Charles Edward Hodges

John Henry Hodges Margaret Melissa Humphreys
Thomas Edward Hodges
Charles Edward Hodges

Father: Thomas Edward Hodges


BIOGRAPHY: The History of West Virginia, Old and New
Published 1923, The American Historical Society, Inc.,
Chicago and New York, Volume II,
page 240

BIOGRAPHY: CHARLES EDWARD HODGES, only son of the eminent West Virginia educator and banker , the late Thomas Edward Hodges, has in a brief but intensely active career proved the posses sion of many of the admirable qualities which
distinguished his father. The son made a fine record as a soldier and officer with the Expedi tionary Forces in France, was abroad nearly two years, and not long after his return to Morga ntown he bought and is editor and publisher of The New Dominion, the leading morning newspape r.

BIOGRAPHY: Charles Edward Hodges was born in Huntington, West Virginia, September 27, 1892. H e graduated from Morgantown High School in 1909, from West Virginia University with the A. B . degree in 1913, and also did post-graduate work in international law and diplomacy.

BIOGRAPHY: From 1913 until May, 1917, his duties were those of a reporter and editor for loca l Morgantown newspapers. He was one of the early volunteers for service when America entere d the war with Germany. He enlisted as a private in Company A of the Fifth Reserve Engineer s at Pittsburgh, July 1, 1917, with this command he went overseas, and was on duty in Franc e for twenty-two and a half months. In October, 1917, he was promoted to sergeant and in Marc h, 1918, was sent to the Army Candidates School at Langres in Haute Marne District, where h e graduated with the rank of second lieutenant of infantry in July, 1918. He was assigned t o the 359th Infantry, 90th Division, but later transferred to the 143rd Infantry of the 36t h division. With this command he participated in the Meuse-Argonne campaign, in the offensiv e action along the Champaign front, and before the armistice was promoted from first lieutena nt to captain. After the armistice he remained with the 36th Division until that command retu rned home on June 1, 1919. During the Meuse-Argonne fighting he was cited in orders of the Fr ench Army Corps, with which his division was operating, and was recommended for the Croix d e Guerre. Before returning home Captain Hodges was offered a place on the United States Foo d Commission at Berlin, but declined that opportunity for service in order to return home, th e health of his father being then very critical. For about a year he looked after his father' s interests and in November, 1919, with B. H. Jarvis, bought The News Dominion, one of the ne wspapers with which he had been employed in former years. He is now president of The Dominio n News Company, a publishing company, and has active charge of the editorial and general busi ness management of this influential newspaper.

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