Johan Nicholas Paulus (Powlas) *

Birth: <1737>, Germany

m. Catherine (Paulus) *

Jacob Paulus (Powlas)

Mary (Polly) Paulus (Powlas) *

Peter Paulus (Powlas)

Christina Paulus (Powlas)

Elizabeth Paulus (Powlas)

Adam Paulus (Powlass, Paulis)

Married Catherine (Paulus) * at Catherine ?
Child 1: Jacob Paulus (Powlas) -
Child 2: Mary (Polly) Paulus (Powlas) * <1779/1780> - 1860 m. Christopher McVaney (McElvanny, McVany)*
Child 3: Peter Paulus (Powlas) - m. Catherine Swoope (Schwoop)
Child 4: Christina Paulus (Powlas) - m. Jacob (van) Trump
Child 5: Elizabeth Paulus (Powlas) - m. Jacob Foreman
Child 6: Adam Paulus (Powlass, Paulis) - m. Elizabeth Cook

Notes: Muster Roll of All Men Who Have Enlisted For the Space of Three Years of the Company under th e Command of Captain John Nicholas Weatherholt, Stationed in Heydelberg Township, Northampto n County, For the Months of March and April 1758.
Name, age, where born, date of enlistment and occupation
Paul, Nicholas, 21, Germany, Sept 1, 1757

Peter Pausle vs. Jas. Huling, Rockingham Court minutes 23 Aug 1783, also Pausle & wf vs. Jas . Huling
same 26 Sep 1785 also Jno. Huling, agreed 26 Mar 1786

Deed from Peter Paulser to Jacob Ackart recorded 30 Mar 1785

SEPTEMBER 18, 1787. p.404 Nicholas Powlas exempted from poll tax.
1796--November 2, Christopher McElvanny and Jacob Powlas, surety Christopher McElvanny and Ma ry Powlas, daughter of Nicholas Powlas (Paulus) (consent).
1798--March 3, Peter Paulus and Jacob Paulus, surety. Peter Paulus and Catherine Swoope, daug hter of Peter Schwoop (consent).
1799--October 12, Jacob Trump and Nicholas Powlas, surety. Jacob Trump and Christina Powlas , daughter of above Nicholas. Consent by Geo. Trump, father of Jacob and Johann. Nicholas Pow las (Paulus), father of Christina. Teste: Saml. Curry. Jacob is of age.
Susannah Huff vs. Nicholas Powlas.--Rosanna Sholly is about to remove from the State, 1st Sep tember, '97. Nicholas had a daughter, Polly.
1800--July 14, Jacob Foreman (Fhrmann) and Nicholas Paulus (German), surety. Jacob Foreman a nd Elizabeth Paulus, daughter of Nicholas Paulus.
Insolvents and Delinquents, 1800: Peter Powlas, to the backwoods
from Chalkley's Chronicles

A Nicholas Paul married Elizabeth Herman 11 SEP 1764 German Reformed Church, Frederick, Frede rick, Maryland

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