Compressor Bracket
Images #15 thru 17 show how the bracket location was determined and how the bracket was modified in order
to mount it in place using the existing mounting holes at the bottom of the frame down tubes. Two holes were drilled
for the 6mm bolts that mount the bracket to the frame and portions of the bracket were removed (image #16) to provide adequate
clearance. Note that the riser bracket is very hard steel and you will need patience and a sharp blade to get through it.
Note, too, the orientation of the compressor shown in image #17: base to the outside, towards the horn and
the body rotated so that the original mounting boss on the body of the compressor is angled back away from the radiator connections.
This also places the air intake hole facing the bend in the bracket, in a fairly protected position.
Also, there is a ring that surrounds the head of the compressor and keeps the compressor body out and away
from the bracket. To keep the compressor body parallel to the bracket, I added a small 6mm bolt through one hole in the bracket
to act as a spacer between the body of the compressor and the bracket. When the hose clamp is tightened, the head of the bolt
keeps the compressor body parallel to the bracket and keeps it from pressing against the frame.