John Lorence (Lorentz)*

Birth: EST 1710
Death: ABT 1817, West Virginia, USA

m. Mary (Lorence (Lorentz )) *

Mary Elizabeth Lorence (Lorentz)*

John Lorence

Philip Lorence

Andrew Lorence

Isaac Lorence

Abraham Lorence

Daniel Lorence

Catherine Lorence

Mary Lorence

Married Mary (Lorence (Lorentz )) *
Child 1: Mary Elizabeth Lorence (Lorentz)* - 15 Oct 1819 m. (1) Samuel Bonnett * m. (2) John Mack
Child 2: John Lorence -
Child 3: Philip Lorence -
Child 4: Andrew Lorence -
Child 5: Isaac Lorence -
Child 6: Abraham Lorence -
Child 7: Daniel Lorence -
Child 8: Catherine Lorence - m. John Pannekuchen
Child 9: Mary Lorence -

Notes: Bio: Will of John Lorence 7-8-1817 Hardy Co. (W)VA Mary, wife, John,Philip, Isaac, Andrew, Ab raham, Daniel, Catherine Pancake, Elizabeth Bennett, Mary (WV Estate Settlements)
Hardy Co. Court Book 2 p 274 7-8-1817 John Lorence, Mary, wife, John,Philip, Andrew, Isaac, A braham, Daniel, Mary, Elizabeth Bonnett, Catherine and her husband John Pancake, grandson Joh n Gray Lawrence -William Heath and Daniel Lawrence - Isaac Inskeep, Joseph Frye and Valentin e Simmons
History of Grant and Hardy Counties
Johann, Johann Philip, and Johann Velten Lorentz all arrived in Philadelphia on the Edinburgh , Rotterdam via Portsmouth, 5 Sep 1748
Johann Lorentz, the Shirley, Rotterdam via the Orkneys, 5 Sep 1751
Johan Casper, the Tyger, Rotterdam via Cowes, 19 Nov 1771
John Lorence witnesssed Conrad Lutts (Agnesa Fleisher Waggoner's second husband) will 177 0 - this John's father?

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