Cannon Beach, Oregon V

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Cannon Beach III ... Cannon Beach IV ... Cannon Beach VI

We spend a week at Cannon Beach in June of 2015, and are greeted with great weather.  Sun, clouds and fog combine to create some great views along the beach from Haystack Rock to the beach south of Tolovana.  Unfortunately, the starfish have not recovered from the effects of the wasting disease that appeared the previous summer.

Starfish Wasting Disease still evident

Starfish still showing signs of the disease..

Tips of legs discolored

Starfish showing the deterioriating effects of the disease.

Sunny weather brings lots of people to the beach

Looking south toward Tolovana

Sailboat takes advantage of the nice weather


Lighthouse visible between Haystack Rock and one of the Needles

View from our hotel room

Walking south on the beach

Enjoying the nice weather.

Clouds Produce Nice Evening Views and Sunsets

back to Photo Album ... Cannon Beach I ... Cannon Beach II

Cannon Beach III ... Cannon Beach IV ... Cannon Beach VI

© 2004 Paul Griffith All rights reserved.