Installing a 240' Backyard Zip Line video
Zipline Installation with video movie....The zip line rides begin! Checkout the zip line videos below.
Installing a zipline is not hard but, it does take some planning and time. Ordering a zip line kit was the easiest way for me to receive everything needed for installing a basic zip line. I ordered the 250' Quicksilver kit  from I would suggest getting a bungee brake for your zipline. Mine works awesome. after I got the land cleared, I marked a point on the beginning tree approximately 12' off the ground. I then used an inexpensive site level to find the level point on the tree where the zip line would finish. There was a drop of  7 foot in elevation between the two trees. So I raised the point on the start tree another 3 foot so the zipline would have a 10 total drop from beginning to end...

Zip line kit with bungee brake, turnbuckles,cable, carabiner, trolley and seat

Quicksilver zip line kit
Includes all cables, turnbuckles, carabiners, trolley, seat, handlebar and all hardware

Lands cleared and zip line is put up. Need some stumps removed 

The zipline kit arrives.
Awesomeness in a box
Good quality stuff.

Zip line was originally going to be 192"
but,we extended it.
Walked the 240' zip line route before removing trees

Grandkids ride the Zipline

Zip line for Children or adults

Used a chest harness for the kids

Children of all ages

Zip lines are for adults,also

Adult zip line with bungee brake

I ordered the come-a-long with a cable puller from It was truly a time saver. There is no way I could have pulled a 5/16' cable up above the ground 240' without it. They charge $150 for it but, if you return it they credit back approximately $125...I kept mine.

Pocket site level...$12.99 on Amazon