Jacob Schutz

Carl Valentin Michael Schutz (Shatz) Juliana Lipp *
Jacob Schutz

Father: Carl Valentin Michael Schutz (Shatz)
Mother: Juliana Lipp *

Notes: GERMANTOWN The Germantown settlement was first taken up by Francis Daniel Pastorius, the 12t h of the 8th month 1683, by a purchase from William Penn, and was surveyed and laid out by th e surveyor general, 2d of 3d month 1684; under a grant to him for himself and others for 600 0 acres. It proved, however, to contain but 5700 acres. It was part of Springetbury Manor, an d was distributed among the proprietaries as follows, viz.: 200 acres to Dr. Francis D. Pasto rius himself, on Chestnut Hill 150 do. to Jurian Hartsfelder (the same who in 1676 owned al l Campington) 5350 do. to Pastorius, as agent to German and Dutch owners, called the Francfor t company. -------- 5700 do. Pastorius and Hartsfielder were to pay yearly 1s. per 100 acres , quitrent; and all the others at the rate of 1s. per 1000 acres, ("they having bought off th e quitrents") for ever to William Penn and heirs. The patent for all the preceding land fro m Penn is executed by William Markham, secretary for Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, the 3d Ap ril 1689, and it therein specifies "the purchasers" as follows, viz. : Jacobus Vandewalle... . 535 acres Johan Jacob Sheetz.... 428 do. Daniel Spehagel....... 356 2/3 do. John W. Uberfel d...... 107 do. George Strauss........ 178 1/2 do. Jan Laurens.......... 535 do. Abraham Hase voet...... 535 do.

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