Steven Donald Ellersick
[email =]

Pacific Northwest History


(added 17 November 2003, updated 7 Aug. 2005)

Father Nicolas Point's drawing of St. Ignatius Mission at Manressa Grotto among the Kalispels of the Pend Oreille River Bay, circa 1847, illustrated for Father DeSmet's Letters.  At De Smet Collection; Manuscripts, Archives and Special Collections; Washington State University, image 17.


(added 17 November 2003, updated 7 Aug. 2005)

   Illustration of Father Point's Original Drawing with Manressa Grotto cave and Gibralter Rock drawn in that were not in the original.   [click on sentence to open]  At De Smet Collection; Manuscripts, Archives and Special Collections; Washington State University.  I also think the lithograph has the cave and rock on the wrong side of the mission.  (updated 9 Oct. 2005)


Genealogy & Family History


God (Yahweh)

Hermann Hesse






11/06/2005 07:03:50 PM 

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