Letter to home Christian J. Sensenbaugh Company I, 93rd Ohio Regiment Infantry (Source: Original letter contained in the Civil War pension records of Christian J. Sensenbaugh, National Archives, Washington, DC) (Note: Punctuation added, but all selling and grammar left as written) Chattanooga, Tenn December the 1th, 63 Dear mother and sister, I received your letter Last night after I had got to bed and was glad to here from you and receive So kind and well wishing letter as yours and mothers. it found me well, but slightly wounded in the head. your letter was write on the 23th. That day we had a fight and I got through Safe and was one of the first in the rebels works. but on the the 25 we started to take a nother line of breast works, but I was one of the First to fall. I feell before we got in gun shot. a piece of Shell that burst in the air hit me on the head as it fell and knocked me Sencelefs for Some time. And when I came to my Self I went to camp and I am in camp now. The regiment is out some place now and there is some of the Convalescents in camp. I wrote to you some time Since the fight but now I will answer your letter. I have not get a letter from Simon Since he has been in Cincinnati. I wrote to Andrew Some time a go but he has not got it yet. when you get this letter I want you you to write me and let me know how much you have got of the money I sent you and if bill Stiles gets all the money I sent him last time then I will tell you how much I have sent home. in all I have Sent $150.00 dollars home in all, Some to Andrew and some to you and the to William Stiles. But you shall have it all you and mother that is if I will not need it any more but I think I will get home yet to See you all yet only keep in good cheer and let the future tell for its Self and we will hope for the better. this paper is so poor hat I can hardly write but I Expect to to write on better paper the next time I write. when you get this letter do not for get to write. I want you to write once a week and I will do the Same. and when you do get this letter pleas Send me some Stamps and a Steel pen and I will try and get Some letter paper and write more. So good by for the present. Your respected brother and Son Christ J Sensenbaugh to his mother and Sister Catherine Sensenbaugh (note: Christian was killed in battle near Dallas, GA on May 27, 1864, about six months after he wrote this letter.) [transcribed by: O William Sensenbaugh, 3071 Massasoit Ave., San Diego, CA] [provided to 93rd OVI website by: Nate Smith. Christian Sensenbaugh was Smith's g-g-uncle]