Lenart Streeper

Death: 1796

John Groethausen * Amelia Miller *
Lenart Streeper Rebecca Groethausen
Lenart Streeper

Father: Lenart Streeper
Mother: Rebecca Groethausen

Notes: STREEPER, LEONARD, Whitemarsh. June 20, 1795. April 15, 1796. 1.505 To wife Margaret, incom e of 500 pds., mare, saddle, household goods and income of realty. She to educate minor child ren until youngest son is of age, then 20 pds. yearly to be paid to her by each of 4 younge r sons. To 3 sons: John, Peter and Dennis, 5 s. each. To 2 daughters Sarha[sic] Johnson and E lizabeth Thomas, 75 pds. each; each having had 150 pds. To 4 younger sons: Jacob, Daniel, Wil liam and George, farm, 100 acres, also farm, 62 acres purchased of Isaac Norris, also house a nd farm in Roxborough, 16 3/4 acres; also 3/4 of an acre in Springfield and 1/5 part in Fishe ry at Port Royal in river Schuylkill, equally, subject to legacy of 20 pds. to wife. To 6 you nger daughters: Ann Dull, Rebecca Streeper, Deborah, Mary, Catharine and Susanna Streeper, 10 0 pds. each. Rem. to 6 younger daughters equally. Home farm to be sold at death of wife and m oney divided among 6 younger daughters equally. Codicil empowers exrs. to sell farm of 16 3/ 4 acres in Roxborough and the income of money arising to wife until youngest daughter Susann a is 18; when said principal is to be divided among 6 younger daughters equally, in additio n to other legacies. Codicil dated April 1, 1796. Execs: Wife Margaret, son Peter, Nathan Lev ering. Wit: John Huston, Leonard Johnson.

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