You're tired of your windows machine requiring so much attention
to keep updated. You know, windows updates, java updates, flash updates, and the list goes on.  Then there's the viruses and 'malware' that has to be dealt with with more software,

Tired of having your computer not doing what it's supposed to be doing: like not being 'friendly' by throwing pop up after pop up in your face?  Or just 'not responding' to you clicking the mouse or keyboard?

Linux to the rescue
t's impervious to the bazillion windows viruses and crapware on the web.
It doesn't have the Windows flaws exploited by crapware and virus writing hackers.
It will surf and email 'out of the box' and will be faster than any vista computer around.
It will do 'out of the box' more than any windows version around for the typical home user.
Updates will NEVER require you to close any work you're doing in order to reboot to install the updates.
If an update requires a restart, just continue what you are doing, and shut it off NORMALLY.
They will be already installed when you turn it on the next day.  Unlike windows which will require you
to reboot the machine after it's been turned on the next day.

Give Linux MINT a 'test drive', at least.

Put the disk in your drive and boot the CD.  No changes will be made but you can run MINT,
albeit, a lot slower than if it were installed. (more info below)

Download Linux MINT.  The Cinnamon version is what I opted for.
I've installed the Mate version on older hardware (Single processor or limited memory)
You could also try UBUNTU, but Mint comes with all the 'options' I've installed in Ubuntu
to make it operate 'to my taste'.

MINT runs the same software I use in windows, VLC, Thunderbird, Firefox.

Your download will be an 'iso' file.
Burn the ISO file to a DVD with IsoRecorder or ImgBurn.

If it all seems overwhelming, you can order a DVD from or have me give you a 'guided tour' with the live DVD.  If you elect to install I could do that for a nominal fee
Contact Me

Start your computer with the disk in the drive* and give MINT a test drive.
It is fully functional, right from the DVD, and will make no changes to your computer.

*You may have to 'force' it to boot from the DVD.  Rabbit punch F8 during startup.
or check your manufacturers documentation for your model.

It will be slower than normal because the DVD drive is much slower than if it were 'installed'.  The option to install it is right there on it's desktop. Don't do that yet.

The following, If not shown on the desktop, Click the MENU in the lower right of the screen,
similar to the 'Start' button you're used to.  You'll find:

Firefox is there to surf the web
Thunderbird email client for your email.
Both will 'look and feel' just like you're used to.
Office suite: LibreOffice. Spreadsheet, Writer, and Presentation editors.
Yes, it can import those Microsoft documents, spreadsheets and powerpoint presentations.
Heck, it can also export to those formats.

When your ready to install, some things to think about.

When running the Live DVD or from an 'alongside install', Mint can access your files saved under windows,  (useful to recover files from a crashed windows OS)
IF you install Mint alongside windows you are given the option to select which to run, your old windows or Mint, at computer startup. 

If you choose to 'wipe' windows from the HDD, and have files you'd like to save.  First start your computer with the DVD removed, to start windows. Then copy all your personal files, documents, photos, etc to a USB HDD drive. as they will be destroyed if you 'wipe' windows off the computer.
Also Export your Firefox bookmarks to the USB HDD drive.
Export your email contacts, If from a windows program (outlook or Outlook Express)
export as a csv file.

Unplug the USB drive, Insert the MINT DVD you burnt, and restart your computer. 
Continue with installation. 
Remember, it is possible to install Mint alongside it, select which, Mint or windows, to run at start up. (You can also install lUbuntu, or any 'flavor' of Linux 'beside' the windows installation,  Installing windows beside a Linux installation is possible, but not as easy.)

During the install, you'll have to set a password, REMEMBER it. Write it down. It's needed to install any updates. 
There is an option to bypass Login password entry to turn the computer ON if so desired.

When the installation finishes, remove the DVD, and restart the computer.
Plug in your USB drive.  It will appear on the desktop, double click it,  All your 'stuff' is there.  No need to click start>Computer/D like in windows. Your USB 'thumbdrives' will also 'show' on the desktop, as will any other media you attach.  To remove them, right click on the icon and select Safely Remove or Eject.

Firefox is there for surfing the web. Import your bookmarks.

Start Thunderbird and set up your email acct.
Import your contacts.

(after you install Mint, or Ubuntu, the USB HDD can be used as your 'back-up drive)

Now, that wasn't so hard. And it just got easier. Why/How?

REASONS to use Linux

Why Linux Mint is a worthwhile Windows XP replacement
Although, they say to 'burn' a USB thumbdrive, Many old XP machines will not boot a USB.
A DVD drive is almost universal.

Here's my list of reasons

Linux Updates. Remember how flash, adobe, java, and windows all did individual updates?  Well, There's only one 'channel' for updates in Linux.  It will update everything 'in one shot'.
And very rarely does it need to, or like windows, force you to reboot to install them. 
Even if it does require a reboot to install, Mint will kindly wait, even for you to just 'shut down' the computer for the day. They are installed at startup.  Windows would nag to restart again.

Anti virus, not essential, only a fraction of 1% of them can affect Linux.
More than 99.999% will affect windows from microsoft.  Win8 isn't 'immune' either.
But if you'd like to eliminate a virus infecting an email received from a windows using friend, that you may forward to other windows friends, you can install it from the Software Manager.

Anti-Malware. not needed. Oh, just about all 'free' software for windows comes with at least one 'tag- along' toolbar or other 'freebie' 'offer-ware' that will irritate most windows owners.

Disk Defragmentor. finally it's automatic, but only if you leave the win7 or 8 machine on 24/7.
But it's still a separate 'function' that the machine must do.
Disk cleanup is still a 'function' you have to perform manually.
Linux doesn't require either.  It defrags the drive 'on the fly' and cleans up after itself.
The only 'clean-up' you may want to do is clearing the history in your web browser (Firefox)
(prefer Chromium for internet browsing?  Get it in the Software Manager)

Plug in your camera, It's ready to save your pictures.

Want software for something else? 
They're in the 'Software Manager' that's much like the 'app store' on a smart phone.
Skype?  it's in there.
Guaranteed: no more 'tag along' crapware like an unwanted toolbar or 'system tune-up' or updater that comes with most 'free' windows program you get from the internet.

FWIW: did you know that the latest operating systems on an Apple computer are linux? 
They are a highly modified 'exclusive' versions of the basic Linux operating system.
Linux Mint, and other 'flavors' of Linux are "Community' developed 'free' versions..

Another FWIW: just about all websites you visit are on servers running Linux.  Apache being a very popular Linux web server system.  Just about all the email you read is 'served' on from a computer running Linux.  (Boy, I wonder why?  No I don't really, it's just more popular because it's more 'trouble free' than windows, that's all)

I really don't know why I recommend for you to use Linux.  You pay me to 'fix' your windows computers. I doubt you'll have problems with Linux Mint or Ubuntu.
So in reality, I'm taking a 'hit' on my income...I must be stupid.

Do you want to at least 'try' Linux?  YES  NO

Either way - Have a NICE DAY!

Here's some 'fixes' I've had to do with some earlier version Linux machines.
Since MINT16, it's been good to go from the get go.