not bothered by our chatter
showing marvelous poise.
Only mild mewing murmurs
until diaper change
when cold alcohol cleansing
brought forth short,
indignant complaint.
We toasted your arrival
with friends at dinner last night.
Announced your birth proudly
at First Presbyterian;
enjoyed warm congratulations,
welcoming prayer.
November 15, 1997
Dorothy J. Whitmire |
Happy Birthday I
Katherine Grace Whitmire
is one year old today.
Doug and Sue's party
will show off how she's changed.
From a tiny, rosy newborn
to a lively, pretty little girl
brimming with personality
flashing a winning smile.
Lucky to have sitter Tessie
when mom and dad are at work.
Fussed over protectively
at George's family deli downstairs.
She's a seasoned jetsetter,
at home in San Francisco,
in grandpa's swimming pool in Stockton,
on Kymala's South Dakota farms.
She has fun with first and second cousins
who show her new games.
A joy to parents, aunts, uncles, friends
and doting grandparents.
November 13, 1998
Dorothy J. Whitmire |
Katie II
Katherine Grace is two years old
amazing what she's learned.
she walks, runs, climbs, sings,
dances with alacrity.
Nod ladder is too high,
no slide too winding or steep,
no swing too lofty
can deter eager curiosity.
She wakes up smiling,
not still for a moment,
except when perusing a book,
watching a video or listening
to a favorite story.
On visits to grandparents
Whitmire and Kymala,
Katie lights up their lives
with enthusiastic energy.
Precocious and outgoing
when blowing kisses
to cable car tourists,
riding horses with cousins,
flying on jet planes,
Katie charms everyone.
A surprising infection
caused concern, doctor tests,
hard on Katie and parents.
Heartfelt sighs of relief
at encouraging prognosis.
Happy Birthday Miss Katie
we're delighted to join
in a San Francisco party,
looking forward to another year
of exciting adventures.
November 13, 1999
Dorothy J. Whitmire |
Katie is 3
Little Miss Katie
is three years old today,
growing up so fast
it takes our breath away.
talking on the telephone
full of new surprises,
can sing all the words
along with her recordings.
Jumping in the swimming pool
from the yellow S
wearing her new swim vest
arms and legs in constant motion.
Walking on the levee
with grandpa and Dundee
admiring big new home
cleaning up along the way.
Fun with Uncle Paul
while mommy/daddy
take well earned break
for wedding anniversary.
Eager new preschooler
busy with activities
Not quite ready for sitting
in quiet little circles.
Plea for one more story
at bedtime irresistible.
Bright, affectionate, cheerful, funny,
strong-willed Katie is adorable.
November 13, 2000
Dorothy J. Whitmire |
Katie is 4
Katie Grace is four years old.
How this past year has flown.
Now she is a young lady
with opinions of her own.
She loves watching TV baseball,
running bases after games,
remembers names of players
like Giant's Barry Bonds.
At preschool with friends
she's learning to share,
singing songs, drawing pictures,
enjoys activities galore.
Favorite foods: strawberries, spaghetti,
popsickles and bagels,
frozen grapes, waffles, pancakes,
homemade chocolate cupcakes.
Cinderella video
captures rapt attention,
then Katie plays different roles
with dramatic expression.
For a visit to grandparents
she packed her own bag
with pretty play dresses,
modeled color matching costumes,
seven pairs of plastic shoes.
She joins parents in house hunting
for her very own backyard.
Katie's favorite place to be?
Home with Mom and Dad.
November 13, 2001
Dorothy J. Whitmire |
Katie's Birthday
Five year old Katie can
say address and telephone number,
ride her two wheel bike,
jump high on a trampoline.
Swim across grandpa's pool
like a porpoise under water,
dig for worms, collect snails,
plant a garden on her roof.
Travel jet planes to visit family
with mom and daddy.
Going through airport security
just another experience.
Dance with her cousins
at Shari's wedding in Seattle.
Ride a horse with cousins
on their farm in South Dakota.
Traverse parallel bars,
play baseball, learn to tap.
Go sledding in the snow
at beautiful Lake Tahoe.
Katie can help teacher Lucy
with younger preschool students,
play video tapes, work home computer,
tell jokes, make up stories.
She enjoys her new condo room,
new home in San Francisco,
new tooth, new friends,
another year of adventures.
Dorothy J. Whitmire
November 13, 2002 |
Katie is Six
Now Katie is six years old.
It's been a busy year.
She graduated preschool,
started kindergarten at Yick Wo.
Swimming lessons, ice skating,
planting strawberries,
school, friends, activities
keep her busy every day.
On Whitmire grandparent's sixtieth
she helped them celebrate
with mom, dad and uncle Paul
for a week in Hawaii.
Snorkeling in the surf,
making castles in the sand,
collecting rocks and shells,
diving with friends in the pool.
She learned to hula on stage
at a luau on Maui
kept up with homework,
climbed a banyan tree.
Enthusiastic about new school,
drawing, coloring and Barbie.
Looking forward to Thanksgiving
with Kymala family in South Dakota.
Dorothy J. Whitmire
November 13, 2003 |
Another big birthday for Katie
seven years old today.
Another year of adventures;
learning new things in first grade.
She rode her bike with daddy
across the Golden Gate Bridge
and back to San Francisco
where she bakes and shops with mom.
Katie collects shiny quarters;
one from every state.
She remembers her collection,
knows which ones she needs.
Katie pets orange cat Peaches
cuddled up in her room at home.
She enjoys wagging tail doggies,
who greet her at the park.
We're very proud of Katie,
our favorite seven year old.
We look forward to her visits
now and in two thousand five.
Dorothy J. Whitmire
November 13, 2004 |
Katie VIII
Another birthday for Katie,
number eight this year.
Second grade in Yick Wo School
reading with growing ease.
Three week vacation in S. Dakota;
she played with cousins,
petted dogs and tiny horse Tony,
rode big golden horse Jewel.
She explored a min and a cave
with mom and dad,
then flew around Mount Rushmore
in a helicopter with dad.
Swimming and diving
in Grandpa Whitmire's pool,
she shared stories of surfing lessons
on chilly Pacific Ocean waves.
Growing taller and stronger,
Katie enjoys fiends, school,
playing soccer and keyboard.
A Happy Birthday Girl.
Dorothy J. Whitmire
November 13, 2005 |
Katie Nine
Third grader Katie Grace
Is nine years old today.
She is busy with school,
Sports, bicycle, roller blades,
friends and play.
Chinese New Year in San Francisco;
Katie marched with classmates
in the televised parade.
She wrote a letter to the mayor.
Katie learned important lessons
during summer surfing classes
On escaping riptide currents
In the cool Pacific Ocean
Vacation weeks in South Dakota
On Kymala family ranches,
swimming fun in Stockton.
Strong overhand and backstroke;
Cavorting like a porpoise.
Growing taller every year,
Shiny new teeth smile.
Cheerful, friendly personality
Just like mom and dad.
Dorothy J. Whitmire
November 13, 2006 |
Katie 10
Katie is ten years old
celebrating her first decade.
Now she attends grade four,
enjoying excelling in math.
Frisky pet kitten Kilo
is white as fallen snow
a lively companion
always eager to play
Katie has a cell phone
for emrgency use only
to mom and dad numbers
911 for serious problems.
First trip to Disneyland
a great success.
Miranda halloween costume
made by mom and Katie,
traffic stopper on Nob Hill.
Another busy year
for a very lively girl.
Happy Birthday Katie Grace
good luck in 2008.
Dorothy J. Whitmire
November 13, 2007 |
Katie 11
Preteen Katie is eleven today
Almost as tall as her grandmas
She's thrilled with her new mountain bike;
has electronic devices galore.
A super guard in soccer
their team did well this year.
Her last class at Yick Wo school
exploring plans for sixth grade.
She spent summer time
in South Dakota
also a week in Stockton
when mom and dad went to Maui
celebrating marriage of twenty years
Uncle Paul flew down from Seattle
joined her for morning bike rides,
after noon swimming,
stage play at Bob Hope Theater.
Katie is a whiz on the computer;
loves to chat with her friends.
She understands DVDs, iPods, BlackBerries,
undaunted by new information.
Happy Birthday Katie.
We're delighted to help you
celebrate this yearly
auspicious occasion.
Dorothy J. Whitmire
November 13, 2008
Katie 12
Katie is a twelve-year-old young lady,
Poised, intelligent, full of fun.
A Chicago trip with mom
To visit a friend,
Tour famous landmarks,
Attended Phillies baseball game.
Three players and the manager
Signed the ball
She'd caught in San Francisco
What an added thrill.
Sixth grade new adventure
Large Presidio middle school
Attending honor classes
Reports they're going well.
Distant campus morning car pool
Afternoon returning home
With fellow students
San Francisco city bus.
Soccer games on winning team
Hard work but so much fun
Money raising project
Family gathering netted sales.
Happy Birthday Katie
Have another wonderful year.
We'll look forward to visits
In two thousand ten.
Dorothy J Whitmire
November 13, 2009